Jing Tian Avoids Being Blacklisted Due to “Powerful Backer”?

After endorsing an illegal advertisement, actress Jing Tian (景甜) paid a hefty fine of 7.22 million Chinese yuan and is unable to endorse any ads for three years. Surprisingly, the Rattan <司藤> star did not get blacklisted and resumed her work almost immediately. As Chinese authorities are typically unforgiving toward celebrities over any actions of questionable conduct, many netizens surmised the actress must have a powerful backer in order to continue working seamlessly.
Since the endorsement controversy, Jing Tian continued filming for historical drama Le You Yuan <樂遊原> with Xu Kai (許凱), as well as Hidden Gem <嬌藏> despite initial rumors of being replaced.
She also managed to snag the female lead in Zhuo Zhuo Feng Liu <灼灼風流> with William Feng Shaofeng (馮紹峰). In the drama, Jing Tian stars as Mu Zhuo Hua – a young and ambitious female who challenges the traditional marriage system and aims to serve her country on the battlefield. Despite her loyalty to her nation, she falls in love with a prince from a rivaling country – played by Feng Shaofeng.
Since Zhuo Zhuo Feng Liu centers around a female protagonist, Jing Tian’s name is billed before Feng Shaofeng. Upon seeing the cast list, many netizens are shocked – especially since Feng Shaofeng is regarded as in a league above Jing Tian.
While fans believe Feng Shaofeng is an actor who does not care about his order of the billing, they point to his recent drama Life is a Long Quiet River <心居> as a fairly big hit. Feng Shaofeng’s upcoming dramas to air this year include: Novo Land – The Princess from Plateau <九州·朱顏記>, The Procurator <檢察風雲>, and The Victims <被害人>. Many fans anticipate Feng Shaofeng’s new collaboration with Jing Tian and the sparks they will bring to the drama.
Source: Up Media
This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.
Jing Tian powerful backer is not a new ‘news’ as how she was cast in a number of high profile drama/movie were questioned previously…
To have paid a fine and even given a 3yr ban… it is rather odd she can get back to work so quickly.. while Yuan Bingyan and others are blacklisted immediately.
Anyway, we do know how important connections are in this world we live in.. regardless which Country we are based.
Not surprised Jing Tian has someone powerful helping her. She’s able to break into Hollywood even though she’s not that famous.
Back then, her beauty was similar to a level of Liu Yifei who was on fire. I’m not surprised at all there will be directors picking her because of her looks. Just because she’s pretty doesn’t mean she slept with a powerful man. If that’s the case then you should assume every actress slept their way up.
I never said she slept her way up, but many actors or actresses need connections to break into Hollywood or work with famous directors. I just feel like in comparison to Gong Li, Zhang ziyi, etc, Jing Tian is really bland in comparison to them. The former two I understand why they can break into Hollywood, but Jing Tian I really don’t understand. This is just my opinion, I’m not trying to attack anyone in any way.
@Freekyu Jing Tang is prettier than Liu Yifei haha
@Aktf Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. IMO they’re pretty the same. Gao Yuan Yuan is also very pretty. So pretty that she was spotted on the street and asked to become a star. Amazingly, she also did really well in all the wuxia characters she played. She’s not only pretty but more talented than all the traffic actresses now. Jackie Chan picked her to play in Robby Hood, he didn’t comment on her talent but rather praised her beauty only. Jing Tian also starred with Jackie Chan, if she’s ugly and non-talented I will wonder why. But I think Jing Tian’s looks are on par with Liu Yifei and Gao Yuan Yuan. From her photos with Jackie they also seem kinda close. I don’t think Jing Tian is as talented as Gao Yuan Yuan or Liu Yifei. But I don’t agree with all the jealousy behind Jing Tian making it to Hollywood either. Everyone uses connections to get their roles. When Jackie Chan made that comment about an actress not working hard, haters aimed directly at Jing Tian in the news articles, and even added Angelababy who haven’t work with Jackie Chan. This type of unfair biasness only shows me people are jealous and bitter, especially jealous of those who are pretty.
It’s very regressive that Chinese actresses are judged mainly for their beauty rather than acting skills. Fans and media are equally to blame for pitting actresses against each other by making comparisons as to which one is prettier.
I do agree having a powerful backer does not mean she is sleeping with the person… Liu Yifei also had a powerful backer when she first entered the industry.. And there are others too. But they dont have intimate relationship.. It is very old fashioned to automatic think all powerful backers are lovers…some still practise such deeds but many do not. Jing Tian can date who ever she wants… but she can still have a powerful backer that supports her as a friend or investor or both.
Some antis are really… just said they won’t miss YBY a bit and now wanting to bring down Jing Tian, suddenly acting like they are YBY’s fans and wants justice for her. YBY is also accused of having strong background, now we need to convince everyone Jing Tian also have a strong background we will act like we don’t know about the slanders against YBY from before. If powerful men don’t equal to casting couch, why are some actresses so open to acknowledge who brought them in, and some will hide it to death? For example, Feng Xiaogang is not that less known from Zhang Yimou or Chen Kaige, being a politician and friend of Zheng Xiaolong, when he brought in ZLY who was also a nobody, she was given leading roles right away as well as introduced to friends like Zheng Xiaolong. Why does the internet pretend to act like she opened her own company and hired herself when she didn’t? If she employed her own self then that means she used no connection. Being brought in by others, means you used connections. Common logic. So far we only heard YM opening her own agency bottom up, she didn’t even brag, and she didn’t get any decent words from it either. Somebody used connections (like everyone else), why do they hire antis to make fun of everyone else having connections, while lying about themselves having none and it’s admirable? Looks like FSF is working with Jing Tian and somebody is just being upset, soon there’s going to be rumors Jing Tian slept with FSF, not going to be surprising.
Again and again Jing Tian gets accused of having a CCP back up even when she was still dating a non CCP boyfriend she was still accused of that, and even recently the gov punished her harshly for an ad she’s still called a CCP girlfriend. IDK but I heard that Zhao Liying also did a similar ad like Jing Tian and was not punish at all? So, who is really a girlfriend of the CCP?
If it’s really a “powerful backer” I will expect them to have power protecting her online, all the bullying online only shows that the backer is ordinary like every other backer.
Not the first time such a rumour. how do you think she got cast in so many productions, whatever the is size of the role?
What should we think about how you can reply like an understanding goddess when it comes to ZLY’s unconcern behavior of her own staff like this:
“I suppose must pretend to be caring. Like someone noted, she could be far, could be hurt or simply she doesnt care. She doesnt seem like the friendliest type and moreover who is to say after she didn’t send something to the poor lady?”
But when it comes to others who made it internationally then you sound like a witch, where did that understanding attitude go? I’m supposed to think Jing Tian’s haters aren’t armies of a jealous competitor who couldn’t make it internationally like Jing Tian?