Pakho Chau’s Name Omitted from “Line Walker 3” Cast Credits

Hyped up to be TVB’s biggest drama this year, Line Walker 3 <使徒行者3> has already started airing on myTV SUPER and online Chinese streaming services. While many of the cast, such as Raymond Lam (林峯), Michael Miu (苗僑偉), Benz Hui (許紹雄), Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪) and Priscilla Wong ( 黃翠如), were heavily promoted for reprising their roles, Pakho Chau (周柏豪) was not in the cast credits despite having filmed several scenes in the sequel. With the omission, many fans are left questioning if the star will even make an appearance.
Playing a major role in the Line Walker: The Prelude <使徒行者2>, Pakho’s character faked his death and reappeared to follow Benz’s character to Thailand as his right-hand man. While there is room to explore Pakho’s character in Line Walker 3, many are disappointed that his role may have been downplayed or even shelved.
Last year, Pakho posted a political comment on social media urging Hong Kong residents to vote, which angered many people in China who threatened to boycott his works. Though Pakho reacted by deleting all his posts from his Instagram page, the damage was done. His screen time was significantly cut during the filming of Line Walker 3 in September 2019 due to the controversy. Now that his name does not appear in the cast credits, it remains to be seen whether Pakho may only make a cameo appearance or his scenes are cut entirely from the final edit.
Source: HK01
This article is written by Sammi for
What a shame that political views gets in the way of a person’s entertainment industry career……….Everything gets politicized these days.
@yuaida Totally agree! That was such a narrow-minded decision.
I don’t understand Hong Kong and democracy. If you don’t want democracy, just get rid of it. Stop pretending like you actually respect the voting process by having it.
@tatsumakijim they are either too weak or too caught in between. They dare not say no to CN and dare not turn aggressive to those who want things done differently.
Why waste resources if you believe you cannot handle the results? It only makes everyone angrier
What a pity, I was looking forward to see him in the drama
While I don’t think he should have been cut for his democracy views, his character should have not been resurrected. It cheapened the fallout of the character’s death. Plus, the character was a murdering vigilante and imposter, not someone that should be made heroic.
@potatochip unfortunately I think the political event happened after the show ended it so they intended to bring him back.
It’s a huge plot hole, they should have at least addressed it somehow. Poor pakho.
@tt23 @bubbles23
Yeah, it is a big plot hole. I hate how TVB does that, just like Ali’s character in White Duel, which I think is even more egregious.
But from a storyline perspective, they never should have had him alive again at the end. Once they made that error, they needed to commit. I wasn’t very impressed with Pakho’s acting in LW2, but I understand he has gotten much better, so I did want to see the improvement.
Side note, I think they should have killed off Ali’s character in White Duel too. It was unbelievable that she found a miracle cure off-screen.
@potatochip agree. For sure then they didn’t want to kill off the idol of the drama and now they literally had to find a way to write him out again *facepalm*
Watched 1st 3 episodes and it’s good,
Impressed with Sisley Choi character, Her acting so much better now…
Raymond Lam will most likely get BA
@mulder99 don’t you think her character is kinda similar to her role in The Defected?
LF def has it in the bag. I think Mandy is also gonna win it. Wonder how she feels about it lol
@mulder99 totally agree, Sisley is improving a lot. Mandy is good with these kind of role, strong & power woman. She can’t do sensitive, weak role cuz she can’t pull the cry scenes. And I also find that most of the casts probably share the same hairdresser lol. KM, OW, SC similar hairstyles just different colors lol
A true disappointment indeed i was really hoping to continue to watch his and priscilla character continue with the romance on this series don’t really know why they added Sisley and Shiga not so much liking in watching them and isn’t Kenneth plays Moses brother and here to avenge his death correct me if im wrong
@sherla1019 Kenneth is but I think to make the story more interesting, they haven’t revealed that yet. But you can see he’s beginning to get close to those who killed his brother.
Sisley is worth having in this series, shiga is mostly for flashbacks because she died in the LW2.
i don’t enjoy watching shiga also. nice body but she looks like a man.
these chinese netizens are just punks. his comments were o encouraging people to vote, not a criticism of anything or even anyone. what bunch of poop heads.
@m0m0 Yes, thank you for sharing this totally agree! It’s ridiculous how much power they give these so called netizens sheesh. It’s fine that they can write whatever about the stars but it shouldn’t have to affect their jobs.
I’m wondering if the long hair dreadlock dude with Foon Hei Gor in LW3 is actually a role reserved for Pakho originally. Seems irrelevant to be given so much screen time
Anyone know where to discuss LW3 in English apart from Jaynestar comment section?
@antibaka I was totally thinking that when watching the episode. It didn’t even make sense when he was talking about how he died in LW1, I don’t remember that guy being anywhere at all. I think that was pakho’s storyline.
Now it just seems random that he’s there
Such a shame, really does look like they’ve edited out all of Pakho’s scenes- I really enjoyed his character in LW2.
Unrelated, by looking at the cast list, it seems that Michael Tse aka Laughing gor himself and Ron Ng are one of many who are guest starring!!?? They really have gone all out this time hahaha
@ledge to add to this, there are literally pictures of Pakho with Kenneth and Raymond during filming- unless against all odds they keep those scenes in, it feels like TVB have re-written the LW2 ending to pretend he didn’t survive
@ledge this made me hopeful that he was at least going to be in the first few episodes but I think they either cut or refilled some of those scenes.
They just need to address it somehow. The timelines so far are all over the place at the moment tbh but since shiga and tony have not showed up yet, I am hoping that the timelines will be sorted out then.
@tt23 so I echo what @antibaka said above.
I may be thinking too much into it but basically the pics I saw of Pakho were when he was with Kenneth who had that weird floppy hair in that weird brewery (before revealing he was a UC). So realistically, I feel that was his supposed recorded scene cut out and replaced with the dreadlocks guy.
The timeline is so confusing but with 37eps I’m hoping it’ll somewhat clear up by ep15 or so. With Shiga and Tony (as well as the supposed appearance of Oscar Leung who died in LW1) really makes me think that there’ll be lots of flashback scenes. A bit upset that out of everyone they chose to flashback Tony hahahaha
@ledge yeah agree with all your thoughts here. Hopefully they clear things up by then.
Kenneth’s look is killing me, it’s terrible. That eyebrow with the half grey. He can’t pull off the grey hair because he’s Kenneth and also I am constantly comparing him to Owen from AC who looks great with the bleached hair.
Omg tony is the worst. Like I just don’t like his overall personality or anything about him. He’s not good looking or a great actor, nothing appealing.
@tt23 whoever did Kenneth’s makeup really didn’t take a second look. I was like what’s wrong with his eyebrows the entire time. Kenneth cannot pull off the cool look.
I’m afraid that Benz, Pris, and Ben have literally been reduced to big side characters since they are focusing so much on Mandy/Sisley/Kenneth and 300 other cameos.
@bubbles23 they did a terrible job with this look. Raymond however looks flawless and doesn’t look like he aged one bit lol.
There’s 37 episodes, I think they will have their time. They were all promoted heavily before the premiere so they must have lots of screen time. I think the most surprisingly cameo for me is Ron lol how random. Fave so far is FAMA of course.
@tt23 XD Line Walker meets The Academy wonder if it was Raymond who invited him
@tt23 @bubbles23 Kenneth’s hair is outrageous hahahahah. I feel they were trying to age him from LW2 as that was supposedly 10 years ago but it just looks like a mess.
Benz looks to have been sidecasted in this series but I feel though Ben and Pris are both only supporting, there has been a lot of promo on them two so I feel there’s more to come.
I don’t really like Mandy here, I’m hoping Priscilla does well because I’d defo prefer her for best actress.
It really does seem like a cross over of LW and The Academy with Ron Ng and Michael Tse. I’m quite excited who else will turn up.
I’m hoping for Priscilla for BA as well…
I don’t think Mandy’s role is really a stretch, very similar to Brutally Young role..
@mulder99 I find Mandy okay in this role BUT like you said it’s almost identical to BY with similar motives. And, this is the only kind of role she’s not annoying in as a logical cop, so I’m not sure why she’s “A list material”. Pris showed a lot more depth in LAD imo. I hope PH’s removal didn’t negatively impact her and Ben’s screen time too…
@bubbles23 I honestly did not like Mandy in BY. This role has much more depth and complexity and she’s doing good so far.
Either her or Priscilla I’m good with!
@tt23 definitely Mandy, seeing how she’s front and centre in LW3… LF and Mandy’s got it. When’s the last time both BAs come from the same drama?
@bubbles23 The last time both BAs came from the same series was back at 2016 with Ruco and Nancy winning with AFWFW.
Finally a series worth watching on TVB,
But I find it a strange broadcasting strategy from TVB that it’s released overseas first and online streaming in China. By the time TVB Jade broadcasts in HK, the whole series will be online already…