Artists Claim Rape Suspect, Lee Ming Ho, is a Nice Man

Many Hong Kong female artists were shocked by the rape case of a 23-year-old TVB actress, who was allegedly raped by a friend while she was drunk. Many female artists urged that it was critical for women to avoid a potential rape situation and protect their own safety. Meanwhile, several artists, were in disbelief that the alleged rapist was music producer, Lee Ming Ho (李銘豪), who appeared to be a nice man in their encounters!
Actresses Urge Greater Safety Precautions
Since female artists worked odd hours at night due to work requirements, they were often exposed to higher risk factors. Experienced actresses shared their advice on how women should protect themselves.
Joey Yung (容祖儿) urged women to not drink alcohol. If they must do so, they should drink alcohol at their friend’s house. Otherwise, they will only be hurting themselves. Joey said that she will only drink when with a group of close friends. Joey said, “Some men will become extremely warm after drinking, patting my thighs and giving me hugs. I will immediately move away. It is important to know how to protect yourself and not feel uncomfortable. I will unapologetically push him away! If he does not respect me, I will not respect him either!”
Natalie Tong (唐詩詠): “I read in the newspaper about the rape. She is only 23 years old; it is very shocking! I was a model at 20 years old and entered TVB afterward. It was necessary to appear at many functions in the middle of the night. My mother even accompanied me at times. The rape victim trusted the wrong person! She has to know how to protect herself!”
Sire Ma (馬賽): “I was very scared and shocked when I heard about the rape! Also, since the victim is a TVB artist, I am even more concerned. A woman should never allow herself to get drunk! After you get drunk, you lose your alertness. Even if the man were a good friend, there is no guarantee that something inappropriate will occur after he gets drunk!”
Grace Wong (王君馨): “I rarely drink alcohol. Even if I were to go out, I will go with a group of close friends. You have to be careful when you are alone with a man; you have to be alert!”
Candy Chang (張慧雯) was speculated to be the rape victim by some netizens. Candy said helplessly, “I participated in Miss Chinese International, but I was never in a singing contest! An artist should know how to protect herself. She should not trust a man so easily! Even after you have known him as a friend for a long time, you still have to be careful! It is best for a girl to reduce going out late at night.”
Artists Defend Rape Suspect
The allegations that VI-MAX Music Studio founder, Lee Ming Ho was the rape suspect shocked artists who have worked with him in the past. Many singers expressed their disbelief, claiming that he was a nice and respectful individual.
Jade Kwan (關心妍): “Lee Ming Ho (the rape suspect) is quite nice. Each time, we will talk about our pet dogs. Although each person desired their own degree of freedom, a girl should know how to protect herself.”
Mag Lam (林欣彤): “I have visited [VI-MAX Music Studio] to record songs. I felt that he (Lee Ming Ho) is well-mannered. He does not appear to do something like this [rape]. He was not flirtatious either. He is a dog owner and we will chat a bit about our dogs.”
G.E.M.: “He [Lee Ming Ho] has a dog inside his music studio. He knows that I am afraid of dogs. Each time I go to his studio, he will put the dog away. He will greet me each time, while asking to take a photo together at other times. I have never gone drinking alone with another man. I have never hung out at a bar and Lan Kwai Fong. I will only ask close friends to drink at my house, while will guarantee safety.”
Source: Sudden Weekly #877 via,
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Jayne: Listen to your female friends and mothers. A woman should take greater precautions to avoid potential rape situations.
The rape statistics are staggering, and 77% of rapes are committed by non-strangers! A woman is four times more likely to be raped by an acquaintance than by a stranger. Do not lower your alertness just because you are in the company of a man considered to be a friend. To learn more about acquaintance rape, please visit The National Center for Victims of Crime.
Sire Ma is one of the very few to give a sensible and sensitive answer.
So now is he says she says.
I like what Sire said too. It’s what a woman should take note of.
I liked what she said as well. Very good advice given by her.
I think most women visualize a rape as a violent act committed by a stranger. A random event that occurs in a darkened street corner in the middle of the night. Certainly, we hear enough about such incidents in the media.
When judgement is impaired, perhaps more men are capable of turning into a rapist. Men who are normally nice, but with judgement impaired to be unable to hear the woman say no and perhaps just drunk enough to be unable to resist temptation.
Which is to say all men can’c control themselves when restrain is not there? I disagree. I believe in goodness of people. Those who rape, either
1. thinks they are not raping, seeing themselves above blame
2. knows it is rape but does it anyway
3. the goodness is a facade, deep down that is the real him
It is almost like saying when women has no restrain they flirt, as in a natural flirtatious wanton women as much as men are sex crazed. Much like what the men in my country are saying hence always preaching women should not wear sexy clothes, etc to tempt them since they really can’t control themselves.
I find that hard to believe. Whether judgement is impaired or not, there is a moral threshold and personal responsibility. Those who what they do and they do it deliberately most probably knows why they’re doing it. No excuse.
Good men still exist; gentlemen still exist. Those who do what they do, these are not true good men or gentlemen.
But Jayne, it is true many would associate rape with some violent unknown stranger in some dark alley, because let’s face it, we don’t want to believe those we know and trust could break that trust and do that to us. I won’t be surprised if statistics shows most rape occurs within known circles.
Making a moral decision requires the person to be functionally somewhat sanely, process the signals during the situation and have his own conscience in check. Moral decisions are conscious decisions, which is why I think moral judgements become somewhat affected by sensory impairment.
Responding to someone physically may be a biological and less conscious action. That’s why some people get drunk and do not remember who their sex partners from the night before are. When the brain is dulled in such a manner, people become more primitive and just respond to stimuli.
It has been known that 77% of rape is by non-strangers. Much higher than I thought….
Yes a woman should be aware that rape can be committed by even your close acquantainces.
All women should be careful.
Men should also be careful.
The temptation was there … he was probably given mixed signals. Men, likewise, should not place himself in a situation where he’s tempted to commit sexual acts that are not agreed upon by both parties.
Yea, men should also be careful because men can get raped as well.
Not saying she deserved to be raped but the victim is not a saint either. She probably has slept with random guys before, so “sleeping” with another one shouldn’t put her in much distress
What is wrong with you? Just because she chose to have sex with others before doesn’t mean she wants to have sex with this dude.
What ignorance.
Are you for real? So if you have slept with randon people before then you could just wear a t-shirt “rape me, I won’t feel distress afterwards”, LOL.
Your logic is so off it sounds almost like it’s ok to get raped as long as you are not a virgin.
I understand what you are saying … I think you are implying her ability to function with her everyday life may not be as greatly affected.
I still disagree though. Most girls cannot randomly sleep with a guy she is not attracted to. There’s probably a sense of invasion by the rapist, which may impact her more than you and I can imagine. Unless we walk the shoes of the victim, we should not judge.
You’re disgusting. And so what she slept with random guys before? Does it change the fact that she was raped, assaulted? Do you even know what rape is? Disgusting ignorant victim blamer you are
What the heck?? I can’t believe that you said what you just did… Good grief…
What does being nice have anything to do with being a rapist? Being a rapist isn’t a full time job.
because nice people don’t rape
Nice people rape too … it all depends on the situation.
If you’re nice how you can rape? If you rape you aren’t nice. Anyway my reply is in reply to Harley’s reply.
Nobody is nice their whole entire life. You haven’t said or done anything that’s not nice? What does that make you?
All it takes is one mistake.
Exactly. I don’t know if it’s a smart thing for people to comment on him as a person because just because you are ‘nice’ doesn’t mean you won’t commit rape/crimes. People are only innocent until they commit a crime anyway. Who’s to say you even know how someone really is just because you’re an acquaintance or even a close friend. The only person that can tell what someone is thinking is him/herself. Everyone else just sees how he/she acts around people, and that’s not always accurate.
Nice doesn’t define a person. Everyone has limits, maybe at that moment he had the temptation too? What Lily said is exactly what I’m thinking too
Thanks for clearing that up to the morons!
When you are drunk, you can turn from the nicest person ever to a really bad person. I don’t think it is necessarily true that if you are a nice person that you can’t rape someone. I agree with pandamao that it does depend on the situation.
btw – have to say – the picture of lee ming ho in this article is disturbing. the media is great at its picture selections. LOL
a mugshot? haha
some great advce gven
i have to point out that she was drunk. sometimes when you are drunk you don’t remember if you have given the guy consent to have intercourse. maybe he was also drunk and had no idea what he had done. alcohol should be used with a limit, don’t drink till you fall over. if he had had physically abused her and forced himself on her then i will call that rape. but in many cases when the both parties are drunk it is a difficult case.
alcohol changes a nice person into a beast sometimes.
i feel for the victim but i have read about these stories so many times that girl forgets or regrets it after and they say its rape.
if he did do it then i hope he pays for it.
doesn’t lee ming ho sound like a korean name? the g in “ming” could of been added on to sound HK-like and for him to do business there. just curious, i think he has some korean descent.
anyway, back on topic, what is a guy supposed to think when you bring red wine in the middle of night to drink with him? if i were the guy, i would think this girl wanted me. he probably had the wrong impression. seeing how drunk she was, he was probably just as drunk himself and stuff happened. feel sorry for her after but comon, dont put yourself in that situation in the first place. i dont think this guy wants a rape allegation and wouldn’t risk his reputation and career. they both made a mistake and are paying heavily for it.
1 bottle of red wine shared b/w two … nah – someone was faking drunk.
So now we blame on the woman being drunk. It is her drunken stupor that invited the rape. The rapist should not take the responsibility for committing a crime.
I don’t disagree that one should protect oneself. However, we should not focus on blaming the victim. Instead we should educate the public to respect other human being. Just because someone is drunk does not mean another person can rape her.
A pet lover in disguise.
I was going to say something about that too. Funny that a few artists mention dogs as their common interest and topic. That is his M.O.!! It reminds me of child kidnappers luring kids into their car with puppies. Hmmm really makes you think this guy uses his dog as his bait for unsuspecting girls and then add wine and possibly date rape drugs! It
Poor doggie unwillingly becoming a accomplice, LOL.
Puppies? I thought they used golden fish hence the term “golden fish uncle” hehe.
Yeah, also wonder if any drugs involved bc drunk of 1 bottle of wine (assuming she drank it all) is questionable unless she was already tipsy before reaching the studio.
These HK artists who commented on the guy as being nice and a cool dog owner are pretty sad and stupid. Also, I believe in educating people but not blame the victim for asking to be rape. These young HK artists are deeply in need of a good PR firm to help during interview. Dumb ass!
If he was 50 and had no money, then will you still see him as a nice guy? I think not! A creep or a disgusting PIG!
Remember a DOG comes in many forms, shapes, and color. Don’t get confuse from a nice DOG! A dog is a dog!
Those who mention the dogs are Mag and Gem right? Teenagers..LOL
If it is him or if it isn’t, it’s unsettling when people will always have to blame the victim first before casting their judgment on the rapist, u kno, THE GUY WHO ACTUALLY DID THE CRIME? It’s always “ew shes a ****” “its her fault because she was drinking” “she asked for it”. Do you realize it’s attitudes like this that enforce rape culture, and why so few women actually go to the police after being raped? Yes, women should be careful when they go out, and I’m not saying they shouldn’t. It is the sad, quick judgment it seems some people have when these things happen. Victim blaming, and victim blaming is sick.
Also, smh at GEM and Jade Kwan. I liked you guys, maybe it was mistranslated, but did u really have to go defend him first? Better watch your back, because nice guys aren’t always 100% nice all the time.
My God. Here we go again. Nice people don’t rape! Nice people drink alcohol. And when alcohol becomes a factor sometimes all bets are off, even for the niceties.
Of course, living in a democratic society, the principle of presumed innocent until proven guilty applies too.
Pretty much all of my close friends are girls since it is hard for me to be friends with a guy. Even if I did have a close guy friend, I would never see him in the middle of the night and drink wine… No way… You always need to be careful regardless of how well you know them, unless they are family, then you still need to be careful. Now I can see why my mom is always so paranoid and always tells me to not be alone with any guy even if he is considered a “friend”.
Yes, women need to be really carefull.
Lee Ming Ho ,his good looking, beside he don,t need to rape any of this girls,I guess she just to drunk to tell t different having sex or rape ….
Just because a girl is drunk does not give you the right to violate her. Rape and sexual harassment SHOULD NOT be condoned under any circumstances. Stop focusing on the fact the girl was drunk, focus on the crime!!!