Ekin Cheng Shares Details of Life with Yoyo Mung

Ekin Cheng’s (鄭伊健) social media pages have been buzzing lately with the news of his upcoming concert, “Along With Ekin”, in February next year. In a recent interview, the actor and singer shares details about his marriage with Yoyo Mung (蒙嘉慧) and also explains why he doesn’t want to have children.
Having been in the entertainment industry for over 30 years, 51-year-old Ekin has consistently maintained quite a fit and youthful appearance, much of which is reflective of his own playful and seemingly carefree personality. Despite often being described as “not wanting to grow up” (his love for video games is well known), Ekin hasn’t found it necessary to explain himself. “It doesn’t matter what other people say about me. Everyone has a different path in life. People used to feel that I just play video games all day; now bit by bit I have work that is related to video games, and it is becoming a part of my career. I feel lucky that I don’t have to change myself, and can still carve a path for myself.”
Ekin does have a mature, responsible side, though, and he showed this in 2013 when he and Yoyo had a low-key wedding in Japan. According to Ekin at the time: “A marriage certificate is not only a promise from the heart, but also a protection for those closest to us. If I suddenly die, how will my assets be legally distributed? Signing the marriage certificate is a way to plan for your partner’s future.”
Having been married for five years, the couple has reached a consensus not to have children, and instead to spend their free time doing exercise and travelling. According to Ekin, he hasn’t quite felt the desire to become a father just yet. “Sometimes I see Sandy Lamb’s (林珊珊), or my good friends’ (Jordan Chan (陳小春), Michael Tse (謝天華)) kids, and I want to be able to help them look after them, but I haven’t thought about having my own children yet, because I am very clear about what I want. Of course, no one knows what will happen tomorrow, but my current lifestyle is very fulfilling, and I am very happy to have found a good partner, who shares the same life goals.”
For Ekin, his main responsibility is to take care of family and their own health, especially Yoyo’s. “Because the doctor often says that Yoyo’s health is not good, so her priority is to look after her body. Now her lifestyle is quite relaxed, she can take on whatever work she wants or learn new things … In fact even going to the park can be a happy time; witnessing her body become healthier means a lot.”
Source: hket
This article is written by Jen for JayneStars.com.
i feel that every time somebody decides not to have children, others always seem to make it a big deal out of it. it’s a personal choice not to have any and the media and outsiders should stop stressing that people don’t have kids or making the couple justify why they don’t want to. it just makes people think that ones who don’t have children are sinners or something.
Insiders know that the REAL reason Ekin and YoYo are not having children is because YoYo is infertile. Ekin is an honorable man in protecting his wife by saying that they have chosen to not have children.
@moseenaddict Or maybe they just don’t want children? If a couple really wanted children, there are so many ways and technology now – Adoption, surrogacy, in-vitro, etc. I find this obsession about whether or not a couple have children is so dated. Not being able to have kids does not make the wife or couple lesser than those who do.
@moseenaddict i think there may be some truth in what you say. I have not kept up with Ekin or Yoyo. However, whilst reading the article it indicated that Ekin was really concerned about Yoyo’s health. As long as she was healthy, then he was happy. I found that interesting as she may have some medical condition which he’s worried about.
@moseenaddict or she could just have weak health and can’t carry a pregnancy full term? It takes a lot to carry a full term pregnancy, and if the couple has no need for children, why go through the pain?
@littlefish Yes, she has poor health. Very unlikely to conceive, not saying it’s impossible. But she wouldn’t be able to carry the baby full term. It’s basically going to end up being her life or the baby’s life and Ekin doesn’t want to take that risk. Ekin knew very well going into the relationship/marriage that he will need to treat YoYo like a princess with lots of care and he opted in. Great for YoYo.. but what if eventually, when Ekin gets older and realizes he actually wants kids and a family? Ekin has always been a ‘care taker’ because he was the same to his ex – Maggie Shiu, he once promised he will take care of her forever when she was hospitalized and weak.
Yeah, I kind of agree that whenever normal married couples come out to say they don’t want children at such a ripe age, it normally is because one of them is infertile, but being in the entertainment industry, it is worse to admit this than to admit you are gay……………I think Sean Lau and Amy Kwok are in the same boat but will not come out to state who is the infertile one.
@yuaida But some people really don’t want children. If they want children but infertile, could have adopted. I notice asian stars rarely adopt.
@funnlim because that confirm they are infertile :/
Anyway, it’s normal to not wanting kids these days and ages, and to be quite honest, she could have IVF treatment, I know someone who got told 30 yrs ago she can’t have kids ever, but now had 2 due to IVF, though mind you, both are not easy pregnancy as her body can’t keep the baby inside for more than 30 weeks. She only manage pass 32 weeks with a lot of meds/hospital help (if the baby isn’t 32 weeks old, the hospital won’t try to keep it). So if yo is on the same boat, I don’t blame her for not trying. Even if you could, but you have to go through so much and risk loosing your life, possibly not worth it if your partner loves you as much as Ekin loves her.
@funnlim Nah they wouldn’t adopt.. because that will be like broadcasting to everyone that they are infertile and the media will never let go of that topic. Another option is to have someone else carry YoYo’s baby, but at the moment it’s too risky of an option for them. Although, I think that was what happened with Kelly Chen’s first pregnancy.
“A marriage certificate is not only a promise from the heart, but also a protection for those closest to us ” I guess this didn’t cross his mind at all w/that long time g/f that he dumped for GL and he also didn’t think of that w/GL huh? Can we call it true love/destiny w/YM? lol haha
@wm2017 It is true love. Whoever he ended up with contented and happy is true love and the past loves are just a journey. Why begrudge him for that?
@wm2017 Reason why he didn’t last with GiGi is because she is a very determined and strong minded girl. She was the one that exposed the relationship to the media, making Ekin look so bad for leaving his ex Maggie Shiu. GiGi demanded that everyone knew about the relationship and made that happen. Ekin likes/wants a more ‘fragile’ woman, someone who will be behind him, not in front. He needs her to obey, he needs to feel that he is ‘taking care’ of her. This is the personality of his long time ex Maggie, and his current wife YoYo. Only YoYo got lucky and wasn’t faced with a GiGi to steal her boyfriend.
Infertile or not, Yoyo doesn’t like children and she found a like minded man. Anyway it is their choice. 51? How time flies. He still has a head full of hair. Looks great for his age.
I think some of you may be right about Yoyo can’t have kid. There was an article in 2015 mentions they really want to have kids and now they changed their mind. Definitely something happened behind closed door. She is 45 and he is 51, that would be a very high risk pregnancy for the child. Sure they could get it in other ways but the chance to have a healthy normal kid would be a big gamble. My next door neighbor just lost his wife due to cancer, she was 50 and they don’t have children. They were always together doing things very outgoing. Now, he looks so depress and lonely. That is what going to happen to most couples who opted out having kids. It’s a give and take but definitely when one partner dies, the loneliness will follow.