Sheren Tang, Sunny Chan, and Amy Chan in New ViuTV Dramas

Hong Kong station, ViuTV, announced upcoming dramas which feature former TVB artistes. Sheren Tang (鄧萃雯) and Sunny Chan (陳錦鴻) will star in a new drama as a married couple. Amy Chan (陳秀雯) and Liu Kai Chi (廖啟智) are starring a separate series, tentatively titled Jiao Shu <教束>, in which they portray an assistant principal and principal respectively.
Classic Throwbacks
Although Sheren and Amy will not be working on the same series together, fans were glad to see the two actresses working under the same station again after a long absence. Fans recalled the two’s classic productions when they worked under both TVB and ATV.
Sheren and Amy’s first collaboration was in 1994’s Fate of Clairvoyant <再見亦是老婆>, where the two played a pair of best friends. Both having been billed as one of the top actresses at TVB in the 1990s, Sheren and Amy went from being best friends in the first collaboration, to being each other’s worst nightmares in TVB’s Files of Justice IV <壹號皇庭IV>. In Files of Justice IV, Sheren played the third-party in Bobby Au Yeung (歐陽震華) and Amy’s marriage.
However, their most noted and popular work together is ATV’s 105-episode classic The Good Old Days <再見艷陽天>, a series about the lives of the women who stayed at home during World War II. When the series aired, the show managed to capture an all-time high of 22-points in viewership ratings, successfully becoming ATV’s highest rated drama.
Although the two have not worked together since the 1990s, Sheren and Amy remained good friends. Surprising fans with a group picture in 2015, Sheren and Amy had dinner with the cast members from The Good Old Days, including Wong Wan Choi (黃允材), Anna Ng (吳沅儀), Gilbert Lam (林韋辰), and producer Yeung Siu Hung (楊紹鴻).
Keeping in touch with their friends back from Files of Justice IV as well, the two also shared a fun photo of the group last year. The dinner attendees included Bobby, Michael Tao (陶大宇), William So (蘇永康), Bowie Lam (林保怡), Eileen Yiu (姚瑩瑩), Flora Chan (陳慧珊), Felix Lok (駱應鈞) and Engina Lau (劉美娟).
This article is written by Su for
I wrote about this yesterday already so don’t want to rehash but definitely looking forward to both series! I’m a little concerned with Sheren and Sunny’s series though, as it is being produced by Nam Fong Mo Tang, the author of the “Margaret and David” books, and she’s not really known for her skills in the area of TV series production. I’m really curious to see who the director will be for the series, as I think that will determine how good the production will be overall (aside from the acting piece, which we already know will be excellent given that Sheren and Sunny will be leading). I’m hoping they get the same directors that they had for “M&D: Green Bean” but given the fallout the 2 directors had with NFMT, not sure if that’s possible. Also, the series is supposedly 30 episodes (that’s according to the author, who said that she already delivered the complete script into Sheren’s hands), which is a tad bit long for a ViuTV series (though each episode is only 30 minutes long so I guess it works out in the end)….
As for Amy Chan’s series – I was already looking forward to it when I found out she would be in it, but later when I read that Uncle Chi would be co-starring as well, it became an automatic “must-watch” for me, lol. Love both of them as well as Sheren and Sunny! The one downside is that Amy and Sheren aren’t in the same series but I’m sure there will be opportunity for the 2 of them to collaborate again in the future.
Amy Chan – Wow, finally she looks her age. lol…. I used to think OMG she’s such a timeless beauty but even thou she’s aged now I still think she looks goo. 🙂 Sheren Tang on the other hand seems to be aging quite nicely. Too lazy to goggle who’s older. hehe
@wm2017 I was taken aback when I found out it is amy chan. I like her.
@wm2017 Amy is older than Sheren by I think 4 or 5 years – both have aged well though, in my opinion. To me, Amy hasn’t really changed much in terms of look from when I started watching her series back in the late 80s/early 90s. I think what’s more shocking to me is that Amy’s son is already in his early 30s. Sure, she has always come across (to me at least) as one of those actresses who had a more “mature” look even back when she was young, but still, she doesn’t look all that old….I guess since we’re so used to most HK celebrities marrying and having kids so late, it’s hard to register a 56 year old who could technically still pass as being in her late 40s having a son who is already 31….
Love the good old days lol! Love Amy as well! Hope their drama do well!
I miss seeing Sunny on screen.
Me too. The thing with Sunny is that he is an unambitious artist when didn’t really strive to push his career on after 2 massive roles in epic dramas in the late 90s, Secret of the Heart and At the Threshold of the Era. For me Sunny’s villain performance in At the Threshold of an Era ranks as one of the best villain performances of all time and he hasn’t been close to reaching the heights ever since. He had happily took on TVB lead roles earning steady money in low calibre series. Part of the reason might because Sunny has prioritized family and looking after his autistic son. He is one of the actors where whenever he appears leads a series it cant be too much of flop….
@elizabeth @jimmyszeto Yes, I miss Sunny as well! I’m glad to see him back on screen, though at the same time, I’m also happy that he got the chance to spend so much quality time with his son. I’ve liked Sunny as an actor ever since he started filming for TVB in the 90s and that hasn’t changed of course, but over the past few years, I’ve also grown to love him as a person after seeing how devoted he is as a father. I have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for both Sunny and his wife Ada – very few Chinese parents (let alone celebrity parents) are willing to be so open about the fact that their son is autistic and even fewer are willing to share their story so publicly in the hopes that it will bring more awareness to autism and also help other parents in HK who may be in a situation similar to theirs. They’ve done a lot of advocacy work the past 2 years pushing autism awareness in HK and have been an inspiration to many parents who previously didn’t have much in the way of role models who understood what they were going through. Definitely wish there were more celebrities like Sunny in the entertainment industry!
Awww, 2 of my favorite childhood actresses!
Amy’s complexion looks amazing for someone her age (but what’s with the haircut?), and Sheren looks as graceful as ever.
While I was never a true Sunny fan (I prefer Gallen), I’m happy about his return, as well. No doubt he’s a good actor, and there’s something very benevolent and genuine about him.
Sheren did an interview with Mingpao that got printed over the weekend. In the interview, she talks about her relationship with TVB as well as why she decided to film for ViuTV. Love the response she gave to some of the negative reports that have come out in recent months about her and TVB. I translated the article on my blog:
@llwy12 just finished reading it from your blog. thanks for sharing. GOOD READ!
I love Sheren and Liu Kai Chi. Even when Liu Kai Chi was playing bit roles, I was always drawn to his characters. Such nostalgia when I see them.
I haven’t seen Amy Chan in many series yet, but the ones I have seen have impressed me with her talent. In the early 90’s I watched more ancient series than modern, so I never saw Files of Justice. Looks like I need to go find them.
Are ViuTV series captioned in English or dubbed in Vietnamese? With casting like this, would love to watch them.