Aimee Chan and Gigi Leung Announce 3-Month Pregnancies

Expectant mothers, Aimee Chan (陳茵媺) and Gigi Leung (梁詠琪), were bubbling with excitement over their three-month pregnancies. The women appeared at a jewelry promotional event today and congratulated each other over the exciting developments.
Aimee Chan Excited Over Second Pregnancy
Last December, Aimee gave birth to son Aiden Joshua (陳梓燁). Aimee has been on a year-long acting hiatus from TVB since the early stages of her first pregnancy. Although Aimee was offered a role in Cheung Po Tsai <張保仔>, she turned down the offer due to family reasons. Now it is clear that Aimee’s second pregnancy is the reason why she has extended her maternity leave.
Glowing with happiness, Aimee shared her feelings about becoming pregnant again, “I’m three months pregnant. I’m very excited, as I’ve always wanted my children to be close in age. My younger brother and I are five years apart, and I’m always the big sister. If our ages were closer, we would get along more like friends.”
Aimee will be happy with having a baby boy or girl. “If there are two boys, they can share boy activities together. If the baby is a girl, then big brother can take care of her.”
Aimee still loves acting and hopes to be able to return to work after her second baby is born. Husband Moses Chan (陳豪) has been very supportive in Aimee’s decision. She said, “I hope that I can balance both family and my career. I hope I can have the baby sooner so I can work more.”
Gigi Leung Eager to Become Mother
Since getting married in 2011 in Spain, Gigi Leung has been eager to start a family with her husband, Sergio. The 38-year-old actress was ecstatic when she found out she was pregnant, “My husband and I have been trying hard for a long time without success. I thought about giving up, but Sergio told me to relax and take a vacation. Three weeks after returning from our trip, I found out I was pregnant. I’m very thankful.”
Her first trimester gave her difficulty and Gigi was unable to eat meat without vomiting. Fortunately, she can eat rice and carbohydrates without any problems.
Gigi and Sergio eagerly look forward to becoming parents and have already started talking and singing songs to the growing fetus.
This article is written by Jayne for
I’m very surprised that Aimee is pregnant again so soon. Thought she was only taking a year-long break to take care of her son.
It will be difficult for the parents to watch two small kids so close in age.
Looks like Aimee will be on maternity leave for another year.
yeah actually people might forget cuz she having been filming any drama. the movie ruse of engagement was film 2 years ago but i hope to c her on screen again
Someone is getting busy!! Now that explains. I suppose the maternity leave was true and somewhere down the road both being rather free made another child. Extended maternity. Waste no time!
Not very difficult, she can hire more persons to take care each child, do household works, she only needs to watch up, she has lots of money for hiring. Later, 2 close aged children can study same school, easier to to send/fetch them
Yeah..i don’t think celebrities with that kind of money actually take care of their children themselves like us, from head to toe. They are more to “monitoring” while babysitter or nanny doing most of the work. I don’t mind to hv 3rd or 4th if i hv that privilege to do so.
oh my, she’s popping out babies at the rate of almost one a year. I foresee Aimee doing old (ok, mature)lady roles very soon. She’s not going to be able to act as SYT again.
Even if she’s not able to go back into acting so a easily, it seems like she’s very happy being a mother and puts her family first. Old age roles or young age, I don’t see why it should be seen as a bad thing if she’ is to get opportunities to act again afterwards. Opportunities in acting are hard to come by, so I’m sure it’d be a win situation if she gets offered roles if was to choose to get back into acting again
It’s also great to see that she’s a hands on mother too.
yeah, i hope she stays home permanently to look after her kids.
It depends on the situation. If she was struggling financially,she would need to think twice about being a full time mom or maintaining her career to help bring home the bacon. However, luckily she comes from a well off family and Moses seems to be making quite a bit of money
Quite happy that Aimee has more kids. Don’t really like her acting.
Yah…she is pregnant again…means we can watch another year of Aimee-free TVB series!!! Yes!!!
Congrats to Amiee…..and congrats to the audience….means we the audience don’t have to sit through her coming back to acting anytime soon! 😛
Haha agreed
Yayaya agree!!!!! Don’t have to see Aimee on screen!!! Best news!!!
Yes, Aimee, pls retire from the acting scene, we wont be missing you.
lol I’m thinking the same! I kind of liked/accepted her acting in the beginning but then it got really dreadful to watch her in the same hairstyle, same “ok” acting skills in every drama. Hahaa well I hope Aimee will take a long break from acting! 😀
Why ppl so mean here Aimee is ok la….beta then most of the newbies girl in TVB now well anywhoooo happy for her Congratz Aimee
No offense but it doesn’t matter if she’s better than the newbies she has been like acting since 2008! It wouldn’t make sense that the newbies would be better! & not to mention her acting has always remained the same I always cringe through her crying scenes…
But congratulations to Aimee! Happy motherhood for her!
Well everyone is different, someone could take 10 years to perfect their acting performance or at least get approval and appreciation from audiences, whereas some learn fast or have the talent and abilities necessary so they excel faster. Time doesn’t always a determine everything IMO.
And I agree, her crying has always been cringe worthy. I’ll always remember her crying scene I’m ruse of engagement when she was about too die. I’ve always wondered what made the director think the scene made the ok cut. It was terrible.
hmmm, i actually thought she did ok in that last scene esp when she was grabbing at Ruco’s head and tearing at his hair and screaming like a woman possessed. I thought that was her best moment and I normally don’t even like her acting.
Really ? Yeah I didn’t really like that scene, it was very forced acting to me :/
Ya.., Aimee is so much better than other new actress.
Congratulations! Happy news for both family. Hope they will have a safe and smooth pregnancy!
It’s actually pretty good to have kids in Asia as they can hire Nanny to help them raise the kids..unlike here where daycare cost a fortune!
Wow! Aimee is pregnant again? That’s fast! I bet Mosses can’t wait to be dad again! Haha~ happy hot both expectant moms!
It seems like Aimee probably won’t come back any time soon. I have a feeling her plan is to pop out babies now and return to work faster. However, Moses probably wants her to stay home and take care of the kids. Hmm
I don’t like Aimee Chan’s acting either. It seems she has never really improved but yet she was a lead in that series w/RUCO? aiya, BS TVB.
Moses the machine
yeah , he’s prolly one hooorny dude
Wow, makes me feel like she’s a baby machine. No offence, but most ppl would prefer a break
Keep poppin’ those babies out Aimie! That way, we won’t need to watch your acting.
congratz to Moses n Aimee!
One lucky girl. Having a lot fun without lifting a finger. 😀 🙁 LOL!
Being a mother is a life long job lol. I’m sure she has a lot to do as a mother and fun doesn’t always come with it the job lolol
Yup, being a mother is a life long job and for sure she has a lot to do as a wife daughter and grandma lol. However at the end of the day, it’s a lot of fun for her with or without lifting a finger. She has it all, one lucky girl. Acting lol! 😀 🙁 LOL!
Haha so all those earlier rumours that she were angry with Moses for not allowing her to work were not true at all! Shows how reliable HK tabloids are. Anyway congrats to her and Gigi too!!
errr, maybe she was angry with Moses for being careless?
so surprised to hear she’s pregnant so soon. it’s not a good thing to have children so close together.
Good news, now Aimee can quit acting and be a mom.
Watch this video..
You’ll puke..
Really?? Congrats!!
haha the way Aimee talk sure it is so fake
First of all, congratulations to the overjoyed couples, Moses and Aimee and Sergio and Gigi. It is difficult to look after babies who are born close in ages. Maybe Aimee wants to build up her family first and then spend the rest of her time working with little interfernce to her work later. I see that her babies will be of the same ages as those of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.
Aimee can take this opportunity to brush up her cantonese during maternity break. Her cantonese with an english accent and in interviews she keep replying in english instead of cantonese although she was interviewed in cantonese. Come on!! Always admire ppl like Coco Lee who is multilingual that speaks fluent english,cantonese,mandarin etc.
Anyway congrats to Aimee and Gigi on this good news.
No she’s just trying to show off how good her English is. It’s deliberate so you can bet she’ll keep doing that at all her interviews whether before during or after her maternity leave. Hope we don’t see her again on tv.
That’s one of my biggest pet peeves. When their audience are (insert language here), and they hit the audience in English instead of the language the audience can understand.
GiGi’s baby going to be so cute 🙂
Wow, everyone’s getting knocked up, Aimee, Gigi and also laughing Gors wife Tina is 3 months pregnant ! Congrats to all
Congrats to Aimee and Gigi! Babies are so cute!
I have 2 boys similar gap as Aimee’s, now 5 & 6. It was tough during the first few yrs but now it’s fun watching them grow up together.
Yes Aimee, keep popping babies and staying off the TV screen lol. Way to go Moses! It’s win-win-win for everyone. Moses wins another baby. Aimee gets to play mommy. Audiences don’t have to watch her on screen. Woot! Lol.
All jokes aside, congrats!