Stefan Wong Closes French Restaurant

Opening his French restaurant, A Lai Maison in 2010, TVB actor Stefan Wong‘s (黃祥興) endeavor was successful and flourished through the years. However, with the Covid-19 pandemic, many businesses have suffered. Stefan was no exception. In addition to the health crisis, Stefan also recently welcomed a third child. In hopes of also spending more time with his family, Stefan recently shut down the restaurant.
Despite this, Stefan is preparing to invest in a food sales business, including Chinese herbs and seafood such as abalone and sea cucumber, as well as frozen meats. Stefan took to social media to upload videos to teach others on how to prepare these foods at home with everyday ingredients.
When interviewed about his new endeavor, Stefan said, “Social media platforms allow me to post longer videos. It allows me to share with more people what I do at home.” When he owned his restaurant, many friends would ask him to help order meats, such as steak, lamb chops, and others. Still hoping to stay in the food industry, Stefan is merely transitioning to selling the supplies of foods. His new business aims to sell these foods online.
On whether he hopes his social media platforms will generate a new steam of revenue from advertisements and commercials, Stefan said, “It is possible, but I’ll take it one step at a time. You have to have a lot of followers first.”
This article is written by Huynh for