“The Life and Times of a Sentinel” Finale Peaks at 40 Points

*SPOILERS of The Life and Times of A Sentinel Ahead*
TVB received three complaints last week over the recently-concluded drama, The Life and Times of A Sentinel <紫禁驚雷>. The complaints were lodged against Evergreen Mak’s (麥長青) hand-chopping scene, which was described as too violent and gruesome. The Associate Director of TVB’s External Affairs Department, Tsang Sing Ming (曾醒明), explained that parental guidance was advised and had already reminded viewers about the scene earlier. Last Friday, when the drama was broadcasting its last episode, the highest viewership rating reached 40 points as Steven Ma’s (馬浚偉) Nip Dor-Po hugged Selena Li’s (李詩韻) deceased Chi-Ying and cried painfully.
In other news, the ratings for another set of drama, Lives of Omission <潛行狙擊>, have been steadily increasing and a finale dinner would be thrown on September 9th at Emax Entertainment Centre. The entire cast and crew of Lives of Omission were expected to attend.
Source: Oriental Daily
This article was translated by Ah K, a Contributing Writer at JayneStars.com.
I liked the twist at the end. When he was actually the 4th brother. I didn’t expect that. Too bad he can’t be with Selena though… so sad.
the twist was so random … i couldn’t believe Steven’s father willing to do so much for royalty after his father’s death. In addition, when they first met up, he was so happy to see him. It didn’t really make sense to me ….
Exactly what I thought.
Thinking about it, its one of the biggest illogicities of the whole series…
Plus the math just isn’t right for the twist.
I like the end of this story, and surprised me that Steven was the 4th brother. And I prefer he stay in the palace to help the king because he such an intelligent man such a shame he chosen to become a monk.
I like the monk ending and the theme of ‘letting go’ and ‘forgiveness’ presented at the end.
kenneth ma eye twitching act as villain so old style.
Steven crying scene dramatic but no convincing.
Selena talk like having asthma attack.
The story line is good, but the acting just…
Agreed that Steven is over dramatic! Kenneth is better. Mind you this is ancient series so you can’t expect Kenneth to act subtly like modern series villains. Don’t forget that Tavia is worse in BTROC rofl.
Why can’t villain be subtle in ancient drama?
Shouldn’t use Tavia’s BTROC performance as yardstick. Being better than Tavia in BTROC is nothing to shout about.
hmm how would you compare charmaine’s idiotic girl in that recent series with Raymond TO Tavia’s role in BTROC?
though they are totally different roles, but just compare the acting..
Cannot be compared since they play different role. Wait till Tavia has a chance to play an idiotic girl, then, we compare.
it’s interesting how people say Steven Ma’s acting was over dramatic. the way i saw it, if i was in his position, going through so many hardships, i may have reacted even worse.
i really liked the last scene right before selena’s death when he shook off selena’s hand. his facial expression in that particular scene was extremely convincing.
@kidd –
That means you agree that Kenneth is better than Tavia. It’s a good yardstick because Tavia won an award for THAT BTROC performance lol
@pandamao: you think that but other ppl can think otherwise 😛
@Vivien: TVB ah :P. You expect what from TVB? Hyped that series and the role that much but end up with nothing? It’s like a hit to their face.
@hello: Both OTT but I feel for Charmaine’s role more.
Tavia’s OTT acting in BTROC has become a joke. I want Myolie to show the real acting in an evil palace role. I hope her character is written better than Kam Ling.
now that you pulled myolie in.
let’s wait and compare and we shall see who does the worst job for evil roles.. myo or ty
Tavia in BTROC? A big surprise why no one knew she was the villain when she was so openly rolling her eyes.
Oh please please put SPOILERS before your post! Now I don’t need to watch, not so eager! I specifically gave gag order on my nephew on the surprise twist and now.. sigh…
@Funn: And don’t forget the flash *flashed flashed* in her eyes. Lame CGI.
The heavy eyeliner also helps to show.
Yes, who can’t know?
Kenneth’s face twitching made me cringe a bit. I can’t imagine that being realistic unless the person’s got some nerve problem.
And does it really make sense for selena to spit up blood after getting stabbed? It’s not like she was poisoned. I guess producers love to make things overly dramatic.
ROFL that spitting blood is over dramatic
I agree about the spitting of blood. Stabbing in the heart leads to spit up blood from the mouth? And it was wayyyy too much blood, the color of the blood was too red too. So fake. That moment ruined the scene.
Lol. Selena talk like having asthma attack is half true. In The Green Room interview, she revealed she was really ill during filming of the entire series. She coughed so much until her liver is swollen, that in one scene she couldn’t even walk, as the pain was too overwhelming. In all of the other scenes, the moments that she has no lines (when other people are talking) she is holding her cough until her face turn red, and often NG because of her coughing. Anyways, this was mentioned in the newsarticles about the celebration BBQ party after filming wrapped up in February this year.
I was quite surprised that she did quite well for an ill person, I expected much worse.
I meant: Anyways, this was also mentioned in the newsarticles about the celebration BBQ party after filming wrapped up in February this year.
And it was not just coughing, she had fever too.
The finale was very interesting to watch. I quite liked the cast’s performance, especially Kenneth. Glad that the finale had such great results! Too bad it was a sad ending..
Overall: plot is good. story is good. acting is terrible. WRITING is terrible.
I’m quite disappointed in this drama. I was pretty hyped up about it and the plot had potential to be a good story. It’s just… the writing is bad. The twist in the end just made the overall drama worse.
@Addy – rofl the twist at the end is UNBELIEVEABLE!!!! lol rofl
I agree with Addy. The series look great potentially in paper and trailers but the writing and acting are not up to par. I’m quite disappointed.
I am still not sure about Power Chan as Kangxi. Why not Steven as Kangxi, Kenneth as Steven, and someone else as Kenneth?
Power Chan is not convincing as kang xi. The way he carry himself just not convincing enought, especially when he sit crossing his leg and put his hand on his knee. I thought only girl sit like that haha.
Will Life and Times of a Sentinel have a sequel? Lol, it has high ratings, praises and etc.
Praises? I don’t feel what’s great about this series. It has illogical plot, OTT acting, some miscast and awkward newbies. The story in paper has big potential but when they make it into a real series it become too dramatic and exaggerating.
Hehe, I’m saying in the reporters’ words about “sequel” :P. I haven’t watched the series.
You like this series Fox?
I haven’t watched it :). Actually GJ is the last series I watched recently.
Reporters didn’t mention the words “sequel” at all?
I don’t think Kenneth brought out the evilness to his role, it didn’t buy it for me. Love the interesting twist at the end, it threw me off. Would never knew Steven was the 4th prince. And why did Selena have to die? Can’t they just leave a little happiness to the end? Overall the series is just ok, watching it once is good, don’t think I’ll watch it again.
I dont think the whole acting is bad at all, I think Steven and Kenneth did a good job in carrying out their own roles with good acting skill imo. I also don’t think Steven is dramatic, his crying, talking etc was quite convincing and nice to look at imo and Kenneth’s evilness was good too, I really think he’s kinda evil and his evil glare was extremely evil better than Tavia.
I just don’t like the ending though where Selena had to die, it just don’t make sense. And I don’t like the part where steven decided to become a normal citizen rather than being the the 4th prince.. which kinda dissappointing.
“The complaints were lodged against Evergreen Mak’s (麥長青) hand-chopping scene, which was described as too violent and gruesome.”
There were torture scenes abound in this series and now only they complain about a hand-chopping scene that lasted no more than 1 minute?