Ella Koon Digs Hole To Hide From Ron Ng

Yesterday night, past rumored couple, Ron Ng (吳卓羲) and Ella Koon (官恩娜), appeared at the same time in TVB City, filming for two different variety shows. Although Ron and Ella expressed that they did not know the other party was around, both of them displayed abnormal behavior upon hearing the news. Ella professed that the makeup room was too packed and moved over to the other side to do her makeup, obviously having the intention to avoid her “former love”.
Ron Ng, Julian Cheung (張智霖) and other artists were filming at TVB last night for Jade Solid Gold<勁歌金曲> while at the same time, Ella and Christine Ng (伍詠薇), were in another studio, engaging in games for <變身男女Chok Chok Chok>. Although both Ron and Ella both shared the same tone and denied knowing that the other party was here, the graciousness of both parties was extremely different.
Would Surely Address the Other Party
Ron was asked whether he would say “Hi” to Ella if they bumped into each other. In reply to this, Ron responded, “Yes, I will. If we see each other, of course I will address her! We saw each other at a public performance the previous time and we did address one another.”
As for Ella, who has been hiding in the studio, denied that she had avoided Ron on purpose, “No lahs! When I first arrived, I heard from my colleague that there was no spare seat in the makeup room (Note from reporter: The makeup room will not not have enough seats for everyone) and arranged for me to come here to do my makeup. I did not know he was there.” (What if you had known?) “Then that’s also fine with me. I will address those that I know. If you see someone and you don’t address them then that’s impolite, having no manners at all!”
The reporter asked Ella if she and Ron met, would she give Ron a warm hug? Ella did not answer directly to the question and said meaninglessly, “Hope I will win tonight!”
Working On Both His Birthdays
Other than that, Ron revealed that it was his lunar birthday yesterday night and his mother had prepared a red packet for him. Ron also pointed out that his western birthday in early September will be spent working, “This series will only wrap filming during the middle of September.” (Will you take one day of leave to celebrate?) “I cannot lahs! I wish to finish filming this series as soon as possible because the weather has been difficult and the filming outfit is heavy.”
When mentioned about his rumored girlfriend, Viann Zhang (張馨予) and her scolding battle with his fans through Weibo, Ron expressed that he knew nothing about this incident. He hoped that his fans could stay calm as whoever was attacked was not a good thing. Asked whether he would ask Viann to bear with it and give way, Ron replied, “She will handle it by herself, I will not get involved in this.”
Source: Orientaldaily.on.cc
This article was translated by Ah K, a Contributing Writer at JayneStars.com.
Why does she look so different in that pic? I couldn’t recognize her.
She looks like Selena Li more, rite?
thats not ella its someone else
Ella should film more in tvb series, her acting was quiet good in Revolving Doors of Vengence
That’s Ella, but prolly just a bad picture of her. I’ve noticed that some of the headline photos are never that pretty or in bad photo quality.
I know there were rumors about the couple during the filming of Revolving Doors of Vengeance, but I don’t know if they actually admitted to dating.
Would like to know more about this couple. Anyone know? Ella seems to be a happy and optimistic person, so I feel like there shouldn’t be any grudges after a breakup unless Ron cheated on her like Kevin did on Niki (if that story was true).
Not sure why they broke up but ella told an interesting story on “club sparkle.” They were talking about bad or cheating bf. ella said an old bf drove her to a secluded beach at night and a cop came to check on them. the cop saw the bf and said “u here again?” meaning her bf had recently taken other girls to that spot. everyone assumed ella was talking about Ron as the 2 timer.
anyway, not sure why the headline makes like ella should hide from Ron. ella is prettier than mainland barbie and she has a hot doctor bf now. Ron is the one who is missing out.
What happen to her look???? 🙁
Ron’s answer is like a hint.
Lol. I knew Ah K wrote it. With all the “lahs” :p
Ron’s new weibo:
1. Ron kinda admitted he is with Viann
2. Ron is protecting Viann.
Then, wonder wat happening between them? Viann sounds hurt, Ron sounds love.
I think it is childish of Viann to be fighting with fans on Weibo. She needs to realize that an artist’s blog is not the place to voice her true viewpoints, especially negative ones about other artists, otherwise she is just opening up herself for attack.
Since the airport photos, it’s quite obvious that Ron and Viann are a couple, so he figures since it is already public knowledge, he is asking his fans to also accept his girlfriend.
Viann isn’t the only one.
My friend said a sentence tat I think it’s very right: Blog, facebook, etc. are the place where we write for other ppl to see, not the private corner where we can say watever we want.
Reading Viann previous posts, I agree that her retaliating Ron fans was quite immature. But looking at her weibo replies for the past months, she has been harassed by some Ron fans (some posting really mean message) even she was pictured with Ron at airport. Coupled with her low EQ, it’s no wonder that she vent out her bottled frustration in the wrong way.
Anyway, Viann already apologize in her weibo.
“I have low EQ, cried easily and not eloquent. Often attracting criticism and dissatisfaction for no reason. I apologize for my immature behavior earlier to the people affected. This matter has now ended. For the time being, I will not be reading comments anymore and truly live for myself.”
“she has been harassed by some Ron fans (some posting really mean message) even she was pictured with Ron at airport. Coupled with her low EQ, it’s no wonder that she vent out her bottled frustration in the wrong way”
This is the price of dating an idol celebrity such as Ron Ng. The problem also stems from the fact that Ron’s fans did not really know much about Viann as a person before their dating rumors and thus judged her based on her racy photos and plastic surgery. Viann should have used her Weibo to generate more positive PR for herself, rather than use it as a scolding platform. An artist’s blog is not a place to vent true frustrations, otherwise it just makes them sound immature and opens them up for attack. If Viann wanted to vent, she should have called up her closest female friends.
And here is her comment to Ron fans:
Ron 的 fans: 如果是我令妳的童话破碎, 那么我和妳说声’ 对不起’。 我相信真正支持的人不会离开 ! //@Ron 吴卓羲:’ 如果你们真的支持我, 就请尊重她。
Fans might be going overboard, but Viann is wrong because she started it by bashing Kate out in the open. She’s right she has low EQ
I think she retaliate immaturely after some Kate-Ron fans keep harassing her.
Both also immature, because Viann was vague (not even nickname reference of Kate), just facial features (namely, the lips). By replying to her post, Kate fans are actually acknowledging the description.
Conclusion: Both immature, but Kate-Ron fans have no business harassing her in the first place.
@lol: She implied that. However, if there isn’t a war I didn’t know she mentioned of Kate.
yeh as far as I know, she never mentioned Kate’s name. People just assumed she was talking about Kate.
What? Can’t he have a love life? He is only blinded when he spends all his money on her, didn’t show up for filming, gives her all his money.
Yeah, I wonder what’s so wrong with Ron dating Viann. What does the girl did wrong to have some crazy Ron fans stalking and harassing her in weibo 24/7?
Love is tent to be blind.
@sehseh: They think that the girl is using Ron.
And tracking Ron’s weibo. He unfollowed all TVB female artists including TY, Myolie, Leila, Linda.
I think Viann is very insecure and jealous, due to their long distance relationship. Plus reading his rumors on news daily + harassing messages from his fans + some immature Kate-Ron supporters flaunting and purposely @ Viann to see their kissing screencaps has taken a toll on her psychologically.
I believe that Ron & Viann might have fought over this, and Ron is trying to appease Viann. Jealous girlfriend tend to make unreasonable demands, and usually the guy will give in because he is very in love with her. I’ve seen worst.
Only Ron knows why he love Viann, including her good and bad points. Fans no need to think he is innocent lamb waiting to be slaughtered. He’s an adult for God’s sake, and I give him cookie points for defending his woman.
@Fox – Why would Ron unfollow many female stars? Just because he’s dating Viann that doesn’t mean he can’t contact his friends
@sehseh: I totally agree with you.
From the first day the relationship is revealed, they – fans – make Viann like a tiger and Ron like an innocent lamb.
Last time I tracked Viann’s weibo, I saw many bashes and even F words. I think it’s partly caused Viann to unsecured mood. I also think she is the type of jealous girl. She is still young, very young.
Overall, I agree that Ron must be the one who know the best how Viann is. His fans shouldn’t think too much, for him and for who he chose.
I personally disagree with the comments like “he should choose A, B, C, D, etc. because A, B, C, D, etc. are HK actresses, innocent or better.” He lived in TVB for 12 years, he of course know A, B, C, D, etc. better than us – audience. He made his choice, of course he has his own reasons. Maybe, I say maybe, he knows A, B, C, D, etc. too well to know their ugly truths…
@lol: No idea. Someone guessed that Ron gave Viann his weibo account then she did that. Some others guessed that Ron dun wanna see Viann jealous.
@ Fox
“And tracking Ron’s weibo. He unfollowed all TVB female artists including TY, Myolie, Leila, Linda.”
Haha. Ron is afraid of Viann’s jealousy.
Haha, maybe he is blinded a sexy body, not love!
Sehseh, I know why. For the fact they’re doing it openly. Fans are jealous. They are buying the illusion that he is available, that he will marry one of them. Also viann is a pretty girl, so they’re jealous. But if Viann was plain, they will also attack her. Point is, they just don’t want him dating/married. That is the problem with being idol status I suppose. These fans will grow up, and Ron will grow old, and hopefully gain some acting abilities. Meanwhile, if Viann truly wants to secure Ron as her husband, and I mean isn’t that the ultimate win over the heckling fans? She must do what all women are born to do; PATIENCE. Never ever retaliate, act gracious, even when attacked, delete weibo account, ignore ignore ignore. If she retaliates any further, Ron who probably wants his career more will see her as a liability and he will dump her. She must learn never to be more well known than her husband to be, she must learn to be a ninja and unfortunately that will mean being like Andy Lau’s wife, however we detest that sort of women. Chinese says catch big fish, so Viann must learn to be deaf and blind and mute.
And she used the wrong word’ true supporters. I suspect there will be more retaliation. Fans don’t need someone else to teach them what is true or untrue supporters. She is being preachy. I am sorry to say, this girl is rather dumb. She doesn’t know how to play her cards right.
That’s why I said Viann is still too young.
Viann is immature to pick fight with fans. She choose to date a famous artist and she herself is an artist so she should know how fans are like and just be patient.
Ron’s weibo really delete all ladies except Viann! I suspect Viann herself get hold of his account and delete all her competitors
@ Funn
I don’t think fans dislike Viann because she broke their illusion that he is available, that he will marry one of them. This is more the case of whether Ron is dating the girl they approved of.
Viann might be very attractive to guys. But, she’s not someone most girls will like due to her plastic surgery rumour and her using her assets to gain fame. Plus, she has other bad rumours that make her reputation not good.
If Ron were to date a fellow TVB actress, I think his fans won’t be against it so much.
I’ll just be laughing of Ron dumped Viann soon because of her madly jealous behaviour
@ Vivien
“Ron’s weibo really delete all ladies except Viann! I suspect Viann herself get hold of his account and delete all her competitors”
I tend to believe it’s Ron himself who unfollowed the ladies to appease Viann.
Ron still follows some unharmed ladies like Ckwok (the TVB mag vice director).
I just dun understand why even the married actresses like Astrid Chan or Christine Ng are unfollowed from his list. LF’s brother Rocky also be unfollowed. Even his manager Candy is put out of the list. Weird choices?
However, Ron is now having more negative comments for his protection than supports. I saw many comments left in his weibo and her weibo of how they disappointed with him after he left the two comments on weibo.
I somehow think that Ron dunno wat happen (based on wat he said in this article) and only commented based on Viann’s complaints, that’s why his comments seem to be odd.
Agree tat the girls can’t accept Viann more than having illusion of marrying him.
News about this Ron/Viann/Ronfans weibo war
@ Fox
“I just dun understand why even the married actresses like Astrid Chan or Christine Ng are unfollowed from his list. LF’s brother Rocky also be unfollowed. Even his manager Candy is put out of the list. Weird choices?”
That’s really weird. Now, I’m beginning to believe Vivien’s theory that Viann got hold of his weibo account’s password.
Btw, Fox, sorry for the earlier banter if I hurt your feelings. I don’t mean to. I was just working on the semantics. Not targeting anything personal.
@Kidd: It’s ok. I’m not the type who feel sad for a long while.
I also find it’s weird. Like Viann dun wanna see Ron has friends.
@Kidd @Vivien
“I tend to believe it’s Ron himself who unfollowed the ladies to appease Viann.”
Wow so controlling and jealous? Again this is immature, to ask Ron to prove his loyalty by unfollowing female friends? What about the pretty actresses and models that he works with everyday?
What will Viann do next to ask him to do next to prove his love to her? Sounds like there will be no end to her jealousy and demands. Maybe it’s too harsh to call Viann a “destructive lover” but there needs to be more mutual trust than this!
I am afraid his fans won’t approve of anyone he dates, not even Kate Middleton. The reality is they want him for himself. Well some of them. Some fans are understanding. I am in the situation of being a big fan of a star who is a bachelor, and there was a time he was rumoured with another actress whom I quite like but his fans didn’t like, said she takes advantage of his fame to promote her own movies, etc. I sorta realise this is about the idea of a possibility. They will never approve of anyone until reality hits them.
I think many of the fans just think Ron can do better than plastic body Viann. Some fans like female artistes and when they don’t like the idol’s partner it’s not because they have lesbian thoughts for the artiste but because they want their idol to find a nice partner.
I mean “since” she was pictured with Ron.
My rough translation of Ron & Viann weibo message:
Ron: “To people who loves me, I feel that weibo is positive and healthy platform, and not for someone to scold or insult other people. Please have respect for other people, have respect for yourselves and have respect for me. I hope everyone can calm down and have some self control.”
Of course, rabid fans get angry and threatened to leave Ron, bashing how unworthy Viann is etc… which prompted him to tweet:
“If you really support me, then please respect her.”
At this time, Viann retweet his weibo:
To Ron fans: If I have broken your fairytale fantasies, then I’ll say [I’m sorry] to you. I believe that true supporters will never leave (him)!”
Whoa… let’s just say Ron fans had a field day in weibo today.
Ron’s fans are too much. I don’t think they have a right to harassed this girl like that. If they really his fans they should respect his choice, and support him. They are just hurting him and making trouble for him. If he loves this girl then must be reasons. How can they say which girl is right for him? He like big boobs, plastic girls then what? Let him have some fun with this Barbie doll. I feel sorry for this girl, she has low EQ, but at least she’s true to her heart, speaks her mind, maybe silly but Ron might love her silliness 🙂
Its ella. Ive never seen her without her trademark side swept bangs!! Thought it was selina too!!
Seems like I missed out quite a lot on Weibo. Both sides are in the wrong. Ron’s fans shouldnt have reacted so strongly against her. The fans’ reactions just made her feel insecure and jealous.
Today is weibo day. Florinda Ho and Joel 3C also admitted their love on weibo.
Stating the obvious and guess what? No one cares!