Ming Dao’s Older Brother Suspected of Killing Wife and Son Before Committing Suicide

Yesterday, Taiwanese media reported that a 41-year-old male with the surname “Lin” was found dead in the Neihu District of Taipei. His body was founding hanging from the branch of a tree. Beside him were two other bodies, the remains of a 40-year-old woman and a 10-year-old boy. Moments later, it was reported that the man was Lin Ming-hung (林明弘), the older brother of 39-year-old Taiwanese actor Ming Dao (明道).
Police investigated Lin Ming-hung’s phone, and found that he was NT$2 million (approximately US$68,000) in debt. Driven to the point of no return, he strangled his wife and son to death shortly before committing suicide himself.
Ming Dao was immediately reached for comment after the news broke. His manager responded on his behalf: “Right now, Ming Dao is in extreme shock and very sad. He had no idea what happened, and even tried to find answers himself. However, to respect the police investigations and privacy laws, he will only release statements to the police. He will cooperate with the investigation to the best of his abilities. He will also be caring for his family.”
Ming Dao, whose real name is Lin Chao-chang (林朝章), has always had a close relationship with his older brother. Suffering from a disease that constantly fatigues his muscles, his older brother used to carry him to and back from school every single day. For that, Ming Dao feels that he owes his brother a debt of gratitude.
Over the years, Ming Dao had supported his brother financially, from paying back his debts to financing his wedding. In 2013, after Ming Dao returned from serving the military, he discovered that his older brother had been using his name to borrow money, even using Ming Dao’s driver’s license and personal registration information as mortgage to borrow NT$2.5 million. It wasn’t until the loan sharks asked for Ming Dao when he realized what his brother had done.
In 2016, it was reported that Lin Ming-hung was again in debt, this time owing NT$1 million. Lin allegedly told the loan shark, “My younger brother will handle it. He said he’ll use his house as the mortgage loan!”
Ming Dao had talked about his brother’s actions publicly before. He had said, “As for the actions of my family, I hope that the public won’t be quick to judge before the judgement of law and virtue. Everyone must hold responsibility of their actions. Every injustice has its perpetrator and every debt its debtor. That is social justice.”
Source: On.cc
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
How sad. I wonder what drove someone to be in constant debt even after family.
1st of all – condolences to Ming Dao and his family. Two innocent victims died because of his brother’s addiction. Addiction is a very scary thing. Believe it or not drugs and alcohol addictions sometimes can end faster than gambling addiction. Personally i know some people gamble for decades long and they are digging the debt hole bigger and bigger. Sometimes until something very bad happened before they stop it. It hurts not only themselves, but their families also. It’s really, really sad.
I have not heard about Ming Dao for awhile but so sad to hear about something as tragic as this. My deepest condolences and sympathies to his family. I am sure he and his parents are heartbroken and in shock.
I know what you mean and drugs, gambling and other kinds of addiction can truly break a family apart. That happened with my cousin as he was an addictive gambler. Those addictions are hard to break and even after having a family cannot change you. Sadly those addictions hurt not only the person but their loved ones too. I know how it is as my late father gambled a lot too. It is very tragic as I have been there but luckily in my case no one was killed or committed suicide. But we suffered a lot for many years due to my late father’s gambling addiction.
It is very sad that his brother killed his wife and son too. I feel bad for them. I hope Ming Dao and his parents stay strong through this difficult time.
I do know what you mean.
1. Two innocent lives lost.
2. Condolences to Ming Dao and his parents.
3. I pray that they will get through this.
When there is an addict in the family (drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc.) life can be hell for the people who are close to them. If you are a wife, child, sibling or parent – you can suffer with his/her addiction for many, many years. Emotionally, mentally and financially it will ruin you for a long time. I understand this because i have a sibling who gambles for decades. They can emotionally blackmail you. It took over 30 years for me to break the relationship with my sibling – my sibling threaten to kill me and my spouse after i stopped sending that person money. That was my breaking point. It was hard for me to do that because this person is the only family i have left in this world. Some of you may say that just cut that person off. It’s a lot harder to do than you think.
Glad that you understand but feel bad that you had to suffer through a gambling sibling. I had a chronic gambling late father so know how bad it was. My late father gambled and did drugs so our life was a living hell. Yes, they can blackmail and threaten you which was what my late father did too. I think it is worse when it is a parent as they keep on saying we as children owe them and are unfilial if we do not listen to them. Luckily, I had a good mom and overall good siblings and a good uncle who was a positive father figure to us as we had a bad father. But our life was hell due to my late father’s gambling and alcohol addictions. Outsiders say that we should have cut ties with them but it is way harder than people think. But we get to a breaking point that we have to for our own good and their own good.
Thank you for your understanding. I hope all is well with you all now. To have one addiction is bad enough and your family had to endure two addictions from your father. I’m sure it made you all stronger. When I was younger and dating – I ran away from anyone who showed any sign of a gambling habit. I rather stayed single than getting into that never ending mess.
Thanks for your kind words but I am ok in that sense now but I am depressed as I lost my mom too. Basically, I am an orphan now but I promised my mom to take care of myself before she left me. Yes, enduring 2 addictions was hell. I was unfortunate to have a bad father but he has passed away so I try to let bygones be bygones but it is harder than you think as those bad memories and years of suffering scarred me for life.
I have never dated but told myself the same thing that I would runaway from anyone that gambled or did drugs
since I suffered through that first part of my life already. I never want to endure it in the later parts of my life. My aunt once cursed me and said that I may end up with a person like my father which made me angry. I told her to her face that I would rather be single for life than end up with a person like that. Hope you married a good spouse though and hope you are now happy and free from all that pain.
I’m sorry to hear about the unfortunate things happened in your life. Be strong and be happy. You can do it. Don’t allow all that from pursuing your happy life. My sibling sometimes was physically abusive to me when I didn’t give the person money to gamble before. I don’t know what age range you are, but you should be brave and find your soulmate or a lifetime partner. Trust yourself and take time to know someone. Life is too short. You can enjoy life, but never settle for less with whatever important to you (it’s different for all of us). While I was barely dating my now husband than I learned one of his parents was a compulsive gambler before. I had a very upfront, honest talk with him about the issue. I told him I will NOT tolerate any of that because I don’t need another gambler in my life. He said the whole family suffered badly because of that parent and he learned from it. We are happily married for years now. Thanks and take care!
Your mom would be happy to see that you are happy also.
Thanks for your wonderful message! I appreciate it and am trying to work towards happiness. I am the same age is Joe Chen the actress. It is not that I am not brave and have tried finding a boyfriend/ partner but nothing came out of it. It is based on fate and I realize that there is more to life than romantic love. I am glad and happy that you are happily married and hope you always will be. Everyone that reads my palm said that I will marry late in life but will have a happy and stable marriage. However, let’s see how true it will be.
My late father was physically and verbally abusive of my late mom and us too. Honestly, the day he passed was bittersweet for me as he was my father after all and I was sad but I was also happy that we can be free of his abuse and threats.
Thanks again for everything and hope you are happy always!
@hetieshou I meant to say about your aunt’s curse – that was an awful thing for her to do that. Just forget it. Think positive and enjoy your life. Just believe that good things will happen.
Thanks and yes that one aunt of mine is so evil and mean to say that. Maybe she is experiencing karma now as she is partially paralyzed now. But she is 83 already so she is still luckier than most people. I had another aunt that was worse than her but she passed away now too. I will forget it as it is my life and life is short so I must work towards my own happiness as that is what my mom would want. Thanks again and always wishing you the best!!
Just live your life to the fullest and be a good person. Karma will take care of bad people. Best wishes to you always!
Thanks and I need to get away from my siblings and relatives as they are annoying. Yes, hopefully, karma will do its work. I wish you lifelong happiness as well since you deserve it.
Gambling, drugs and any kind of addiction are very scary and tragic. Yammie Lam’s first boyfriend committed suicide due to owing a huge debt due to gambling. I once remember watching an ATV series where a daughter got killed by her father as she refused to give him money to gamble. Even though it was only a series, I can imagine things like that happening in real life. Addictions are hard to kick and some just dig a hole of debt and the hole just gets deep to the point of no return which is what happened to Ming Dao’s brother. Very sad and tragic and I hope he and his parents stay strong through this difficult time.
It is so senseless, so selfish. What a selfish brother, selfish father, selfish husband. If article is true, he had been relying on his famous brother to pay off his debts and take care of his family including his child. Ming dao has been paying his debts so why he murder-suicide now? Perhaps Ming dao and parents has had enough and decided tough love is the way but because the selfish man was so ingrained in his mind his selfishness he decided to just punish his own baby brother for refusing help? whatever it may be, it is certainly not Ming Dao’s fault. But guess who will bear the guilt for not being of more help or see the signs or something like that? Selfish. This is beyond tragic. I have no sympathy for monsters like that but poor wife, poor kid, poor family.
This has been happening for years now and Ming Dao did stop paying for his debts and said that his brother needed to be responsible for his own debts and actions. But sadly that did not help his brother become more responsible as his gambling addiction just kept getting worse which led to this. It is definitely not Ming Dao or his parents fault. I feel bad for them, his late sister in law and nephew. They were innocent but was killed by the one that should love and protect them. This is beyond tragic and I hope Ming Dao and his parents stay strong through this tough time.