Hong Kong Celebrities Share Tips to Beautiful Skin

Despite the hot and unforgiving summer climate of Hong Kong, local celebrities seem to possess glowing hydrated skin under all conditions. Singers and actresses including Michelle Reis (李嘉欣), Joey Yung (容祖兒), Kelly Chan (陳慧琳), Sammi Cheng (鄭秀文), and Rosamund Kwan (關之琳) reveal their secrets in maintaining a healthy complexion amidst the daily variations in humidity.
Michelle Reis Only Eats Fruit For Breakfast
In order to detoxify her body each morning, Michelle insists on eating only fruit for breakfast. She believes keeping her digestive system clean is optimal for healthy skin. Furthermore, she would ensure her face is devoid of makeup on at least one day per week. This way, her skin would have room to breathe once in a while and be relatively free of chemicals. Michelle would also devote some time in treating herself to a hydrating face-mask.
Joey Yung Started Using Cosmetics at Age 7
Many people believe that women should start taking care of their skin at around the age of 25, but Joey started to use her mother’s cosmetics products at the young age of 7. When she was 10 years old, she even made her own natural face-mask. Joey’s determination to keep her skin looking healthy at an early age definitely seems to be worth the results.
Kelly Chan and Sammi Cheng Emphasize Skincare Routine
No matter how busy they may be, Kelly and Sammi ensure they complete all the steps in their skincare routine each day and night. This includes removing makeup, washing the face, patting on a toner, and applying a hydrating moisturizer. Sammi rarely visits beauty salons, and believes the secret to healthy skin is keeping her skincare method simple. She expressed that removing makeup properly and keeping her skin hydrated are the two most important steps.
Rosamund Kwan Avoids Direct Sunlight
Besides using lotions that lock in moisture, Rosamund also avoids directly exposing herself to sunlight in order to minimize the harm that UV rays can cause. She also aims to receive as much sleep as possible, and avoids eating oily or spicy foods.
Source: Mingpao
This article is written by Shirley for JayneStars.com.
i am not so sure if these celebrities have good skin themselves. i saw an article on jayne a while back and some of the have pretty big skin flaws.
Sure it has things to do with botox, fillers etc. I highly doubt they can maintain their beautiful skin by just eating fruits.
Sure fruit helps alot to obtain nice skin but once a person gets older, their collagen will decrease as well. In order to maintain a tight less sagging skin, many girls opt for fillers and botox to get younger skin texture.
I know an unbelievably youthful looking Chinese lady of age 70 who still has smooth skin without wrinkles. She never had surgery or botox, but ate lots of fruits and veggies since young. Amazing thing is, she’s not at all conscious about using creams, lotions and the beauty regimen.
@msxie0714 pic?
I believe you b/c i can attest to that myself. it’s not just what you eat, but also what you don’t eat like processed foods, sugars, fries and avoiding the sun. i haven’t met anyone who has smooth skin at 70 but my mom had smooth skin w/o wrinkles in her 50s and she always looked really young. mind that she never ever spend a single penny on facial, creams, etc.
Sandra Ng has great skin. Should have asked her for advice too!
I’ve been mixing up home facials with natural ingredients recently. Fruits are the best as they give skin an instant smoothing and brightening effect.
Below are some of my favorite blends:
-papaya, plain yogurt, manuka honey, juice from one lemon slice
*gives skin an instant glow thanks to enzymes found in papaya, which is very gentle on skin. Lemon juice can bleach freckles.
-kiwi, plain yogurt, manuka honey, powdered raw oatmeal
*kiwi can sting the skin a bit due to the alpha hydroxy acids, but the feeling goes away after about 5 minutes and has a wonderful exfoliation and brightening effect. Oatmeal is very moisturizing.
-plain yogurt, manuka honey, tumeric
*tumeric is antibacterial and helps heal pimples, also gives skin an instant glow
I blend the ingredients fresh; a handheld mixer helps puree the fruits to a finer texture. I apply the mixture to skin for 20 to 30 minutes at night, then wash off. The next morning my skin is glowing.
Yogurt and manuka honey are a great base for any home facial as the yogurt contains lactic acid (good for exfoliation) and honey has moisturizing and anti fungal properties.
I experimented with the ingredients after reading some beauty sites that utilize Ayurveda practices. I love the homemade face masks more than the store bought ones, which are very expensive and full of chemicals.
I find it’s hard to believe a 7 yr old starts using skin care regimen, yes, most little girls play with their mother’s make up, but skin care at 7 … hmmm, and making her own natural mask at age 10? What a load of croc!!!