TVB Crew Members to Select TV King and Queen?

The one-vote-per-person system for the TVB Anniversary Awards only lasted one year. In the upcoming 2013 awards ceremony on December 16, a large number of the company’s crew members will be reportedly determining the winners of the Best Actor, Best Actress, and Best Drama awards. The audience would still get to cast their votes, but it will only account for 50 percent of the results.

This new implementation has led to wide speculation that TVB secretly chose its winners beforehand and made decisions that will benefit the company. The public claimed that last year’s results were the most fair, where Wayne Lai (黎耀祥), Tavia Yeung (楊怡), and the drama When Heaven Burns <天與地> won the main awards of the night.

In the years before 2012, a panel of seven judges, including executives and managers Tommy Leung (梁家樹), Catherine Tseng (曾勵珍), Sandy Yue (余詠珊), and Mark Lee (李寶安), were always the ones who selected the award winners for the three most important awards. A brand new system will be in place this year, in which the judging will be done by a group of over one hundred backstage crew members consisting of editors and producers.

On the other hand, the My Favorite Male and Female Character awards will be completely determined by the public audience.

Asked why TVB has decided to pass the decision-making to crew members, Sandy Yue replied, “The producers and editors are the ones who understand the artists’ acting potentials most.” Ms. Yue added, “Everything regarding the award system is still in discussion.”

Source: Ming Pao Weekly via

This article is written by Shirley for

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  1. I still don’t believe last year awards was totally based on audience votes

    1. The whole selection thing is a farce in the first place………who really cares anymore as to who is selected king or queen……..the whole thing is fixed and is just a gimmick……..

  2. Producers and other crew members.. they’re still part of TVB right? Can’t TVB higher ups just go ‘select ___’ and ‘select ___’ Lol.

    1. Producer and crews will likely push their own project or series to win and vote the artistes from their team obviously to get recognition. It’s still gonna be biased and voted based on own importance. Obviously the small productions with small crews and less popular producers won’t stand a chance.

      Why can’t TVB just hire independent names from outside and make them watch each nominees performance since TVB is “trying” to show their ” fairness”?

      1. If they hire outside people, then that would mean that they would have to watch every single series for the year. They can do it the U.S. way since the Emmys are based on one episode and the daytime Emmys for soap operas are based on two. But, a lot of people don’t like this because deserving people can lose if they don’t choose the right episode, and that they’re not really judged on the whole year’s worth of work.

      2. But outsider won’t likely vote on personal interest. Crews and prducer might since they have a stake in whoever or whatever wins. Their voting will be as biased as the execs since their factor will be
        – I produce this series
        – xx is my best friend
        – I casted xx in this series and this is my series
        – I wrote this series and xx yy characters. They must win!
        – I hate xx she’s a fake btch won’t vote her
        – I will vote for producer xx series and tell him so that he notices me for future work

      3. I think the problem would just be finding some professional, outside people that has enough time to watch all these series. Having crews and producers will of course be biased. They might as well extend voting to all tvb employees. That’s going to be biased too but at least more people get their voice in.

      4. It’s also not like the crews and producers watch all series of the year either. That’s where the ultimate bias comes in where they will vote the series and cast they’re involved with or the artistes that are their personal friends. Can’t call this professional since too much personal interest are at stake in the votings.

  3. So what does that make the rest of the awards? Chopped liver? Best Supporting Actor/Actress and Most Improved will be a popularity contest while the 3 “main” awards will be judged professionally? I’m confused…

    1. I wouldn’t call the top 3 awards voting by crews and producers professional because there will be lots of personal sentiments involved between them and the nominated artistes or series.

      The supporting and most improved awards might be determined by the executives. Watch out for Sandy Yue favourites.

  4. seems like 620 doesnt have much power this year her 2 favourite boys raymond and kevin are working outside and 620 doesnt have much power this year

    1. 620 has Kate but the media and public are in Linda’s favour since SS flopped and Kate didn’t do well enough to impress.

      Now Catherine Tsang and Sandy Yue are more powerful. With Raymond and Kevin the 620 favourites only filming mainland dramas it leaves only Cat and Sandy’s boys to have all the anniversary series and grand productions to get TV King – Moses, Wayne, Kenneth. None of 620’s boys are in important productions of the year.

    2. From 2012 Cat Tsang joined with Sandy Yu to make a more powerful gang. It leads 620’s gang to slowly leave Txb (the newest example is Tang Chi Wai).

  5. The results last year were fair for the most part. It would probably have been ideal if Wayne didn’t win for a third time, but the actor always deserves it. It would be funny to have Kenneth to win for THC 2 instead of the original because he will be reprising the same role.

    Anniversary awards awards will always be a little skewed as long as the people picking the winners are people. When it’s a panel of professional judges, there always seem to be speculation of management politics and favoritism. When it’s the public judging, there will always be idolizing and results that some claim unprofessional (they may just be choosing their favorite artist and not the best).

    I think it will pretty fair to have the public choose My Favorite Male and Female Character (because favorites are subjective) and leave it to the panel of judges choose the Best Actor/Actress.

    1. If the results last year were fair WHY don’t continue?

      Last year Best Actor and Best Actress(vote by public)just like this year 2013 My Favorite Actor and Actress(will be vote by public) , where last year My Favorite Actor and Actress (pick by TVB Management and Crew) should be last year Best Actor and Best Actress if based on this year format.

      1. last year wasn’t fair if it was fair kenneth would’ve been the tv king based on audience preference.

      2. That my point FOX
        Last year TXB under tremendous pressure the public expect HKXV get licences soon

      3. I understand your point cloud9, I just wanna make it clearer :). Fair isn’t listed in Txb’s dictionary, watever system is, fave kids will win no matter wat.

  6. Happy to see the favorite character awards will finally be voted on by the people. They should have done that a long time ago. As for the three major awards, I rather TVB let other TVB artists vote on the winners instead of the backstage crew.

  7. it is no outstanding drama, no outstanding performance this year…I wish who is the “luck” one to the TV King or TV Queen….Whoever only based on luck and TVB’s selection!

  8. Out of the sui sangs over the last few years bosco has given the most outstanding performance

  9. The voting should based on 1/3 of the TV crew members, 1/3 from their peers (actors and actresses) and 1/3 from the audience. Of course TVB executives want to have their say in the matter so it will be 25% from them, 25% from the TV crew members, 25% from their acting peers, and 25% from the audience. That way, no one group can strongly influence the outcome except in extremely close voting.

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