“Naked Men Running,” Ruco Chan and Louis Yuen Reveal Groin Outlines

Ruco Chan (陳展鵬), Louis Yuen (阮兆祥), and Gill Mohindepaul Singh (喬寶寶) filmed a naked running scene for TVB comedy, Chok Family <Chok氣一族>, yesterday. In the scene, the three men removed their clothes and were enjoying a massage when triad members suddenly barged into the parlor to seek revenge. Wrapped in towels, Ruco, Louis, and Gill raced down an alley to escape from danger!
Possessing the fittest body out of the three men, Ruco Chan indicated that he did not mind filming topless scenes in producer Amy Wong’s (王心慰) drama, Chok Family. Ruco had exposed his butt in an ATV travel program years ago and did not mind doing so again in films for artistic merit. “If I were to come across a good script, I do not mind revealing my butt!” However, Ruco drew the line at extensive nudity along the lines of Taiwanese actor, Kai Ko’s (柯震東) exposure level.
Ruco Chan and Louis Yuen Expose Underwear
While running, both Ruco Chan and Louis Yuen’s towels fell on the ground, revealing their black underwear. Louis’ big “package” stole the limelight, which Ruco did not mind as the pair were friendly costars in their second TVB collaboration.
Reporters teased Louis about his confidence in the size of his “package,” which he tried to deflect. He explained that he wore the tight briefs because the director had requested him to wear extra-small briefs for the massage parlor scene. Louis added that it was his first time filming a topless scene on the street. “I have done so inside TVB City. When I heard about the scene, I was a bit worried and asked the director to not film the scene on a crowded street!”
Source: Oriental Daily
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Jayne: JayneStars.com’s “2011 Sexiest Man Alive in Hong Kong,” Ruco Chan, drops his towel while running! Hehe… Ruco and Louis’ underwear were indeed quite tight.
This scene reminds me of Sharon Chan’s naked running scene in “Ghetto Justice” plus I was thinking of a New York theater production called, “Naked Boys Singing” thus the title of this article.
Chin Pang looks very fit in the photo.
Really? I think he needs to start doing some more weightlifting or at least doing some proper push-ups.
Sit-ups or some hardcore running will do wonders to his abs. Playing tabletennis won’t do it, LOL.
Silly, is this really news?
lol good
He explained that he wore the tight briefs because the director had requested him to wear extra-small briefs for the massage parlor scene.
I don’t like the direction TVB is going. What it these lewd gimmicks?
I think the tight briefs are meant to be kept underneath the towel. The briefs are not supposed to appear on screen? But not to wear boxers because it might appear too bulky underneath the towel?
From the article, I assume that the ‘towel fell on the ground’ scene is not accident but what’s written in the script.
I don’t think Louis and Ruco will appear in such tight boxers onscreen. Past actors who have appeared in briefs in TVB dramas, Michael Tse and Moses Chan, appeared to wear a groin pad (like for athletes) to avoid outline showing.
The brief doesn’t look extra-small to me. they looks fit on these actors body. More like a M or S to me.. definitely not EXTRA SMALL.
I agree about TVB’s direction. Revealing skin (male or female) is definitely the wrong path to getting quality drama series!
Why Ruco looks old?
He’s already old in real right?
Just 35.
maybe coz he permed his hair.
Did Louise Yuen lose a bit of weight? He looks skinnierrr
The title is too much!! And what is this show of skin these days eh? And yes, I see quite a lot of stuff in these 2 men. Woah!
“The title is too much!!”
I think I have run more outrageous titles. But don’t you think that “Naked Men Running” is apt since the scene was obviously influenced by Sharon Chan’s naked running scene in “Ghetto Justice?”
Ruco Chan and Louis Yuen should wear groin pads next time they have to strip down to their underwear. The towel is easy to fall off without a pin securing it.
We should be glad they weren’t wearing thongs?
The first part is ok, but “Ruco Chan and Louis Yuen Reveal Groin Outlines” oh too much!! And well the title reflects the contents so errmmm…. thongs… should be ok. Maybe less to see than black thing they’re wearing!
lol Jayne,
I think I wont feel anything even if they didnt wear thongs.. lol men’s private parts doesn’t look any fascinating imo lol.
Why do directors think that a naked man in a funny scene running away and accidentally exposing himself would be sexy?
Especially as the naked bodies looks ew… and the reaction is ew…I feel embarrassed for him.
It’s not even sexy. Shouldn’t a shower scene or bed scene be more sexy than a comical scene?
I seem to remember your “towel drop!” chant f/ your GJ episodic thoughts. When KC shows skin, there’s plenty of enthusiasm. 😀
When RC and LC do it, definitely not the same effect.
Please continue w/ the outlandish headlines. I love your NY flair!
Because Kevin mah!!! Louis Yuen… no no no. Ruco… still no no no.
why not? to me Ruco looks as hot as Kevin, and acts 100x better.
ok but where are the buff guys lol
My eyesight must be bad as I can’t see anything close to offensive in the 2 ‘exhibitors’except that they were both wearing, of all colours, black underwear. Why black and why wearing the same colour?
Haha, look closer. It’s like Ruco’s packing a ping pong.
At least there’s something there!! I think the underwear is not meant to be seen. Rather black than white.
pingpong is way better than marbles.
They were told to wear boxers under the towel for modesty. But whilst running, the towel fell hence we see them in boxers.
But the series will not show them in boxers. It’s on TV!
yes he is. but he looks so funny in the pic above XD
Ahh.. such awkward pics indeed… I think it’s by accident looking at Ruco’s pic? doesn’t seem on purpose. So awkward, definitely too revealing.
Sigh, once again, TVB styled Ruco oddly here. Can’t they make him look better like in TOT? For some reason, he reminds me of Blue Lan.
Why did he remind u of Blue Lan? For me, Blue Lan’s personality is like what he portrays in Ps Man. Maybe i got too absorbed with that drama.
I did hope to see some six packs when reading the title :P.
Huh you expected to see six-packs from Louis Yuen, hahaha.
Almost forgot that you prefer one-pack over six-packs, LOL
Yup, I prefer fit smooth than six packs, but as long as it is fit and smooth. I dun expect much on Louis but did hope Ruco has one.
You changed your preference? Thought you preferred one-pack similar to the one Louis got, LOL.
Nope, still never change, just that you dun understand my description on the half-nude good looking guy. I like fit and smooth. No need to be six-pack but fit and smooth skin.
Guess you are too complicated for me to comprehend or perhaps it’s just not winter anymore hence no need for a fatty guy, LOL.
Hugging a guy in the winter is different to looking at him as an artist. Next time I’ll say easier for you to understand.
I don’t want to see Louis’ “package”, going to have nightmares now!
LOL, he looks so hilarious in the pic where he fell on the ground.