Hilary Tsui and Josie Ho Retaliate Against Kenny Wee’s Lies

Kenny Wee’s (黃浩) squabbles with Hong Kong’s influential celebrities have landed him in hot water.
Suki Chui’s (徐淑敏) husband, Kenny Wee, had disclosed that he has a video clip showing several artists taking drugs at his restaurant. Many of the involved artists remained quiet about the incident. Accompanied by her husband, Eason Chan (陳奕迅), Hilary Tsui (徐濠縈), finally held a conference to clarify the drug rumor, and filed a police report over the recent slander.
Sensing the time was right for a counter attack, a group of the involved artists, including Hilary, Josie Ho (何超儀), Grace Ip (葉佩雯), Sam Lee (李燦琛), and Convoy Chan (陳子聰) together with their lawyers, held a press conference to dispel the drug rumors, and announced that they have proceeded to take legal action.
Josie Ho Fights Back
During the press event, Josie Ho, issued a legal statement through her lawyer. In the issued statement, Josie denied the use of drugs, and she did not notice anyone taking drugs during the dinner gathering at Kenny’s restaurant. She declared there was no married actress french-kissing any actor at the dinner. Josie further stated that she has never, by herself, or through another party, threatened Kenny, as there was no reason to commit an unlawful act.
Josie’s statement continued with the speculation that Kenny Wee’s accusation stemmed from his anger towards the group when they complained about his restaurant, Taiwan Yiping Huadiao Chicken, overcharging its customers.
Josie also pointed out in her statement that Kenny has been delivering conflicting accounts of the incident. Contrary to his previous claims, Kenny now acknowledges that he has not seen the video clip, never seen any drug related incident in his restaurant, and never had the possession of a video clip.
Because of Kenny’s false accusation, Josie was drawn into the scandal and suffered from immense stress due to public criticism and discrimination. Josie’s lawyer advised that the negative publicity generated by Kenny’s false accusation is beyond “blatant defamation”; it can be considered a serious case of “injurious falsehood”. Kenny will be asked to promise not to repeat the accusations and fabricate similar accusations. If Kenny fails to comply within 48 hours, Josie’s lawyer will proceed with additional legal action without further warning.
Now is the Time
Josie explained why she did not respond over the drug rumors earlier. As an artist, there are bound to be frequent rumors and gossip against her. Usually, it is not necessary to respond. However, the drug scandal has gotten out of hand, and there are many malicious speculations against her. She felt that her family, friends and investors may also be affected. Several of Josie’s sponsors have been pressuring her to dispel the rumors.
“So here I am here today. I welcome my reporter friends to help in approaching the other party for the truth,” Josie said.
Hilary Fires Back
Josie’s friend, Hilary Tsui, who is also the main character in the drug scandal, also released a statement during the press conference. It declared that it was wrongly reported last Friday how Hilary was at a police station supplying information for investigation, however she was actually there to press charge.
It also said, after the event, her lawyer will be at the police station again to supply additional information for the party involved to be put on record. It further stated that “someone” has filed a false report to the police regarding the 17 artists attending dinner last year.
A legal warning letter has been sent to Kenny to silence his liberal mouth. The artists vowed to pursue further action if necessary.”
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Source: ihktv.com
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Let the show begin…
I’m ready with popcorn and softdrinks. Let’s see how’s da stories go.
Disappointed that Kenny Wee eventually gave in and did not want to submit the video clip.
Well, Josie Ho definitely has some kind of “power and influence” (through her dad) in Hong Kong.
If your family safety is at risk…you would think twice.
Is that what happened? Because I think he handled it terribly. If he did have evidence, he should have given it to the police. If he did have, and hesitated to hand it in due to retaliation, then he should never have revealed he had the tape in the first place because of course, they would come gunning for him.
see how the rich behave, they act as if there is no God in this world
wouldn’t welcome any of them in my restaurant
Jayne, can you do a special timeline of these event?
Blurry reporting:
First, the incident happened a year ago?
Second, the is another person holding the video to blackmail Kenny?
Third, Kenny never mentioned any names of the artist right?
Sam Lee revealed a timeline of the scandal’s origins in above video footage of news conference.
Piecing together Kenny and the involved artists’ testimonies:
1) Group of 24 artists had dinner at Kenny’s restaurant last year. Artists were overcharged.
2) Artists circulated overcharged incident at Weibo, which likely angered Kenny.
3)Kenny claims that he had security tape footage of artists taking pills at his restaurant and said they may be drugs. He did not name any names. He claimed that he had received threat to hand over the tape. The police became involved.
4) Rumors erupt that there were 5 artists involved in taking drugs at Kenny’s restaurant: Sam Lee, Hilary Tsui, To Yu Fung, Grace Ip, and Eric Kwok.
5) Rumors continue that Eason was very upset with Hilary. Kenny mocked in social networks.
6) At a wedding, Kenny claimed that someone slapped him and called the police. The slapping was rumored to be done by Eric Tsang, who warned Kenny on behalf of Eason. But eyewitnesses at wedding said there were no confrontations that night and no slapping occurred.
7) Eric Tsang tells his “crap-eating story” and many celebrities voice their opinions that Kenny is a questionable character who may be lying.
8) Eason and Hilary hold press conference, denying she had any drug habits. Producing photos of the dinner with 24 artists, they challenged Kenny to produce tape. Sam Lee makes declaration of innocence.
9) Kenny said he did not watch the tape, retracting earlier statement.
10) Sam Lee, Hilary and Josie hold press conference and threaten legal action.
The above sounds like a high school drama, where the involved parties are unwilling to back down and ready to strike back at the slightest instigation.
And if there is such a videotape? I wonder how they will all respond? Oh those were just flour perhaps?
Stop threatening legal action. Just sue.
Thanks Jayne. This is can be worth TVB material. Why last year? Is Kenny restaurant not doing well?
Obviously, they are a group of powerful people so if Kenny Wee has been intimidated into silence that would not be surprising. However, if that is not what happened, right now it looks like Kenny Wee is lying because he talked about a tape, but never gave it to the police and then finally retracting his story. If he did have a tape and was not going to give it to the police, he put a target on his back by leaked the information about the videotape/drug accusations. His business will likely be ruined now and who knows what kind of other dangers there are given the close ties between triads and the entertainment industry.
At the moment that timeline doesn’t look great for Kenny. I mean, what are the chances that the accusations are made against the exact same group of people, who happened to publicly accused his restaurant of overcharging and hence affecting his business in a negative way?
It doesn’t matter whether or not these celebs take drugs in their own time. The matter at hand is whether they took drugs AT KENNY’S RESTAURANT and whether there is CCTV proof of it as he has said there is.
Innocent until proven guilty, the same should be held for celebs or powerful people regardless of the publics contempt for certain people. Unless there is evidence to prove his point, this is nothing but slander. He would be liable to pay out libel and sued for accusations as such in any country.
are they proud of themselves? of what they are doing? what is forced-written in the papers may not be what is actually-written in people’s heart, maybe all shops and restaurant owners should hold a press conference.. not welcoming those 5 into any of their shops or restaurants
I told you he’s a Douchebag.
And it’s hard for everyone to believe it cause it’s easier to believe that artists are bad ppl ==|||
If he has an actual tape recording, he may as well release it now to shut those celebrities up.
it’s not that easy to make such decision when you have a family. and hk traids are no jokes.
Which is why he should never have said anything in the first place.
can see why at one point stanley ho did not want to include josie ho in his will
If he has the tape he really needs to hand it over to the police. If his reason to not hand over the tape because of threats made by the celebs with triads getting involved, then that’s not a good enough excuse. It begs the question: why wouldn’t he release the tape to the police as they could protect him from the triads, and wouldn’t need to face charges against him by both the celebs and HK law enforcement?
If he has the tape Kenny should hand it in to police. If he hasnt done this, then why not? I can’t see why he has spread this news if its not true. There are rumours that he did this to publicise his restaurant.. can’t see how as will only cause agro to himself and problems for Suki’s career. The saga continues…….
It’s not to publicize his restaurant. He got into arguments with Hilary’s group last year. To me, he wanted to take revenge by spreading negative rumors about the group, but didn’t think it would become this serious. Kenny does not come across as an intelligent person and he did not think about the consequences of his actions. He changed his story too many times that it’s making me doubt his allegation against Hilary’s group.
btw, hilary wearing a simple top with pearls is pretty abvious not by her own choice lol
haven’t the five artists brought enough shame upon themselves and their family? and now this press conference? with a lawyer too? haha
birthday dinner of 24 people for $9000hkd is about $40usd per person…seems about right, as i’m sure they were drinking as well. I hope they have the coustesy to tip…prolly not.
i know right? like its cheap when u open up bottles and such? sounds like cheap celebs to me. but WTH is truthful about this is really interesting. i mean, if this guy is trying to plot a so called revenge or publicity? really? like the publicity will give your restaurant a good reputation? hum, Hilary and Josie and Sam Lee; they actually all look quite the addict to me…. face wise and figure wise hahaha..lol….
if this Kenny dude does not have the tape, then its all BS thou…
to simply ask someone to leak out the tape isn’t that hard right? maybe there’s no tape after all…
So HK is not a safe place, no wonder that many HK celebrities are now residing in Beijing and Shanghai.
or some has move on to Singapore.
Their actions are known as “big stone sitting on a crab”, so monies talk.
After 1997 HK is no longer a nice place to work and stay.
one of the jounalist has asked them: the strongest evidence to prove that you dont have used drugs is to take your blood/urine sample for trace of drugs investigation. but all of them answer no need to do this. so i think they have something to hide.
there won’t enough piss in the world if every time a public figure oblige to a drug test. Also, remember the event happened over a year ago and two those test aren’t always accurate. Next time when you go take a drug test eat a poppy seed muffin or two. 🙂
It is good to be rich and famous. You usually have the power and connections to do more…….
can anyone tell me more about Kenny Wee?
why is hilary there? eason said he don’t mind wife spending HK$500,000 in less than one week, so what is approx HK$180 per head dinner (inclusive of alchohol) to them?
oops, correction its approx HK$375 per head for that dinner, not costly at all for a birthday celebration
Almost RM170++ per head and to u is not costly at all??
Like u all say, artists are just the same with us, if the foods is not worthy with the price charged, ANYONE will get MAD
FYI, JOGOYA Restaurant, a quite well known JAPANESE BUFFET rest in MSIA only cost MAX – RM88.00 PER HEAD!
So do Hillary, she is willing to spend Lotsa $$$ on clothes that she deemed WORTHY!
U think she dress like a garbage, that’s ur opinion, she felt that DRESS make her like a GODNESS!
Just like certain ppl who don’t even own a car but spent thousands to buy an LV bag!
so….video or it didn’t happen?
kenny better have a backup plan to escort his family out of hk if he actually lied about this situations…these ppl don’t seem like fun ppl to play with.. he could be seriously in deep S*** because of this…
Initially I did believe a tape existed as I saw no reason why Kenny would make it up. Now, it seems quite obvious Kenny fabricated the tape. No way will I believe such a tape existed if these artistes are denying the allegations in such a high profile manner. The fact that so many uninvolved artistes have come out to question Kenny’s character is evidence enough for me to think he’s lying.
I would like to see a drug test to put an end to it but I think it’s the right decision to not do one. It’s insane to have to do a drug test to prove an allegation false. If they do it now, it will just open floodgates. Artistes will be expected to do drug test, DNA test, etc in the future to dispel rumors.
why not to prove your innocent by doing a simple drugs test.because all the 5 celebs have taken some drugs i think.if k.w. gives the tape to the police they will force them to do a drugs test. but k.w. wont give the tape because they treat him with the hulp of the triads.so thats the reason why J.H.&co are so confident and acused k.w. for giving false acusation.
It’s true what Sam Lee said, so, I don’t believe that Christine Kuo, Linda Chung, Eliza Sam n the gf of Wong cho lam are VIRGINS, do they also need to get a TEST??’
And FYI, even PANADOL is DRUG!
The rich and powerful will always have the advantage. Dun uderstand the big fuss about it; isn’t it the same everywhere isn’t it?
But I really can’t stand Kenny Wee. If he really had the tape, did he not consider the repurcussions of the supposed triad connections and clout of the celebrities before he so publicly accused them? And later to retract his statement and contradict what he said? If it was as alleged that he did so to retaliate against the celebs for the overcharging incident, thats even more stupid.
Anyway, either way, Kenny Wee just seems like a really naive and dumb guy.
Macau’s Gambling King Stanley Ho has sent his private jet to pick up 88 Mao Shan King from Singapore recently, Malaysian daily The Star said on Wednesday. The newspaper reported that the tycoon managed to buy only 88 durians instead of 98 as the supply of the scrumptious fruits was low due to the bad weather. Ho spent a total of $2,065 on the king of fruits at the 818 Durian Stall at Telok Kurau Road. He then shared 10 of the durians with his friend Hongkong business mogul Li Ka-Shing. The Mao Shan King durian costs about Rm38/Hk76 per kilo in Singapore, the daily reported.
He has good taste bud. Mao Shan King is indeed a very tasty breed of durian. I love it myself. 🙂
i can’t stand durian.
Rm2,065 equals to approx Hk4,130 but if Sd2,065 equals to approx Hk10,335
Why didn’t they come out before he retracted his story? Something must of happened for him to change his words…now that they shut him up…they can come out and put on a show for the public.
that something is that J.H.’s father buy some fruit for K.W.
I believe kenny instead. I admire their courage for speaking at the press conference knowing they have to lie. If Kenny doesnt have the tape, people wouldnt keep asking him to shut up and threaten him not to hand over the tape. There must be something in the tape that is illegal. I feel bad for kenny though. He wanted to do the right thing but instead backfire because others are richer and more powerful than he is.
If they really did drugs, why chose a restaurant instead of going to a nice villa of some rich people. Anywhere is better than this place, isn’t it.
If they were to did drugs, why they had it in this restaurant instead of having it at the villa of some rich people? Anywhere is better than this place.
Josie Ho renews contract with King Fook Jewellery. Hongkong actress and fashion “it” girl Josie Ho has renewed her contract as brand ambassador for King Fook Jewellery Group. The actress-cum film producer was a picture of glamour, as ahe arrived at the afternoon celebration in a pristine white open-top Lamborghini cabriolet, wearing more than $10 million worth of jewels and a gem-encrusted Alain Philippe watch.
Josie Ho ( birthdate 26 Dec 1974 ) is a daugther of Macao casino magnate Stanley Ho and King-Ying Nam. She is the wife of Alive band member and actor conroy Chan Chi-Chung. She credits elder sister Pansy Ho with supporting her early efforts to establish a singing career over objections of their father.
Doubt he has the video tape or he would have produced it to the police/public already. I felt it’s good that the artists is finally stepping out to tell their side of the story. It doesn’t matter if they have money or not.. over charging is over charging so why shouldn’t they speak up?
I’ve watched the press conference live on air and their supposed “refutations” were shallow and do not hold water. What they kept emphasizing was that their was discrepancy in the bills. and when a reporter asked whether all their actions were healthy, they stuttered and refused to agree or otherwise deny whether they took drugs on a daily basis. Even the lawyer’s voice and hands were shaky during the press conference. What does that indicate? fear/guilt.
@ 939393, So your judgement based on Body Language ? ..looks like “Every Moves You Make 2″…lol it hold water ?
@ 9394967 sre you one of the famous 5 or the lawyer? haha
@9394967, are you one of the famous 5 or the lawyer? haha
Yes I m of the famous 5…kekekeke
@9394967: didnt you know that micro movements and body language speaks more truth than words?
So you going to tell me , we SHOULD made judgement based on body language ? .
If this the case, the day will come all judge just sit at home , making judgement via online at courtroom , focus the defendent body movement.Muwahahahaha.
If I were to face hundreds of reporter, cameraman, I will piss on my pant, I m not actor or actress good in putting mask
I believe the tape do exist. But look at the ppl involve, all of them so rich. Something must be happening behind and now everything settled in behind, all of these artist come out and stage a drama and do press conference.
I can understand when they disputing the bill in the restaurant but left without paying it?, this show their true personality are..
I am sure that there will be no further legal charges as this matter has been settled. It’s all drama now. I would believe it if they really sue kenny and bring it to court and make it into a case.
What this whole incident reflect is that HK’s legal and law enforcement system is no better than that of a third world country. This is the second case (the other was the Benny Chan molestation case) in which they just stand on the sideline doing nothing while letting all parties play it out in the media and then settle with some cash exchange hands.
“A legal warning letter has been sent to Kenny to silence his liberal mouth”
If nothing happened, why need to silent?
Wonder why not sue Kenny Wee if all are innocent.
they didn’t even outright deny doing drugs at all. And if all their actions in the restaurant were truly healthy then they can directly refute any claims that Kenny has the video at all. Right now those people are walking on thin ice, either Kenny does have the video or either he is bluffing.
From what I see so far i think that bday party involved drugs.
Of it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…what’s the chance of it being a chicken?