Edison Chen and MC HotDog’s New Single, “What Time Is It?”

Edison Chen (陳冠希) gathered with his good friends and partied into the New Year. Edison’s new dance single, “What Time Is It?” features the rap performances of MC HotDog, Chef (厨房仔), MC Yan (MC仁), and Sam Lee (李璨琛).
The music video shows the boys having fun with the girls at a nightclub, a familiar place where the friends often gather for a good time together. As the most experienced rapper, MC HotDog covers most of the rapping, but Edison remains the star of the party.
The catchy “What Time Is It?” is composed by Christian Rich, while Edison, MC HotDog, Chef, and MC Yan wrote the lyrics together. Edison said, “The song delivers the feeling of a party. We often hang out, but it’s the first time we collaborated on a song together. It’s a refreshing feeling. I hope that there will be different opportunities to work together again.”
Sam Lee added, “I was the first to record for the song. When I listened to the rough mix, it was a very surprising feeling. I often DJ and never thought of recording myself.”
MC Yan said, “We should collaborate together more, bringing hip hop to a new level!”
[vsw id=”-jVzXRFiVwE” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]
Source: Sina.com
>Chinese people trying to be black
>Also, Edison
It hurts to live.
*Hong Kong people
Aren’t HK people Chinese?
I mean, those rich and affluent Chinese people that come down often say that they own HK.
You mean it’s not true?
I suggest you use more appropriate terms for your choice of words it’s very discriminating and racist
Suggestion respectfully ignored.
Who says rap and hip-hop culture is only reserved for the blacks? Even though they may be the ones that it originated from…
chinese people trying to be “black” is rather a lot better than chinese trying to be racist.
im proud of mc jin,hahaha.
haha. I think you described that video perfectly. I felt embarrassed just watching it. They could have replaced all those people with 90 year old white people dancing and acting gangster and it would have been less awkward and funny.
Why do so many people want to emulate bad role models or illegal behavior?
MC Jin is like the only respectable+talented Chinese DJ I know of.
Are you hurting right now? I think not
The video look so awkward and they trying too hard to look cool. And Edison is definitely high on something. The intention to make “What time is it?” the “it” song went terribly wrong somewhere. Edison’s solo songs sounded better though I wasn’t a fan of those songs either.
Don’t like this video.. to party animal.. but worst… the way they show drug taking is like part of fun.. not good at all..
agree,and the girls looks they have taken drugs,and the guys looks like pimps ready to take advantage of the girls.sad but its the reality today in clubs in hong kong.
Pretty catchy and someone mentioned drugs in the video lol there weren’t any drugs only alcohol. Those stuff they were blowing was just glossy party favors.
Can’t wait for their album! Just downloaded their super Mario app too
i got to see if edison’s “yee won yau mo dah lup jor”
is he spiraling? even if he publicly self destructs, the Yeungs will get him themselves and he must understand that.
Seriously?! I think the yeungs have better things to do. Edc have nothing to do with them anymore.
didn’t edison once mentioned he is retiring for good
Nope he said indefinitely, just that the HK media didn’t know what that word meant lol he came back in 2011 and so far he’s released 2 albums since then which were pretty successful
End probably doesn’t know the meaning of indefinitely either
this is about as hip hop as britney spears. horrible.
not everyone can be mc jin of course. there are a lot wannabe’s like the addicted pervert edison chan who think he is “wow wow”.
Yep and this so called “wannabe” has 10m+ followers on weibo. How about you?
wow very scary i have to piss now,hahaha
Yeah go on then
I bet you’re real proud of yourself right now, posting on your mobile pretending to be shu.
Thing is, the avatars change according to IP address.
Also, you should wait a lot more than one minute to sock puppet if you don’t want to give yourself away.
Yeah so I’m pretending to have an argument with myself when I should rightfully be analyzing lyrics to songs and devising conclusions about artists from literal meanings
Actually avatars change if you give a different e-mail address I’ve actually tried this before lol cause I thought I wold get an e-mail from this website.
Besides I don’t think it’s the same commenting it just doesn’t make sense like why would that person who pretended to be the original user insult themselves…doesn’t make sense.
The first shu and the second shu are obviously different people.
I’m here regularly enough to recognize the real shu’s avatar.
if edison has 10m+ followers on weibo doesnt mean i have to like him,i think there are more ppl who dislike edison than followers.
True you don’t have to like him but he does have a lot of supporters. I think more ppl dislike him based on his personal choices rather than him as an artiste which is hypocritical.
i dont think its hypocritical,you say it right its a question of choices and everyone is free in what he is doing,and my choice is dont like him not because of his work but his character.if i like a star i like who he is totally not only his works.thats why i mention mc jin.
Different opinions I only admire celebrities for their work not who they are in realize I mean its not like I actually know them and nor they are my friends so I could really care less what they do in their personal life if I like their music, movies etc then I wouldn’t care. I also do like MC Jin his music is an inspiration especially to those who is struggling with their faith.
That’s pretty much Edison’s life in the video.
So are you edc’s pa now? How do you know what he does, or do you believe in the media?
Yeah, OK, EDC makes a music video highlighting the lifestyle of nightclubbing with explicit props (tablets and snorting lines of some unknown powder), but in real life he doesn’t do ANY of that and goes to sleep at 10PM each night and helps walk old ladies across roads.
All hail cloud and dd whom both know the absolute truth
OK, then if you’re so clever why don’t you tell me why he makes a MV glorifying club-life if he doesn’t support it.
Are you serous? There are many music videos based on club life themes and you’re going to hate on him? JT, Chris Brown, Usher, MC Jin, Ron Ng…a majority of artists does it. This was just a song he and his friends wrote for fun nothing wrong with it. Having a personal dislike for someone then commenting about it on his professional life is really immature
Thank you Pyro!
Exactly. Just because an mv setting is in the club, it doesn’t automatically link to that artist’s personal life! Sure he may go to clubs but he isn’t “glorifying” it ! Chillax it’s just a setting.
Respect the pok gai! Uhuh uhuh
Yup! A majority of ppl go to clubs that doesn’t automatically label them as a bad person, they’re just having fun. Sure he may go to clubs but along with more than half of the world’s population. If someone is going to criticize him at least make it reasonable, not stuff like this.
Oh and insulting him with a term like SiHeng just made makes you sound like a 12 yr old that’s not mature enough to even be criticizing him.
>Are you serous? There are many music videos based on club life themes and you’re going to hate on him? JT, Chris Brown, Usher, MC Jin, Ron Ng…a majority of artists does it.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Rappers spend a crapload of time in clubs. Drake, do you remember Drake? Him and his posse made the news after he spent $25000 on alcohol or something. Horrible example.
>This was just a song he and his friends wrote for fun nothing wrong with it.
They’re glorifying club-life. Just like how Taylor Swift sings about relationships influencing her life with all those break-up songs.
>Exactly. Just because an mv setting is in the club, it doesn’t automatically link to that artist’s personal life! Sure he may go to clubs but he isn’t “glorifying” it ! Chillax it’s just a setting.
Have you listened to this song? I feel that you haven’t, either because you have a hard-on for Edison or you don’t understand Mandarin.
>歡迎加入 國王的遊戲
Welcome to the fold, (this) the king’s game (playground).
Edison’s line:
>留下妳的號碼 一起飛得高高吧
Leave me your number, you and me, let’s fly up high
So basically, it’s a song about hooking up (in a club).
What is wrong about hanging out in clubs? I don’t see how EDC and his friends rapping about enjoying the club life have any kind of impact on you personally or anyone else for that matter. He’s not the only artist that made an MV on loving the club life and getting girls. How is rapping about it make it a bad example? Everyone knows about what happens in clubs it’s their choice whether or not to live it.
I see you spend quite an amount of time going through the song and pointing out the lyrics, but since you hate him so much why waste your time to do that just so you can make negative comments on him? I don’t get it.
Can you name me one artist who don’t write songs based on their personal experience? JT wrote Cry me a river based on his break up with Britney and she wrote Everytime as an apology. MC Jin also wrote many songs apologizing about his behavior in his early years. So why write a song if you’ve never experienced it? I get you dislike him as a person and I’m not trying to argue with you, it’s just that your criticism of him isn’t reasonable. If you dislike songs about themes like this then which means you dislike the whole rap/r&b genre artistes.
@dd I dont see why you need to take the meaning of the lyrics so literally?
So when usher sang “let’s make love in this club” he is really going to do that. Yup, go usher.
Excuse me? Who are you to tell me that? I am merely just stating some lyrics here so chill. And for your information I am EDC’s number one fan so I would not offend him whatsoever. Respect the pok gai is a rap song by 24 herbs so go listen to it before you start criticizing other real Hong Kong rap.
@SiHeng oh so you’re EDC’s number one fan? I’ve always wanted to meet you! WEll if it’s a misunderstanding then I apologize it’s just that no note was given so I thought you called him that as an insult, a misunderstanding and I apologize if I offend you in any way. We’re both EDC’s supporters I’m not hating.
Haha said:
How do you know what he does, or do you believe in the media?
You said:
This was just a song he and his friends wrote for fun nothing wrong with it.
Haha said:
Exactly. Just because an mv setting is in the club, it doesn’t automatically link to that artist’s personal life! Sure he may go to clubs but he isn’t “glorifying” it !
Now you say:
Can you name me one artist who don’t write songs based on their personal experience?
Look. I’m Chinese, you’re probably Chinese. I can understand Mandarin, you probably don’t. Believe me, copy/pasting lyrics does not take a lot of time.
>So when usher sang “let’s make love in this club” he is really going to do that. Yup, go usher.
If I went on youtube to watch the MV, I’m sure I’d see something like Usher making out with a chick when he sings this line. I think you need a firmer grip on reality.
@dd sorry but your response still doesn’t answer any of my questions. How does EDC rapping about the current lifestyle that most ppl are living affect you in anyway? He and his friends just wrote a rap representing those that live that lifestyle.Clubs are not a bad influence and you may not believe in casual relationships but that doesn’t mean others have to as well.
I think you may of misunderstood me, we all know what the reality of clubs is, it’s not illegal and nor is making out with random chicks you’ll be surprised at how many ppl actually do that. It’s just I don’t see anything wrong with it.
To dd who does indeed have a firmer grip on reality, are you having fun debating about a person you dislike? Lets us know what song you’ll be studying the lyrics for next 🙂
No I think it is I who should apologize. You see, this isn’t about me — never has been.
And I think we can all agree that sensible people don’t frequent nightclubs. And if you watched the video (which I assume you did since you’re putting him on a pedestal here since in your eyes he can do no wrong), you can see a lot of alcohol, skimpily dressed ladies, unidentified powder and questionable tablets, well, let’s just say if you think that’s OK then I think we’re done here.
@dd I’m just merely stating my own opinion it seems to me you discriminate those who attend night club gatherings I’m just trying to say that most ppl go and it doesn’t make them a bad person, who wasn’t reckless and tries out the party life before? its iust a phase most ppl go through. And by going to these events def does not make them sensible. You may not go to these type of events or agree with those who does but that doesn’t make them not sensible nor should they not be respected just like anyone else. We’re all human beings we have the rut t choose our own lifestyle no matter where we go or what we choose to wear and drink. I’m not trying to argue really cause some of my close friends and myself frequent events like this and it’s just not sensible to look down on ppl that live this life. A majority if ppl drink alcohol and what not its our choices unless we do something illegal or irresponsible then it’s not right to judge.
>And by going to these events def does not make them sensible.
You said it, not me. I’m glad you see it my way.
I mean not sensible lol sorry typing on the iPad it’s difficult at times but hey I get we all have different opinions I just wish you can respect that there are some ppl out there like me who respect EDC, no need to degrade others who support someone you don’t. I get we all have a innate opinion on celebrities based on facts revealed and stereotyped by the media but a majority f them are just misunderstood.
LOL… what a joke!
Speaking of Jin I’m also a huge fan of, purchased his Brsnd New Me EP just last month and it was great, I even got a personal email from him. God has really shaped who he is today a d I respect that, can’t wait or Hypocryte! It’s going to be amazing
The is though EDC and Jin rap about really different things, EDC raps more on things that revolve about society/how ppl see him while Jin is more on how he changed and a new direction. Brand New Me was a great one
I respect both just as much.
Edison looks like a scary drug addict in the above photo…
Edison Chen is a joke. /thread
If he is a joke, then what are you? Perfect? I doubt it.
I don’t think his parents were joking around when they made him…
If you’re a hater, why the heck are you even bothering to read this article in the first place?if you don’t like him then why bother to listen to the song when you know you’re not going to like it anyway? *Geez stupid people wasting their own time*
Support edc forever!!! At least he is doing what he enjoys.
Thank you! Glad to see another supporter
No problem Teecce. No need for the personal attacks when it should be about the music. Anyway edc once said haters make him stronger.
Exactly! His personal life should have nothing to do with his professional life but some ppl fail to understand that
Woo hoo Sam lee!