Kenix Kwok & Ray Lui Film Wedding Scene for ‘Born Rich’

Kenix Kwok Ho Ying, Ray Lui Leung Wai, Nancy Sit Ka Yin and Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming were filming at the public pier in Tsim Sha Tsui yesterday for “Born Rich” 《富贵门》. Kenix and Ray filmed a wedding scene aboard an antique ship, climbing 13 meters high on the mast. Prior to boarding the mast, the pair signed a life waiver for liability and assumption of all risks involved. Due to the strong winds, the weather was extremely chilly. The filming at Victoria Harbor attracted numerous tourists to stop and look. Filming on the ship’s mast, was Kenix scared and cold at the same time? “It is extremely cold high above on the mast. Earlier in the morning, I already climbed up on the mast once. After changing into the wedding gown, it was even more difficult to maneuver the space up there. I would like to thank the crew members in showing me how to climb the mast.”

Ray Lui praised Kenix’s professionalism. She was truly shaking in the cold. He tried to shield her from the winds. When Kenix received the script, she did not envision the mast being so high. After seeing Ray climb on the mast and the positive results, Kenix asked the Producer and Director whether she could do the same.

Although Kenix did not have acrophobia, she was afraid of the sea. Despite signing the life waiver and no safety wires were used during the filming, Kenix felt it was worth it. Kenix laughed, “Today the weather is beautiful and there is no rain. Hopefully when the scene is broadcast, it will make many people want to conduct their weddings abroad a ship.” Did Kenix sacrifice a lot for the scene? “It is worth it because the scenery is really nice. In real life, I will not experience such a scene, so it is good experience.”

With the recent global outbreak of swine flu, Kenix was not worried. But she would pay careful attention to personal hygiene. Since Hong Kong experienced SARS, people will be more prepared in dealing with swine flu. In dealing with the many unexpected occurrences in the world and the impermanence of life, Kenix will just try to maintain a positive outlook and stay happy.

[Since the filming of “Born Rich” was drawing to an end,] Ray bought 20 boxes of French champagne and Nancy prepared jellied bean curd and million yuan bird’s nest for the production crew. Ray was not afraid of the recent outbreak of swine flu, but he hoped that everyone will maintain good health and give more to charity. Although Ray was not superstitious, he believed in karma.

Since Nancy just recovered from her illness, she got a runny nose and became a bit seasick due to the cold weather. After completing “Born Rich,” Nancy will go to Guangzhou in May to endorse some health-care products. For Mother’s Day, she will go to Singapore to do a promotional event aboard a cruise ship. Nancy’s younger daughter, who lives in the USA, is situated close to Mexico, where swine flu originated. She reassured Nancy and told her not to worry, but she will pay attention to her own health. As an extra precaution, Nancy will reduce the amount of time spent outside home at public places. In regards to her radio broadcasting work, Nancy will carry disinfectant to disinfect the area at all times.


Jayne: I thought Ray Lui and Jamie Chik were supposed to get back together in “Born Rich.” Perhaps this wedding scene between Ray and Kenix were filmed out of sequence? The spread of swine flu is occurring rapidly. Several cases discovered here in New York City already; likely to be much more in USA and Canada in the next few weeks….

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