Coffee Lam Clarifies Her Astronomical YouTube Income

Coffee Lam (林芊妤) definitely does not regret leaving TVB for YouTube. The 31-year-old, a certified yoga instructor who also posts workout videos on YouTube, now carries a channel with over 1.25 million subscribers, and is definitely one of the more popular Hong Kong YouTubers on the site.
But with that many subscribers also comes with a hefty paycheck. According to sources, the former actress currently earns an average of $88,000 Hong Kong dollars per month from YouTube alone, and at one point had reportedly earned over HK$100,000 a month due to income generated from ad revenue in her videos.
However, that claim is not entirely true. In an interview with HK01, Coffee said her income is not always consistent, and clarified that the bulk of her income is not from ad revenue checks.
“Because I make workout videos I don’t want my subscribers to be annoyed with consistent commercials. I usually pull away the ads,” she said. “I was told that I was not being smart, but I make videos because I genuinely like to share what I do, not because of money. I want everyone to be able to healthily shed the weight they want to lose.”
While YouTubers can make a good living through monetization and embedded marketing, Coffee believes that these marketing tactics will sacrifice the integrity of the YouTube video itself. “From my experience, many YouTubers start to value quantity over quality when they do product placement. I don’t want that. That’s why I don’t release videos frequently. I don’t want to get repetitive. This may sound cheesy, but I have to stay responsible for my subscribers. I want my brand to last long.”
Coffee then added that her primary income comes from sponsorships and events which she attends in person. She’s also earning a good living through her yoga clothing brand Coffee Sweat.
This article is written by Addy for
Her videos are annoying, once I clicked into her video by mistake and her video keep being suggested to me and flooding my feed. I had to clear watch history (at the same time scarificing my my well curated feed through months of watching) and then block her channel just to get rid of her algorithm from my feed.
@sev2 sounds more like a YouTube problem than her problem.
@bubbles23 it’s how she set up her YouTube paid marketing where once you watch her video, you will be bombard with more. So even if user intend to watch one video only or accidentally clicked into it, there is no way to prevent YouTube from keep suggesting it in the feed.
@sev2 yeah that’s literally a YouTube thing. You could click not interested when it shows up in your recommendation.
@bubbles23 lol
Smart lady!!!! Keep it up:)
@jingxi2943 Agree, good for her! Able to earn a living with out tvb.
i like how she’s honest about eating and belly bulging on her videos. keep it up!