Linda Chung Hopes Timing is Right to Win Best Actress

A hot contender for TV Queen with her role as a female pharmacist in All That is Bitter is Sweet <大藥坊>, Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣) hopes that the timing is right this year.
“After working in the industry for ten years, I have confidence in myself [to win Best Actress]. It should be good timing! But I won’t give myself too much pressure. When I didn’t win the award in past years, I gained more maturity [over handling the pressure].”
Linda believes that timing is very important in the outcome of awards results. “This year, comedies may be popular. Next year, tragedies may be the trend. Hopefully, this year To Kai Kei [character from All That is Bitter is Sweet] will be popular!”
When it was pointed out that Charmaine Sheh (佘詩曼) is another hot favorite to win TV Queen this year, Linda said that she has admired her since entering the industry.
Denies Being Angry at Philip Ng
At a birthday party, Linda was photographed glaring at Philip Ng (伍允龍) for putting his hand on her shoulder. Tabloids claimed that Linda wanted to downplay their romance during the race for TV Queen and was upset at Philip for exposing their secret relationship so openly.
With regards to her angry attitude towards Philip, Linda clarified, “That was just an expression caught on camera. It was a friend’s birthday party and the friend is supposed to be in the spotlight. That night, there were only happy thoughts and no angry ones.”
Grace Wong Clears Rumors with Daniel Sit
Grace Wong (王君馨) was seen chatting with Fala Chen‘s (陳法拉) ex-flame Daniel Sit (薛世恒) all night at the party. While Grace was speculated to be interested in Daniel, she explained that they are good friends attending the same church. Grace said, “There’s no chance [with Daniel] as I already have a boyfriend.” Linda also added that it is important for their fellow churchgoers to support each other.
Source:; Oriental Daily
This article is written by Su for
she really wants that BA award…..i’m gonna laugh out loud if she doesn’t get it this year and see her face of disappointment
I think in the past years, she handled her loses quite well. On the other hand, Kenneth Ma had such a “O” shaped mouth when he didn’t win BA for OnCall36!
Pretty sure that was because Wayne got it over Raymond and he thought Ray was going to get it because he’s so popular.
yeah, i had the same o mouth because i was so sure ray was going to win. i don’t believe he thought he was going to win neither.
LOL, LF had such a fake smile! He must’ve cursed inside his mind! Kenneth gave a very genuine and real reaction.
“I think in the past years, she handled her loses quite well.”
It was only last year that she was hyped up to win the award, but I agree that she dealt with the results positively.
Agree with snowcone and katyiu. She didn’t cry in public and even told her fans to stay strong!
After reading some of the comments, it makes it seem like Linda was dying to get the award and wants it badly. If she won’t get it, she’ll cry to death or faint on stage lol.
I think she’s not versatile enough to win the award. She’s a one-sided actress. She ‘s only good at goody girl roles.
She can’t act as a strong personality career woman, or a great leadership lady cop, or a nasty villain, or woman gangster, or a loose woman,…
All her roles are tailored made for her, not a good indication for acting abilities.
Charmaine should win the award. She deserved it.
Agree. The article is so wrong on labeling Linda as a hot contender for BA
Except Linda at her best is when she’s playing those bratty roles (A Journey Called Life and Gem of Life), the complete opposite of her usual roles. I’ve never seen her better than in AJCL and that was 6(?) years ago!
Right. That is at least 6 years ago.
Yeah, Linda can only do well in her usual good girl roles and the only “bad” role was in Journey called Life but she still turned good anyway. Her acting was good but then again she’s acted in so many of these roles we’re sick of it. Charmaine should win but knowing tvb they’ll give it to Linda -_-
She did alright as the super icy bowling teacher in “yes sir” …
I’m curious as to how she will be for Tiger Cubs 2 – can’t wait for that to air!
Yes, this exactly! She really is a one sided actress. And wow, if she gets nominated/wins, it’ll just show the type of control TVB has over such awards. Then again, it really is rigged.
But yes, she seems to be a pretty good person, but as for an actress.. She needs more work. It’s a shame there aren’t more TVB actresses or newcomers that can act.
Ugh, recently watched some older TVB series, they really are 100x better than the ones now!! Love the past actors/actresses. Now those were the days when people could portray a variety of roles and be awesome at it.
@Dr. M
“She did alright as the super icy bowling teacher in “yes sir” …”
She started off okay, but her character soon became no different than any of her other characters. She needs to prove to viewers she can be something other than a girl-next-door.
Agreed , Charmaine is good in acting and she deserves the Best Award this year
Seriously BA award?? She must be dreaming
BA for this role?? I doubt that. Won’t think it will enter the 5th finalist
I think this year best actress award will go to Charmaine Sheh. She deserve it more than Linda
This year the performances dont stand out as much imo. I mean I can see Charmaine getting it but only because Im watching Line Walker now and she’s giving me a good impression from her acting. Out of all the possible contenders, I think Charmaine would be a reasonable BA choice. Linda still has a long way to go if you ask me.
Krystal also did well in her series with Roger and Ron,followed by tavia’s performance in Storm in A Coccoon.
For me the order would be, Charmaine,Krystal and Tavia for this year.
Krystal is only good in acting fierce lady role , no way this year she can get the BA
agreed. but don’t be offended I don’t really like Kristal’s role 🙁 sorry Kristal fans. I think Tavia was okay but not really natural at times. Charmaine was a natural and she really can fit into those good but mischievious roles, I think she would bag the BA but TVB probably wouldn’t give it to her.
Haha, I’m not offended at all. I’m wouldn’t call my self a fan of Krystal, but to me she is an actress who can act. I really liked Tavia’s acting in Storm, though I don’t know what you’re referring to when you’re mentioned at times her acting seemed unnatural , but i do have to say at times she did go a lol dramatic in scenes. But damn her eyes really can bring out all kinds of emotions Lol!
Charmaine is also my pick for this years BA so far. It’s not her best IMO nothing spectacular but she does stand out from the rest based on her performance in Line walker.
Linda also has Tiger cubs 2 to be aired this year, who knows, maybe she mightttt wow the audience with it, but I definitely don’t see her as BA material otherwise…
You can stop dreaming. Yes, you’re hard working but I don’t think you’re quite there.. But then again TVB plays favorites – in that case, you may win.
then the timing is not good this year because i think tvb will favour charmaine then,and actually she is good in linewalker better than linda in all that is bitter is sweet.
I don’t think TVB favours Charmaine Sheh this year. Her “Line Walker” is not an Anniversary series and is not airing just before TVB’s anniversary, while Linda Chung’s “All That is Bitter is Sweet” is considered as an Anniversary series. It just happens that Charmaine’s acting in “Line Walker” is amazingly good and she has become a top actress for Best Actress Award in 2014.
?? How is Linda’s drama a anniversary series when it only started 2 weeks after Line Walker lol? Anniversary series start at a later date, usually October or November.
Then wait for the anniversary drama series …..”The Battle of Tomorrow”, starring …… Kate Tsui and Lawrence Ng, or some other drama series.
Perhaps Kate Tsui is the Best Actress candidate favoured by TVB.
The official Anniversary series are Inbound Troubles II and Overachievers.
any proof to say that overachievers is this year’s anniversary series? just because an artiste said it doesnt mean it is. wait until theres an official release date!
“Inbound Trouble 2” starring Wong Cho Nam and Joey Meng
“Overachievers” – is a drama series for actors, not for actresses. The actresses include Maggie Shiu, Nancy Wu, and Susana Kwan.
I doubt those two drama series are promoting actresses for Best Actress Award.
Unless Joey Meng acts really well, otherwise, the Best Actress Award will go to someone else, such as Charmaine Sheh, Linda Chung, Kate Tsui or Tavia Yeung.
no, no. if grace or sisley gives agood impression, they could be nominees for most improving. lool.
As a matter of fact, there isn’t any drama series stated in Wikipedia after “All That is Bitter is Sweet” and “The Battle of Tomorrow”.
If Grace Chan or Sisley Choi gives a good impression, they can be nominees for most improving.
I have not watched any of Grace Chan or Sisley Choi’s drama series yet, how can they be nominated for “Most Improving Actress” award? Improving from what kind of acting?!
seems like you forget how eliza sam got nominated from her minor role in ghetto justice2
Well, I guess anything can happen in TVB. I don’t recall how Eliza Sam got nominated for “Most Improving Actress”. Did she ever win that award?
nope she didnt get it that year but she did get it last year.
@V: It was announced by kuangaiTVB, which is usually a reliable source. You don’t have to believe it if you don’t want to just wait and see in November then
doesnt mean it will be a popular drama though or guarantees viewers.
Agree with miriamfan. Leanne Li retweeted the post on her Weibo and it’s from Kuangaitvb, reliable source IMO.
um.. why were my comment deleted? I just said that Linda wasn’t capable of getting BA yet and that charmaine deserves it.
Why are YOU deleting comments that arent even hostile to anyone?
I don’t think she’s ready yet.
She’ll get it eventually…just wait for your turn, lol
well…i don’t really think she would win to get a best actress yet! i prefer Charmaine sheh to get the best actress this year! 😉
in her dream. worst actress.
She is overrated
I prefer Linda over Kate at least
I prefer Kate over Linda in acting
agree, in her dreams LOL her acting is not great It’s always the same
She is definitely than Sire and other actresses in TVB.
And I don’t get why people are so angry at her for saying she wins the award.
I mean come on people, let’s be a little realistic??
Don’t you want the top honors when entering a competition in school? Don’t you want some recognition?
Before winning BA in 2008, even Ha Yu admitted he wanted the award. I believe Wayne Lai said he wanted the award publicly.
The award is a symbol of recognition and will be in the records books forever.
I don’t think it’s that “serious” or outrageous that she said “I want the BA award.”
Better than Sire
Gosh, I seriously don’t want her to embarrass herself thinking she will win for sure.
Her whiny passive acting is annoying. The character she plays have no personality and dry. Good luck with BA, ain’t gonna happen.
If Linda can win BA anyone can if the timing right
she wont win it yet. too early to say so. and she still got tiger cubs 2 to prove her acting skillz
If Linda Chung does not act well in “Tiger Cubs 2”, it means that Linda Chung’s acting is very limited and not good enough to be a TV Queen.
Will wait and see if Linda Chung deserves to be TV Queen in 2014 …………
Exactly, her performance in Tiger Cubs 2 is critical. If she fails that role, that’s just really sad.
Even as your friend, Linda. I don’t think you deserve it.
i think it’s her time too, but mostly because tvb would do anything to keep her. i think linda is a decent actress but her best roles to date are from a journey called life and yes sir, sorry sir. haven’t seen anything half as good from her since.
Since TVB has lost so many good artistes in the last two years, I also think TVB will do their best to keep Linda Chung and Kate Tsui by awarding them TV Queen.
But people leave anyway after winning
It is very true though unless winning TV Queen award is one of the conditions in negotiating a new contract.
Signing a new contract= winning BA or any awards
Now that’s insulting the whole event and they should not deserve to get any awards
What about TV king? Ruco deserves it. He was robbef of it last year and ihope he will get it this year.
Depend on tbb. If they nominate him with ATIBIS that means they don’t want him to get it-his role there is worse than supporting-tbb’s usual tactic.
This is so UNFAIR to Ruco !!!!!!!!
yeahhhhh i think so too. RUCO IS AWESOME!! not offending any anti-ruco fans this is just my opinion sry if i do btw
I think linda chung acting improve a lot but I also hope Charmaine will win but who knows it’s usually rig like travia’s adward
Not yet. Not for this one.
I think so far this year, in my opinion, never dance alone will win drama of the year, sammy shum most improved actor, louis cheung from black heart white soul win best supporting actor. As for supporting actress, it’s natalie tong vs sharon chan vs priscilla wong (tvb loves her so much…so..) and most improved female artist goes to….samantha ko
Best actor: ruco chan vs roger kwok
Best actress: charmaine vs linda..
Good picks! Sammy Shum did improve a lot this year.
My top 3 for best drama are ROE, M Club, and Line Walker.
Somehow i dont ruco will ever be in top 2. Neither deserves the a tress thingy. Sammy is improving but not there uet.
You know…there aren’t many choices. Tvb artists are lessening by the day and majority of current ones suck and are not up to par as before. Sammy may be not there yet in your opinion but I can’t think of anyone else who can be better than him
Funn, why do you think Ruco will not be in top 2?
Wooo, I am with you. I have a feeling that TVB will give BA to Linda. Too bad, nothing we can do. Anyway, I will support Ruco Chan.
BA for Linda. Sorry I don’t think so, wait for another 10 years when her acting has improved
If Linda wins BA, the award should be called TVB favourite artist, and not the Best actress. Favourite and Best are totally different, but some hk people just don’t understand the difference
Talk about self centered me me me … this girl isn’t humble or modest. I’ve been in the industry for 10 years and i deserve to win .. wah wah wah. Hope she loses 🙂
To be honest, I think Linda does better in roles which are NOT tailor made for her. When roles are tailor made for artists, I think it’s hard for them to live up to the expectations of the audience.
I don’t like either Linda or Charmaine.
i think she’s on drugs to think she even stands a chance to win….
No way is Linda close to getting a BA. Her acting have been similar thought the years no matter what role she plays….maybe she’ll have a break through role later. But this year, Charmine in Line Walker is the best.
I just hope that Charmaine does not get robbed again, like for when Tavia won instead
Ooooo dats 1 hell of a challenge mann! Goodluck CharmaineS n Linda Chunnnnnnnnnnnnnng!!!!!!!!!!
Linda won’t get it… Who really actually cares about the award…. BA. Is just a promotion to leading stable status inside the tvb world which means nothing…. Having a leading status and a good career is better then getting the sloppy award
Go to and vote for Ruco Chan and Charmaine if you are supporting them.
The timings were perfect for Myolie and Tavia when they won BA for their respective year….
She can’t act. She won’t win
She can’t act but she may win. It’s tvb man.
Linda must be joking. Her acting in ATIBIS is really bad and boring at best. She’s not qualified to take BA
It doesn’t matter if she can act or not. If the “company” wants to “promote” her, she’ll get it..
True, but if she gets it without approval from the majority of viewers, it’s a waste rather than a satisfactory win. Might as well wait until her acting is actually accepted.
She might be willing to wait, but it’s not up to her in the end if the company really wants to give it to her. But it must suck big time if majority of the audience don’t think she deserves it and she ends up getting it. It’d rather not get it and win audiences approval instead. Winning an award and having most people believe that you are undeserving of it must feel crap lol. Because in the end, though receiving an award may bring benefits, it’s the audience that actors act for, so it’s important to gain approval and support from them in order to survive in the industry..
The only way Linda can win BA this year is if her performance in Tiger Cubs 2 is an absolute breakthrough. She seemed to have high hopes for her character’s reception, so hopefully her acting skills are up to expectations.
I think is not the time for her to be TV Queen. She is too young & remind me when she was Beauty Queen.
I’m not watching her new drama, but don’t think the odds are in her favor this year. At the same time, although half of TVB dramas were good this year, there wasn’t any exceptional acting. I believe Tavia did a good job in Storm in a Cocoon as did Kristal had a challenging role in Black Heart, but don’t think either one is BA-worthy and since both has won in recent years, it’ll be more fair to give it to someone else who has worked hard, but hasn’t had the recognition. I also liked Carmen Lee in M Club, but don’t think its BA-worthy and since she’s only back to film this one time thing, TVB will hardly consider her. Charmaine is also strong in Line Walker and has a fair share of artists supporting her, but her street smart roles aren’t anything that we haven’t seen before; having won the award before, she probably cares very little for it.
I would much rather see a black horse (like how Kristal won last year since she’s not considered a fadan) win than Linda, honestly. Not because I don’t want Linda to have it, but because she’s likable and when she wins, you want her to deserve it all the way so there’s no backlash about the winner. Like Kevin Cheng said, he didn’t deserve it when he won in 2006 and his win became controversial. But when he won again in 2011, everyone roared for him.
In terms of acting and among her the fadans promoted in her time, she does have the most solid acting. And with Myolie and Tavia having received it and Fala gone, it’s only between her and Kate.
I agree with you…Tavia, Kristal, Chamanie are great, but they already won once or twice…Linda, Myolie and Kate are really not to the that level yet…so TVB really has hard time to think whom to give…same for TV King…no Wayne again, please!
I agree with almost everything you said! Personally, I root for Charmaine this year, as I think both her acting and the role itself is the most interesting. Carmen Lee was great, but knowing TVB, they’re obviously not going to give her the award. As for Tavia, it’s also unlikely she’ll win this year, since SIAC seems like ages ago. I would also much rather have a dark horse win than Linda, but what dark horse is there? I don’t have hope for Linda’s role in ATIBIS, but am hoping she’ll convince everyone with Tiger Cubs.
girl is trippinn`
I hope srsly Linda can take the award . Although she has BA award in Malaysia XP
Linda Chung actually “composed” the ending theme song (Big Love/大愛) for All That is Bitter is Sweet. Wow!!! So talented!!!
I think Linda Chung could be quite musical or has talents in music, but unfortunately she does not have a strong voice for her to excel in singing.
agree with you