Patrick Tse Blasts Cha Siu Yan for Spreading Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung’s Divorce Rumors

Radio host, Cha Siu Yan, revealed that Nicholas Tse and Cecilia Cheung were experiencing marital strife. Ms. Cha even claimed that Cecilia was “sucking dry” Nic’s wealth and even asked Nic to change the ownership title of a property intended as a gift to Nic’s father, Patrick Tse. Allegedly, this was a key instigator in leading to Nic and Cecilia’s divorce.

Patrick was quite angry over Ms. Cha’s discussion of Nic and Cecilia’s marital disputes. Parick said, “What right does she have to talk about other people’s family matters? I will scold her when I see her. “ (How are Cecilia and Nic now?) “It’s a small matter. I don’t know why the matter seems to be blown out of proportion now. Which married couple does not have arguments?” Afterwards, Patrick quickly terminated the phone interview.

Attacked by many people for her insidious remarks, Ms. Cha replied, “I do not wish to respond further. I am only doing my job to report news and the truth.”

Source: Orientaldaily

Jayne: Patrick Tse’s comments can be interpreted as the expected response. However, he did not clearly note that Cecilia and Nic are not getting a divorce.


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  1. It does sound like the rumors are true after all. What Patrick Tse is doing doesn’t really help calm the situation down.

  2. A family friend indeed, airing friend’s problems…I know it is preemptive measure but surely this isn’t right, not at this time.

    1. I also wonder why she had to do so?? Maybe she originally had a good intention behind it but it did not work out the way that she wanted it to?? No one knows for sure…

    2. Are you Wai Peng’s friend? Am trying to contact her.

  3. She most probably get the green light from Deborah since she’s good friends with Deborah.

    She has said before that she knows a lot about the family because of her close relationship with them. But, she wouldn’t say anything until members of the family say first because she knows what she says will affect the family.

  4. I do believe that some people love stirring up trouble and putting their nose in when they are not needed. For some reason they always enjoy talking about unpleasant things about people. I bet they wouldn’t have much to say if something nice happened. As the Cantonese saying goes “bad news travel afar but good things are never mentioned”. This is very true.

    I am neither a fan of Cecilia or Nicholas but even they are human and should have some privacy. None of us know the real reasons or which is true and which is false but it can’t help their marriage when they hear stupid comments from people like that Cha Siu Yan!!!

    1. I honestly wonder why would Cha Siu Yan have to do all this for? It’s not like she gets paid a lot more or anything right?? I don’t think that getting attention for doing something negative is a good way to acquire attention. I also don’t believe that Cha Siu Yan want to be viewed in a bad light…

      Based on how angry Patrick is, maybe there is some truth to it all?? Lets wait and see…

      1. the most logical explanation is the Nic’s mom told her to do it. maybe to make sure the sympathy would be on Nic’s side. Patrick might just be playing all along we never know.

      2. OH yea, that is true… It seems like Cha Siu Yan’s story is one sided and is putting Cecilia in a bad light. Nic has already spoken up about it but Cecilia has not said anything yet. I wonder if she will or not???

      3. @exoidus: agreed. I am sure Cha Siu Yan has Deborah Dik’s approval before airing the Tse’s family problems. Deborah is a smart, cunning lady who is very good with PR. The best person to announce the marital problem is no other then the trusted family friend.In addition, Cha Siu Yan has quite a solid reputation with the Hong Kong people. Her sources are pretty accurate not like the other Hong Kong gossip reporters.

  5. Seems to me the rumours are true. If there isn’t any truth in it, Patrick Tse wouldn’t even get angry since he has been in entertainment so long and knows the media well enough.

    However I read other reports, and believe Deborah gave Cha Siu Yan the green light since 1 day b4 she spilled the beans, she says she is not in a position to say anything and less than 24 hours later, she said way too much as a family friend.

    Nevertheless, what happened to Nic being the best man of the century with his love quote?

    1. “Nevertheless, what happened to Nic being the best man of the century with his love quote?”

      What makes you think he doesn’t still love her now?

    2. Maybe he still is. A man’s patience has its limits. If the woman is so insecure and did so many “little” things I wouldn’t blame him for divorcing her. I will advice the woman of the same thing if her husband is that annoying and irritating. Marriage is through thick and thin, sadness and happiness, but if you’re always so miserable, why bother?

      1. yeah, life is too short to live in unhapiness. Why did I got the ugly avatar hehe.

        Well you don’t really know what happened and you can’t trust the media. If they do divorce it won’t come as a surprise to me at all.

    3. Patrick only get mad at cha siu yan but doesn’t deny anything! Report seems true to me too omg!

    4. What makes you believe that the rumours are actually true?? Was it because of Patrick’s response??

  6. I am surprised by the news, especially claims that Cecilia was sucking dry Nic’s wealth. Although she has not filmed in 5 years, surely she must have her own money from a pprevious successful career.

    If Cha Siu Yan had the green light to talk about Cecilia and Nic’s marital problems, did Ms. Cha’s claims about Cecilia sucking dry Nic’s money reflect Deborah Dik’s views? I thought Cecilia and Deborah got along well.

    It’s difficult enough for normal marriages to work and when the couple is separated more than together due to work, it’s even harder. Why would Deborah give inside scoop to Ms. Cha to add to public pressure?

    1. Maybe, just maybe, Deborah had enough of Cecilia and just want someone else to tell the public the “truth”…

      1. That can be a possibility but if Deborah was only faking the good relationship with Cecilia, she did a good job because she fooled everyone. It feels like Patrick has a better relationship with Cecilia than Deborah does now.

      2. Just because Deborah doesn’t show affection openly doesn’t mean she is faking it or Patrick showing so much affection that she is genuine.

        Truth is I think from viewpoint of a mother in law, who would want their only son marry a woman with such a scandalous past? If she found out about title transfers, she may have formed a negative image; this girl who should count herself lucky for marrying my son is sucking him dry from his wealth. It could coincide with rumours of seeing Edison again, maybe an assumption was born.

        My take is Patrick has very little influence on what Nic thinks or do.

    2. Well celebs spend money in a different manner than us Jayne. If we had the amount of money that some of them had, that would be enough for us to live without working for the rest of our lives. But in their hands, the money will only last for a period of time. Also, when you are married, you have some of your own money but of course you would share money as a married couple. The wife that is not working of course would have to spend her husband’s money if she does not even have much of her own.

      I heard that Cha Siu Yan did not even dare talk about the Tse family’s problems before. However, just the other day she just suddenly gave all of these details about Nic and Cecilia’s martial problems. Therefore, I am assuming that Deborah may have given her the permission to do so. Otherwise I don’t think she would dare to go into so much detail about it to the public and media. I still don’t really believe it 100% but there may be some truth to it. Time will tell..

  7. I’m really surprised by the rumors. Especially by the quantity of them. I just hope it’s not true and will be cleared up soon.

    About that one article that said Cecilia was sucking the money out of Nic, I think I read and article a long time ago that mentioned the two were financially independent.

    And it’s possible they have disagreements as many people do, couples or not (and although we get a glimpse, we still do not know these people personally),
    but all those previous interview, articles, weibo pictures, I think their love shows genuinely.

    1. Well none of us are sure or not yet about how true all of this is. I read another article about Nic speaking up about it, so there is a possibility that there may be some truth it all. However, nothing is confirmed yet so lets see.

      I am not sure if thay are 100% financially independent since they are a married couple. I feel that if you are a married couple, you should still share money one way or another. Otherwise you don’t seem to be financially bonded or trust each other with money. Money can make or break a marriage.

      Of course none of us know them personally, but I think based on what we do know about them, we do know that Nic and Cecilia do love each other. Since they do, I do hope that they will work things out and give each other another chance.

  8. No one should be surprised at Nic’s ‘loving husband image’ or the fact that Deborah and Cecilia seemed to be on good terms. That’s called publicity stunt, something a star’s PR team plans out to build a certain image.

    1. ohh and I am not hating here, just trying to say, it could be (if the rumours are true)

    2. That can be a possibility, but honestly how long can you put on an act like that?? It is true that they are actors and all, but when they are off screen, how much acting do they really have to do?

    3. yeah you could be right, we never know. it’s important in showbiz to have a healthy image. ofcourse you could go the bad boy image route as well.

      1. Nic has already had the bad boy image in the past so I think he is trying to shed that off now. NOw that is he a father, he has to try to be a good role model for his kids.

  9. The media is hilarious! They knew if they kept digging and digging at Daddy Tse that he would eventually slip some information. The media knew for certain that Nic and Cecilia were having problems but they needed at least one person from the Tse family to clarify that.

    Also, I don’t believe for one second that Cecilia’s friendly talk with Edison caused all this drama. If anything, it only added to their problems. The radio host made it seem like Cecilia is all about money but Nicholas just as money driven as his wife. All they did since the beginning of their marriage is flash all their assets. Hopefully, before they make any rash decisions they will think of the kids because the last thing we need is Lucas growing up to walk in his Dad’s footsteps.

    1. The media is always speculating this and that just like the rest of us. However, we just don’t have the power that they do to that’s all…

  10. Honestly, I’m not surprised about the news at all. I didn’t believe they’re so happy in love from the first place already. I had gut feelings

  11. They all suck! Nicholas, Cecillia, n Edison. Loser
    Too bad for the kids.

  12. Apparently some of us outsiders including me are suspecting Mummy Tse as the one giving Ms Cha the “green light”.

    Yeah. Mummy Tse and Ms Cha are best buddies. Ms Cha has also repeatedly back up her buddies when they have problems 🙂

  13. be parents must know how to take care their children, because if wrong take care , the child will be take wrong meant.

  14. Cha Siu Yan is pretty respected in the radio industry, so I don’t think she is doing this as a publicity stunt for herself, and her reports are often accurate, and unlike the tabloids. However, as many of you have said, she probably got the green light from Deborah Dik to share this on the air and what she is sharing may just come from Deborah’s point of view. Even in this modern society, it’s still very hard for mother and daughter in-laws to get along. I’m sure that deep down, Deborah probably has a long list of things that she is not happy with Cecilia about, probably from the first day that she found out that Nic and Cecilia married without their consent. And as time passed by, I think she accepted Cecilia because of her son’s love for her, and for face because their family wants to give off a very loving, united image to the whole world. Now that crisis strikes and it can no longer be covered because “paper can’t cover fire” she knows that eventually the news will leak out, so why not take this opportunity to make sure her son is presented in a good light and be the victim instead of the perpetrator.

    1. Excellent insight, Aly! I like the comment abt “paper can’t cover fire” How true!

    2. But what if the son is hard at work trying to mend the relationship? To authorise such an expose, solely hitting out on the daughter in law and painting the son as some victim may not sit down well with the son. Ever thought some things are meant to be kept quiet until and unless necessary to be revealed? If she did authorise the expose without the son’s consent, if Miss Cha talked about it without the consent of those directly involved(the couple), then whatever respectability she has, she is in the end just a gossip columnist and that doesn’t accord for much respect in any entertainment world.

      Now if Nic knew and kept quiet, now that is quite a strategy isn’t it? For the impending ugly divorce.

      1. Since the time Deborah kicking a fuss at Nic marrying without her consent, I’ve had the impression that Deborah is a very domineering mother and mother in-law.

    3. I have the same viewpoint on why Chan Siu Yan chose to air such a private matter on radio. I also believe that Deoborah would very much like Nic to divorce Cecilia… so this is one more method to push Nic into doing it. If he takes Ceci back again, Nic will lose face. First time he forgave her, people will think that he is a forgiving/good man, second time, people will think he is stupid.

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