Did Ron Ng and Viann Zhang Break Up?

Earlier on his personal blog, Ron Ng (吳卓羲) strongly supported rumored girlfriend, mainland actress, Viann Zhang (張馨予). Ron even requested his fans to treat Viann in a friendly manner and tried his best to protect her.
However, Viann wrote on her blog yesterday, “A woman’s biggest mistake is to think that she can change a man!” Viann’s statement led to rife speculations as to whether her romance with Ron had suddenly ended.
The reporter contacted Ron regarding the status of his relationship with Viann. However, Ron refused to comment on the incident.
Source: Orientaldaily.on.cc
Jayne: Perhaps Viann may have had an argument with Ron. Otherwise, she may have possibly provided more details to her blog entry had she truly broken up with him. I wonder which of Ron’s habits Viann had attempted to change?
To your question, I think Viann probably wanted to change Ron’s friendly attitude towards his female friends. I rmb Viann was once engaged in some online fight over the msg “sausage sisters” which leading to think she was directing her hatre to Kate which made ppl think shes a jealous person.
So I think Viann is possesive person in real and only wanted Ron by herself. Too bad, Ron and Ray are like a women magnet in the industry where women will throw themselves to them easily…
hahahahahas!! AGREE!!!
I don’t fanny Zhang, maybe a little look alike of Cecila, I don’t like Ron’s acting either, not that Zhang Acts but rather a big boob model by HK Z-Dandard, maybe Da Da is more lucrative compare to Zhang.
Ron should return to reality and virtual as Ron could be gaming with his own joystick, you win or you loss.
Ron has an ill-person’s face as if he’s sick by apearence, so how does he look after a breakup?
” “A woman’s biggest mistake is to think that she can change a man!””
Viann, YOUR biggest mistake is to want to change Ron. Why not let him be him, which is the reason you like him in the first place? Likewise, if Ron insists you double your breast size, will you? I mean didn’t he love you for being… what was it? 40zzz or whatever. Since I like neither, I will say both can do better.
maybe she is trying to change his gaming habits? i remmeber when leila and him were filming twins of brothers the 2 played NDS nonstop and they both express the love for playing computer games.
women women women, like viann.. so possessive and naive.
I wouldn’t called her naive. Naive is someone who didn’t thoroughly with logical evaluation. She had all plastic done on her body and I’m sure she already knew the consequences for doing so plus I think she clearly know what she wants in life, like getting more endorsements, better chances with men etc after the plastic surgery surely doesn’t sound anything naive to me.
to me, she sounds more like a possesive woman.
who didn’t think thoroughly*
i mean, naive to think that she can change his *gaming habits*
sure she did plastics, and wants more endorsements, but her thinking could also be naive in that she just wanted to be barbie pretty, all the attention from men, and that’s all she cares about. so thus the plastics. she clearly didn’t care about the consequences that plastics would bring her 20 or 30yrs from now…
mouth, nose, breast falling apart, and etc??
Maybe she has thought of the consequences for having so many plastic surgery done on body? or Maybe she never think of them before which i highly doubt that.
Anyway, Ron is an airhead for dating her (sorry to Ron’s fans) LOL. A wise man would date someone who has inner beauty too aka good personality and well behaviour.
But I agree with you that she’s naive in thinking she could change Ron but not in plastic operation though. This woman is not that easy imo lol.
I don’t understand why a woman want to change her man’s hobby after they are together.
Well, if the man’s hobby is flirting w/ other women or watching pornos all day, I can understand why the woman wants to change him.
@ josie
I’m talking about women who want to stop her man from collecting action figurines, reading manga/comic, playing video games.
Hi Kidd
I never stopped my husband from collecting, which is a hobby he developed.
So the whole house is full of his collection. Friends and relatives ask him to stop buying, complain about how much money he spent, etc, but it doesn’t bother me.
Although I don’t feel anything for his collection, and I would have liked to have more space in the house, but since that is his hobby, I don’t bother about it. I also don’t bother about the money he spent on it, as it is his money, and I earn my own money anyway.
Yah, a man could have much worse hobby than collecting stuff, so I am very much ok with his hobby.
@ Canto
Good for you, and your husband is lucky to have you as his wife. 😀
I feel bad for the guy whose wife forced him to throw away his collection.
One can’t come between a man and his car, now can’t come between a man and his XBox. But then Ron must understand, she is a human being, she needs attention. If every free time he spends playing games on XBox, then Viann has every cause to change him to be better.
Which is worse? A man who spends every free time sleeping (and expects you to sleep next to him_ or a man who plays computer games (and expect you to go far far away)?
I think besides Ron likes playing games.. I think Ekin too is quite addicted with games which actually made Gigi to leave him.
oh i thought it was ekin who dumped gigi and she was really sad for a long time
“, “A woman’s biggest mistake is to think that she can change a man!” “
Very wise statement.
The funny thing is I can’t see it coming out of her mouth. If she understands that, why can’t she do it?
@ Kidd
Yah, I wouldn’t like my other half to try to change me too, especially if it is something which is harmless.
Live and let live…
I think the moment we’ll be able to tell for sure if they broke up is if Ron decides to follow back his good female friends (like Tavia) on Weibo. lol. I think Viann made him unfollow a lot of them due to jealousy issues so he’ll probably want to follow them back if they’re no longer together.
that would be hard to say. usually if guys decided on something already (e.g. unfollow on weibo), it would be hard for them to go back and ‘follow’ their girl friend on weibo……… if u kno men.. they are like that…
e.g. what is the likelyhood of sharon chan, christine ng and joel chan to get along well together again? (even if he doesnt have his rich gf anymore)
lol, everyone stop nagging Hello. Pity him u guys keep saying him cant accept Veejay joke.
Isn’t it a fact?
if Ron decided to “follow” Tavia back again on WEibo… I wonder Viann would create a nickname specially design for Tavia? Maybe pinochio nose sister? hmm
and how i wonder what nickname pple would call you Veejay!
hehe chill out, it was just a joke. I dont understand why ppl has to take it so serious on message related to their idol. Really dont understand why ppl need to take criticism/jokes serious when the msg was dedicated to their “idol” and not to their family.. I think this is oversensitive and overprotective for their idol, which is scary imo.
Hmm… what’s the Chinese translation for pinocchio? Or Rudolph?
Veejay, you didn’t take my question as a joke.. similarly i would say to you,
really dont understand why pple need to take criticism/jokes serious when the msg was dedicated to the other person and not their idol.
i don’t think its oversensitive and/or overprotective nor scary.
just trying to state, some things are uncalled for and better left not said, cause these jokes are sometimes tasteless, does not make sense and is adding to the waste of web space.
if you truly want to find out if i meant it as a joke or not, ask yourself how you meant it when you wrote your comment above. i meant it in the same way and same tone. Thank you!
Basically we’re two different people here, You sound like someone who can’t take jokes when it was not directed to you but to your idol and I’m someone who doesn’t have any specific or permanent “idol” to follow hence that made me telling jokes on idols is pretty common as long as I didn’t hurt any forumers here. You found Tavia’s joke as pinochio nose is insulted/rude/harsh but there are many more here who use the same calling on Tavia. This world is always full of people like us, and you ask me not to create jokes like that because it’s a waste of web space? Why don’t you learn how to ignore ppl like us if you can’t handle it. Just for your info, I’m not a Tavia hater and u can find some of my comments about Tavia are good, it’s just that I don’t have any specific liking with Tavia and that made me think telling jokes on Tavia is harmless as long as I didnt hurt anyone of us here unless you take my joke seriously until you can’t sleep for days just because Tavia means alot to you. TQ.
Viji – all im trying to say..
y can’t u take what i said as a joke? why do pple have to immediately jump into conclusion that commenting back is because they (me?) are overprotective of their idol.
like i said already, the same tone you meant it, the same tone i was wondering what your nickname would be. (Now, can’t YOU accept a tease?)
just because i dont comment back about kate, SM, linda means i am protective of Tavia?? can’t it be, because i didnt read those comments, or i dont have any opinion , or i sometimes silently agree with whatever the other person comments? you need to get your thoughts straighten out.
@ Hello
” Veejay, you didn’t take my question as a joke.. similarly i would say to you,
Because you question is not a joke.
“if you truly want to find out if i meant it as a joke or not, ask yourself how you meant it when you wrote your comment above. i meant it in the same way and same tone. Thank you!”
No, you did no mean it the same way and tone.
Veejay meant it as a joke, while you have the intention of showing Veejay how it feels if people give her nickname. You did not mean it as a joke.
kidd, i dont think it makes any sense to talk to you about whether HOW i meant it.
when i wrote that comment, i clearly meant it the same tone as to how Veejay wrote it.
yes,you are right – i want to show Veejay how it feels to be called names. but does that mean that i did not mean it as a joke?
my stance is still the same. i meant it the same way Veejay meant it.
so please do not come and tell ME how i was saying it –(i don’t think you have a right to? or maybe you have every right to, but i dont think you can speak for me. correct?)
@ hello
“yes,you are right – i want to show Veejay how it feels to be called names. but does that mean that i did not mean it as a joke?”
How can it be a joke when your intention is to teach Veejay a lesson?
It’s ok. Viji can be another alias. It reminds me of fiji. 😉
@josie: If I rmb rite, pinocchio is called as 木偶
How can it be a joke when your intention is to teach Veejay a lesson?
have you ever heard of double meanings?
@ hello
“have you ever heard of double meanings?’
This reply of yours prove to me that your meaning and tone is not the same as Veejay. Veejay comment is just a joke, while your comment has hidden meaning of teaching Veejay a lesson.
And you use ! instead of . or ? at the end of your reply which shows that there’s anger underneath the reply.
! is used to emphasis something or to show that the sentence is spoken with strong feelings or was shouted out.
@Kidd, Josie and Fox,
Sorry to drag yall into trouble.
I really dunno what to say anymore. I thought i already admitted for being childish for labelling Tavia’s nose as pinnochio and you’d like “accepted” it… I really dont know, you sound like someone who can get angry easily.. maybe i should avoid posting too much of my jokes.
@Veejay: A “lesson” for you: Not everybody is like Fox who can reply a joke by a joke.
yeah not everyone like you who can take jokes and doesn’t get angry easily.
Don’t stop joking Veejay, perhaps just “know” your audience 😛 haha…Life’s no fun without joke meh..
@Veejay: Be yourself. Dun need to reduce the jokes.
Pinnochio nose wasn’t coined by Veejay, and it is a nickname.
I wonder if this had anything to do with that one other incident where people thought that she was cheating on Ron?? However, I must say that I had a good feeling that their relationship would not last. But lets see since I don’t want to jinx them.
Sorry, but I think it is so wrong of her to try to change Ron. If she really loved him, then she should love him for who he is. You should never change your good traits or who you truly are for anyone.
She had a countless number of plastic surgery procedures to change her outer appearance, but sadly her real personality cannot be changed. I think Ron can do so much better than her. I bet years down the line, her fake nose, breasts and everything else about her are going to be falling apart and she will look like a mess. Those are the consequences of plastic surgery. You can look good for the time being, but it will not last down the line.
She’s truly look 360 degree different if compare to her original look. No people will have such Perfect face and body.
I’ve no prob with plastic surgery but don’t change all, it will just make you look even faker.
I know and yea, it just makes you look really fake if your face and everything is too fake.
Sorry for my late condolence to your bro’s passing. I hope you’re feeling better now.
Oops meant to say too “perfect”.
Thanks so much Veejay. I am still very sad but am trying to be strong because my brother is always alive in my heart. I am trying to feel better and thanks so much again for your condolences. I really appreciate it. I pray that one day I can see my 6th older brother again when I reach the other side.
The picture in the previous article she looked good but this picture, I think she looks scary!
Is the picture photoshopped or something… it looks so unnatural.
Her head looks like a robot, as if it is going to drop off from her neck. Her face looks unnaturally puffed up and fat, but muscular, like a weight lifter. Her arms are so slim but she turned side profile slightly and her chest is boxy and large size.
Very strange looking doll. Maybe Ron got terrified… at her morphing rate everyday. Maybe one day she might turn into a mechanical doll with huge boobies and crush him to death or something…
terrified? haha. he wanted a plastic doll to play with and now his doll is becoming scary . Well guess he will have to search for a new one…
Ron’s intention was to get a S shape barbie doll to play then he got one…and after a while, the barbie doll just lose control and become chucky hehe.. trying to kill off all Ron’s gfs one by one..
haha or perhaps the owner can’t keep up with the dolls diverse demands. the doll might as well leave its owner for a more giving one…
however, judging from Viann’s action. She seems like liking Ron’s handsome face more than money making rich guy. I mean there are rich guys out there who doesn’t mind having a barbie doll to play but Viann seems to stick with Ron always.. so I guess she’s into handsome guys over rich guy..dunno just personal opinion hehe.
ok, then she will dump him when she finds a younger version and vice versa.
can’t imagine them getting married haha
You just give me a funny thought hehe..Imagine Viann is married to Ron..and they have babies together… I wonder if the baby they have will resembles the original look of Viann since her current look is just plastic made LOL…Can you imagine Ron’s reaction when he see the baby resembling the original Viann’s looks??
Ron: who is the real father of that kid?
Viann: you are the father!
Ron: no Way
Viann: some him her old pics
Ron: ah i almost forgot that you are plastic. guess our kids just need to do some plastic as well, haha
joke aside, most babies look the same and she was not ugly before her transformation so i can imagine their kids to be good looking…
I can’t imagine her dumping Ron but can easily imagine Ron dumping her since it seems like she likes him more than he likes her.
Wow Canto that’s quite an exaggeration don’t you think? Haha..In my POV I personally find Viann quite hot and pretty(unnatural but still PRETTY :P).
I’ll give Viann some credit, plastic or not; she’s good looking in my POV 😛
Actually I also find Viann pretty in a rather Unnatural way.. I mean we must admit that by first glimpse at her, she’s indeed hot right? but when we study her longer inches by inches..her look is just too perfect to be true. omg, i dont know what I’m talking here haha.
Veejay, perhaps you find her looks unnatural and sculpted? 😛
Yeah, I do think that the current hot Viann doesn’t have that “natural” beauty feel, although at the same time I’m admitting that she’s gorgeous.
Perhaps the credit should go to her surgeon(s) too 😉
@ Masaharu
Yeah, it was an exaggeration. Perhaps this was a bad photo of her.
In one of the past articles about Viann, there was a nice photo of her, I remarked that she is like a “perfect Chinese doll”.
Yes, so I understand what you mean, that she is unnatural but still hot.
Hm, I wonder for girls, will you accept your boyfriend/ husband has lots of plastic enhancements in his good looks?
What a good question.. Would I accept it if my future boyfriend/husband had lots of plastic surgery?? Honestly, IF it was due to a traffic accident or something(like with Hu Ge) then I definately would since he had to. However, if he had so many that it makes it look like a plastic doll or a completely different person, then I do question would I be able to accept it. I totally don’t want to imagine one day his nose falling off or his face melting away.. Oh my gosh, what a scary sight…
Is this a proof? The screenshot http://ww3.sinaimg.cn/large/6bcbf386jw1dlsugbybfij.jpg
She wrote that line in the early morning Oct 5th (Hk time), but then she deleted it I think: 我今日決定了,我要更快樂,就算沒有他。 一切承諾和誓言已經隨風而去
Oh I think this quote makes Viann sounds being dumped more than dump.
After reading that quote, it sure sounds like she is the one that is being dumped and not the other way around. I had a feeling that their relationship would not last…But oh well, life goes on for both of them…
I don’t get why people think they are the exception to the rule when it comes to trying to change someone in a relationship. Curious as to what habit she wants Ron to break – smoking, video games, not paying enough attention to her?
“I don’t get why people think they are the exception to the rule when it comes to trying to change someone in a relationship. Curious as to what habit she wants Ron to break – smoking, video games, not paying enough attention to her.”
When two people meet and fall in love, they are initially attracted by very specific traits, namely “positive” traits but even those “positive” traits may become sources of conflicts as the relationship progresses. For example, the woman may be attracted by the man’s flirtatious charm. That initial charm may be perceived by the woman as being flattering. However, as time passes in the relationship, the woman may realize that the man continues to have this flirtatious charm with other women (although it may be observed in conversations only and not lead to any cheating), the girlfriend is offended and constantly feel ill at ease with why her boyfriend continues to pay so much attention to other women? The boyfriend may think his girlfriend lacks trust in him (that he is only enjoying talking to female friends) and may resent the lack of freedom in expressing himself and being who he is. The girlfriend may think the boyfriend doesn’t truly love her anymore, as surely he must know that his actions are hurting her.
What attracts us initially may eventually turn into traits that the girlfriend does not like, given time and change in circumstances.
I don’t think anyone enters a relationship with the expectation that she/he can change her partner. However, conflicts inevitably arise where he and she will want to handle the situation differently or possess conflicting perspectives. Compromise is of course necessary. Then it can become a case of “I did all this for you and you can’t even do this for me” scenario. Or compromise may lead one to believe that she/he can not be truly who she/he wants to be or live a certain lifestyle, thus leading to “unresolved” conflict.
Usually women have higher emotional expectation in a relationship and inevitably want to “change” her man although realistically she realize this is very difficult to do so and will only hurt herself in getting disappointed.
Uh, trying to “change” someone is too much I think. Even for something negative that we wanted to change to be positive, it shouldn’t be done abruptly.
What is it that Viann wants to change, anyway? If it’s something the guy has been doing for years and years, it wouldn’t be that easy; especially if it’s something he feels like he “can’t live without”..hoho
well, to change this playboy is tough lor!! the 2Rs are no 1 payboys, difficult to change!!
Yea, a hot plastic doll…
Who is not now in the industry? Haizz, even susan boyle also has to change herself after joing the industry
Didnt they just hand in hand (denied by ron) in beijing few days ago? Viann is rumoured with alex fong (luk sun) and my conclusion: she loves tsui tsi lin.
Huh Fox, who is Tsui Tsi Lin and why him? 😛
Haha..I think Alex and Viann’s rumor is just a made up dish by the rumormonger tabloids(until anything comes out later to prove it).
Ron and Alex’s chac in TOB and new Da Tang Sung Lung.
Is she just keep posting to get free publicity?
Probably trying to change his smoking habits or his womanizer lifestyle.