Viann Zhang Accidentally Reveals Safety Shorts In Rush To Meet Ron Ng

Mainland star, Viann Zhang (張馨予) who has a nickname of “Little Cecilia Cheung (張栢芝)” has been dating Ron Ng (吳卓羲). Their relationship has been gradually seeing light in recent days. Viann recently arrived in Hong Kong to promote her movie and besides donning a black and white couple cap similar to boyfriend Ron Ng, Viann also did not take caution to avoid suspicion and continuously stepped into her boyfriend’s Ho Man Tin apartment district two nights in a row.
Following the night before yesterday, after completing her work yesterday, Viann immediately rushed back to the hotel for a quick refreshment and came out wearing a tight mini-skirt that showed off her long legs. Viann hurriedly boarded a cab to leave the hotel but in her anxiety to meet her lover, she accidentally revealed her black safety shorts beneath her skirt.
The taxi then drove to Ho Man Tin district and after getting down, Viann sneakily switched to another seven-seater car. It was estimated that Viann had plans to shake off the paparazzi before secretly meeting Ron. However, in the end, her plan was eventually foiled by the reporters and a helpless Viann had no choice but to escape to the nearby buildings to avoid them.
In other news, Viann Zhang who has always viewed Cecilia Cheung as her idol, finally got a chance to collaborate with Cecilia on the new movie, The Lion Roars Again <河東獅吼Ⅱ> thus making the netizens do a comparison of her’s and Cecilia’s figures and looks in recent days.
This article was translated by Ah K, a Contributing Writer at
Ah K: What do you guys think? Does Viann Zhang deserves the nickname of “Little Cecilia Cheung”? Does she resemble Cecilia in any way? I personally feel that Viann does have Cecilia’s eyes and nose (after surgery). Give me your opinions k, would love to read what you guys think!
And I don’t see what’s wrong with Viann accidentally revealing her safety shorts, she didn’t do it on purpose and it’s not like she did a Britney Spears by exposing her crotch or something. It’s more of a case of protecting modesty than revealing modesty.
She’s getting more coverage for herself than any big time celebrities now, just for dating Ron? Reveals shorts also need coverage by paparazzi? Ron himself isn’t getting this much coverage.
“She’s getting more coverage for herself than any big time celebrities now, just for dating Ron? Ron himself isn’t getting this much coverage.”
Viann has grabbed public interest not only as Ron’s girlfriend but also because of her sexy package, similar to how leng mo’s always grab Hong Kong tabloid headlines. Bare a little cleavage and Hong Kong males seem to lap up the photos and make newspapers sell.
This make HK entertainment sounds cheap. Before this in 2000s it was cute naive girls such as Twins, Cookies and now in 2010s it’s plastic big breast lengmo season.
should be silicon implanted breast time now! LOL
Talking about lengmo, do you guys with the lengmo originator Chrissie Chau has done anything on herself?
I don’t know face-wise since Chrissie isn’t that pretty, but I’m pretty sure her body is natural (you can tell her boobs are real when she lies down and stuff. Yea I was nosy and saw some of her toothpaste/ice cream pictures lol).
It was Kidd who asked the question not me, but thanks for the info, I also notice that Chrissie’s big boobs are natural.
And dont worry about being nosy 😛 looking at sexy pics of same sex 🙂 Women are tend to be nosy 😛 that’s why we’re here ^_^
@Veejay, I have GTalk, now I’m finding some of my friends in Paltalk who also have Google account, which means they can talk using GTalk directly on the web, Yah!!
And may you Email me your GTalk ID so I can add you, my QQ Email is 1683520496 at
My husband loves photography, went we go to places he likes to take pictures and I would love to share with you our photos. We went to Las Vegas and San Francisco last time and we took alot of photos.
You heard of Las Vegas Veejay?
Just give me your gmail email and I’ll add you. I dun want to be bother emailing to your QQ since I dunno how does it works out xD sorry ya
Thanks Lily for the info. 🙂
For her face, I feel that even if she has done anything, it would be only minor fixes. She doesn’t have the perfect sculptured look or barbie doll look. Her look is natural.
Poor Ron. 😀
I just think she should have wore white shorts instead of black. I hate it when people wear black underneath white clothing. It just screams attention!
Black short won’t be attractive (to reporters).
Fashion criminal!
If I saw her at night coming out of the taxi w/ that black furry arm shag, I would call the police myself.
“It was estimated that Viann had plans to shake off the paparazzi before secretly meeting Ron.”
Why is she trying to shake off the paparazzi when they are the ones publishing her news and making her more well-known to the public? Lol. 😛
I don’t think Viann resembles Cecilia much though they may have similar features, big eyes and high nose. I haven’t seen Viann with many expressions and her face always look stiff. But she’s still very pretty.
On a side note, this Viann news is getting a bit boring since she’s only well-known for her looks and body, not her talents. It’s always her causing some kind of lame drama.
The use of the safety shorts was utilised, they are exactly for these kinds of situations… it wasnt like she had nothing underneath…. thus, i dont understand the fuss…
@Ah K,
Selamat Pagi first!, I think Viann doesn’t resemble a bit of Cecilia cheung even after her surgery. She looks like a barbie doll to me having perfect feature that’s too hard to believe for a chinese woman.
I think it’s good that Viann wore a safety short under her short skirt or dress. I’m sure it dissappoint many men too for not having to see her “crotch” ahem… XD
Haha, what’s “Selemat Pagi” babe? 😀
“She looks like a barbie doll to me having perfect feature that’s too hard to believe for a chinese woman.”
I agree, she’s way too perfect, heck God gives you some but he also takes some so I highly doubt anyone can be THIS perfect without some artificial help. I’m quite certain that she did her nose, got some lip fillers (note: the old photo of her lips weren’t as full and thick yet (especially the upper lip)) and did liposuction to remove her baby fats, not sure whether she did chin fillers though. But overall quite a good plastic surgery transformation, I must say. Although it would have been better if she didn’t look so “photoshopped” even in real life.
@ Ah K
“Haha, what’s “Selemat Pagi” babe?” 😀
You are Singaporean and you don’t know what “Selamat Pagi” means? How can.
Haha why not babe? Well, I don’t see anything wrong with not knowing, I’m not a Ms-Know-It-All or any smartypants and although our national language here is Malay and our national anthem is also in Malay, most of the Singaporeans here communicate in English and I converse with my Malay friends also in English plus my first language is English and my second language is Mandarin Hua Yu, so I don’t see a need to know or learn any Malay words though I do only know one Malay word which is “Terima Kasih” which means “Thank you”. If you do know the meaning of “Selemat Pagi”, then good for you, maybe you would like to enlighten me? 😀
@ Ah K
Veejay already kinda answered in the other conversation thread. 😀
Direct translation:
Selamat – safe
Pagi – morning
But, ‘Selamat Pagi’ as a whole has the same usage as ‘Good Morning’. It’s a morning greeting. 🙂
So, ‘Selamat Pagi’ can be translate as ‘Good Morning’ I guess.
@Ah K,
Your English is so good that I wouldn’t think you’re from Singapore. It’s better than many people from the U.S.A.
I didn’t know English was so popular in Singapore actually, lol. Wow, Mandrain is your second language? I thought it would be vice versa. 🙂
” I’m sure it dissappoint many men too for not having to see her “crotch” ahem… XD”
Haha wasn’t she involved in some sex photos scandal? Not sure whether that set of photos show her crotch but well, men, they will have their ways…through googling for those photos? LOL! 😛
I found some of her sex scandal photos online, they are not as interesting as Cecilia’s ones 😉 LOL, look like an artistic photo than a sex photo to me.
Yes Veejay, that is why I post this.
Viann is not at the level of Cecilia. I saw photos of Cecilia fully nude and even giving oral sex to Edison.
Viann only have semi-nude photos, and the photos of her and her boyfriend, she got a tank top on, she was Not fully naked like Cecilia is. You can Google Viann name 張馨予 and you will see photos of her and her boyfriend, they were just in bed kissing, I would not call this a “sex scandal”
So Viann is not at the same level of sex scandal like Cecilia is.
Veejay, when Cecilia sex photos first come out around the Internet, I see ones that she give blow job, oral sex to Edison Chen, that is quite hardcore compared to Viann just laying in bed and kiss her boyfriend photos.
I try Google for that Cecilia Cheung pic, hope they didn’t delete it.
Why are there so many reports of Viann catching a taxi to Ron’s house? Overexposure anyone? (her pants and her publicity?)
I think she’s happily flaunting her status as Ron’s official gf after Ron defended her on WEibo. Maybe to some ppl’s view, it seems like overexposure but it’s perfectly normal for a normal couple to visit each other.
I still think it’s not necessary for Viann to dress sexily to her bf’s house since Ron already seen all part of her body? xD It could be for publicity attention since Viann knows there will be reporters waiting for her at Ron’s she dresses sexily?
She can never be the next Cecilia Cheung. Her title is so undeserving. Her acting skills are lacking, and she is not even a natural beauty. Although Cecilia is a bit crazy in the head, she’s still a lot better than this Viann girl who only uses Ron and her body for popularity.
Liked your comment! Especially LOL-ed at your sentence of “Although Cecilia is a bit crazy in the head” 😀
Yes Cecilia is better then Viann. Viann hasnt had a sex scandal under her profile.
Viann has had a sex scandal with her Ex. You didn’t know? There’s pics circulating on the internet. She’s lucky that the ones being leaked only showed her upper body.
Yea, Viann has had a sex scandal so she is not any better than Cecilia at all. I think they are lucky to have guys that can accept their past. Gillian Chung is still struggling over that. I remember how she was saying that it will be hard for her to find a guy that is willing to accept her past. I guess Cecilia and Viann are luckier than her in a sense..
@Cloud… not the full all body naked. If she do that, it will revive Hong Kong entertainment industry.
Viann is not at the level of Cecilia. I saw photos of Cecilia fully nude and even giving oral sex to Edison.
Viann only have semi-nude photos, and the photos of her and her boyfriend, she got a tank top on, she was Not fully naked like Cecilia is. You can Google Viann name 張馨予 and you will see photos of her and her boyfriend, they were just in bed kissing, I would not call this a “sex scandal”
So Viann is not at the same level of sex scandal like Cecilia is.
I don’t think she looks that much like Cecilia. I think Gong Mi looked more like Cecilia, but of course Gong Mi’s features looked artificial while Cecilia’s looks real.
I wonder why she needs to dress in sexy clothing?? Is it because she wants more attention??
Sx and Zen actress Leni Lan was also called “Little Cecilia”
wa..revealing short only also news. Don’t see it as big deal. Wonder why the reporter keep following her. Is Ron extremely popular in hongkong that the reporter keep pestering his GF?. Sorry i have limited knowledge for popularity rank of HK celebrities.
yeh actually is still publicity for her or for Ron? I think Ron actually benefits from this as well! Thanks to Viann, Ron’s name has been plastered all over the papers recently. lol
For both.
ah i see. It’s mutual benefit then.
Obviously she called the paps. Trucker hats are so outdated
Will that’s what safety shorts are use for so I don’t see what’s the big deal about it.
I think she is just using Ron to get attention now. Just don’t like this person at all as I find nothing to like. Apart from being sexy all the time, I wonder can she act. Have never seen her films before but I don’t think I would be interested anyway.
Not sure about that but I won’t deny she certainly enjoys the attention and publicity.
I agree and isn’t that typical when a girl dates a guy more famous than her?
At least she is wearing something underneath. The number of hollywood stars not wearing underneath is just… staggering.
Viann is definately not Little Cecilia Cheung, but this girl is. Take a look at this news:
She’s another plastic handcraft, why are china girls so obsessed with Plastic surgery? following the trend in Korea?
Guess so, since this girl want to enter the entertainment industry, for competition, she thinks think with plastic sugery can enhance their looks.
And this girl looks more like Cecilia Cheung than Viann.
This girl you provided in your hyperlink, she looks like Tang Wei pre-surgery but after surgery, she does resemble Cecilia more than Viann though! 😀
I don’t think she looks like Cecilia at all. In fact Cecilia looks way more natural then Vann’s tight face. I think Vann is a phoney. From head to toe she’s fake and unnatural. Thinking about her is is no different then thinking of a porn star it is just that she’s becoming famous for it because she’s dating Ron and is making headlines.
Viann looks like cecilia? Which part exactly apart from having implants?
That’s because Cecilia’s face is natural while hers is all fake and plastic…