Pakho Chau Announces Birth of Second Baby

Pakho Chau (周柏豪) announced a new member has been added to their family and that his wife Stephanie has just given birth to a baby boy. As no news had surfaced earlier of his wife’s second pregnancy after their daughter Sonya (周芯悅) was born in December of 2019, the birth of their son took everyone by surprise.
Uploading a photo of himself gently cradling his baby with a loving expression, Pakho wrote, “Hello everyone! I can finally share my happiness with everyone. We have added a little brother to the family. He weighs 7.5 pounds and came with a full head of black hair. He announced his arrival loudly at a decibel on par with his sister.
“I am really thankful towards my wife. It has not been easy taking care of our family and our daughter while nurturing our son in her belly. This type of patience and care is a superpower that is unique to all mothers. As I watch my children, I realize that a parent’s love is unconditional. No matter what the future holds, I only hope to take good care of them and allow to grow up healthy and happy. This is the wish and lifelong responsibility of all parents. Thank you to our parents and those that love us. Thank you for your well wishes and care.”
Pakho is currently busy filming for TVB drama, The Spectator <旁觀者>, but still makes sure to allow enough time to take care of his newborn baby.
This article is written by Kiki for