Christine Kuo Remains Frugal Despite Rumored Wealth

Christine Kuo (苟芸慧) has been making front-page news ever since she was singled out as Aaron Kwok (郭富城)’s potential love interest. Rumors claimed that Christine benefited greatly from the scandal, receiving more job offers at a higher salary. Earlier, reporters discovered that Christine has roughly $1 million HKD in savings. She later denied the claims and stated that the account belongs to her father. More recent reports alleged that Christine’s appearance fee dramatically rose from $30,000 HKD to $100,000 HKD per event, adding generous padding to her bank account. Despite her new-found wealth, Christine still holds tight control over her spending, shopping only for sales items.

Yesterday, the 29-year-old was seen at the mall dressed in an all-black outfit. Even though she made a public vow to lose weight at any cost, Christine did not seem ready to show off her progress, opting to wear a loose, long-sleeved jacket and black tights.

Christine first stopped at a salon for hair treatments before finding her way to fashion boutiques to purchase items for her upcoming work trip. Christine chatted quietly on the phone throughout her shopping trip, ignoring the stares of passersby. At a shop, she headed immediately to the sales racks and spent some time looking through sales items. She seemed interested in several pieces and even asked the salesperson to check the prices. After more consideration, Christine decided against making a purchase and left the store empty-handed.

Christine later discovered reporters trailing her and waved at them in greeting. She was polite and friendly as she fielded questions and shared her day’s plans. “Earlier I was at a costume fitting, and now I am getting ready to go home. I will be going to Taiwan later for work.” Afterwards, Christine hailed a taxi cab to go home, and kept her attention on her phone throughout the ride.

Source: Oriental Daily

This article is written by Katrine for

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    1. YES LEAVE HER ALONE! stop stressing her out. poor thing…



      I noticed that too.

    2. isn’t it interesting how different people have different views on what is pretty or not? Pretty good thing too don’t you think? Otherwise, everyone would be chasing the same people.

      Personally, I think she’s very attractive.

      1. What do her looks have to do with acting? She didn’t enter a beauty contest.

      2. i agree with you TVBFanatic 🙂

        What makes you feel like you have the right the judge her looks by saying ‘something about her chin, jaw and mouth that makes her look weird’ ?!? to be fair by saying this, you people are probably not as attractive as her

    3. Christine’s chin and jaw look perfectly fine to me. Her lips are a bit thinner than most asians though because she has some Dutch blood in her so it makes sense. She just has some ‘white features’ which there is nothing weird or ugly about that.

      1. Maybe because I’m a woman, but I don’t find her to be attractive in these photos?

      2. Do you know what is “beauty is in the eye of the beholder”?

      3. And I really don’t care if you say she isn’t beautiful. But to call her ugly is too much. She has some good/ bad angles. Of course you can call people average-looking or less than average, but ugly is harsh.

      4. Man, she is stunning. Definitely one of a kind

      5. lise,

        What the hell! Do you know English? I wrote that I didn’t find her to be attractive. Since when I said she is ugly?

        An so what if I say she is ugly? Too much or not too much is based on a person’s opinion. Who are you to forbid people to call her ugly?

  2. such a pity that this wasn’t really a frugality anecdote – I LOVE those kinds of articles.

    1. Most white people have thin lips. It’s because Christine is mixed.

      1. She’s not mixed. She’s 100% chinese. Anyway, I think she’s gorgeous; even though she’s an average actor.

      2. She is in fact mixed, not half mixed. I think it is either 1/6 or 1/8.

        By the way, I disagree with Victoria. She looks very chinese to me actually and has no white features at all.

      3. Very true whites normally have thin lips perhaps Christine K mixed blood not much in her but lips and high bridge nose and her fair skin tone has shown a little of mixture….

      4. I don’t see any mixture actually. After all, chinese people have thin lips too–just uncommon. High bridge nose? Every artist in hk has high bridge nose due to ps. As for fair skin tone, asian women prefer white skin, especially the white egg color. She looks very chinese actually. Maybe not a typical chinese woman but still far away from looking like a mixed race.

      5. And white people’s skins are not actually white but pink.

      6. Her mixtured some how Japanese + Whites + chinese = how much pink she will get not much so turn out to be fair tone….

      7. Her lip is thin even when she’s not showing her teeth.

  3. I think she is pretty but does she use skin whitening products?

  4. home wrecker! but i love her coz tooooooooooooooo sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! can i f**k her?

    1. Wtf. Aaron was never married, how can she be a home wreaker. And anyway, whether she is dating Aaron is just rumours

  5. I really wonder how they discover how much she has in her savings/checking account? I seriously do not even know how much my own siblings have in their accounts, but reporters who are complete strangers?? This piece of news is not very believable….

    1. yeah, i was wondering the same thing!
      it would be completely illegal for them to open her mail too …. it would be all too easy for someone to swipe a bank letter from her mailbox 🙁

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