Myolie Wu and Chilam Cheung’s Sibling Love Move Viewers

The last few minutes in episode 17 of Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲霄II> featured the reconciliation between Myolie Wu (胡杏儿) and Chilam Cheung’s (張智霖) characters. Their sibling relationship greatly touched the hearts of the audience, and many praised the two for their outstanding acting skills on Weibo.

In the scene, Jayden Koo (Chilam Cheung), recalled a happy childhood event when their family spent a day together out in a park. He said to his sister, Summer Koo (Myolie Wu), “Although the scene only appeared once, it’s already enough for me to realize how a complete family can be so powerful….If I am able to choose, I am willing to give away everything in exchange for our family to be together once again. Summer, if you are really unwilling to forgive me, okay, I understand. But I really hope you will listen to me just once…. Sorry, I am such a disappointment to you.”

At that moment, both Jayden and Summer had tears in their eyes. Jayden walked past Summer until she called out to him. In the midst of a breakdown, she told him why she chose to become an aircraft technician. Summer ended her words with, “You’re the worst brother on earth, but…. I forgive you.” With that, they embraced each other and the credits for the episode rolled.

Artists including Linda Chung (鍾嘉欣), Oscar Leung (梁烈唯), and Kibby Lau (劉俐) had tuned in to watch as well and were touched by the scene. Linda wrote on her Weibo, “A very good scene!” Oscar was also quick to comment, “It truly was amazing! Really love you siblings. But just saying, you guys must have very beautiful parents, or else how could they have given birth to you two?”

Reading the comments, Myolie wrote, “Hehe, this scene is actually one of my favorites from the entire series. It was also shot with one camera. Thanks to my brother and producer for letting me complete my part first. My brother’s words really put me in the mood. At the time, I was Jayden Koo’s sister, Summer Koo. We finally reconciled. Thank you, brother!”

Although Myolie received much praise for her acting in general, netizens also pointed out that her eyebrows looked weird and funny when she tried to express intense emotions. Tabloids took screenshots of her face expressions and said that her gwing expression was back.

Source: Apple Daily

This article is written by Shirley for

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  1. her “gwing” face isn’t as bad now.
    other actresses kinda has it too, but no one ever points it out…

    1. Don’t really understand the meaning of “gwing” face… but if i am right, Fala also has that kind of face when Sam Tong tore off the airplane manual???

  2. Lot of tears in the last few eps… Kudos to the writers and actors who’ve really put out a great series so far

  3. Eww, the scene gave me the feeling of incest blooming….

  4. It’s one of my favourite scenes in the series as well. Great acting from Myolie and Chilam!

  5. sob sob, read in the papers, many families fight over dad’s estate.. mom-children, among siblings

  6. I thought the scene was ok, Chilam did a lot better in that scene than Myolie….sorry but I just can’t watch her emotional scenes. I like it better when she’s not speaking though I have to admit it’s been a while since I’ve enjoyed a character Myolie portrayed. She’s one of the characters I’m looking forward to see develop though I’m not sure how that future love triangle will turn out.

    1. Wow. It’s going to be really hard for Myolie to please you.

      1. Not at all I just think she suits more roles where you don’t have to express yourself through dialogue every time like her role as Summer which I’m currently enjoying at the moment. I just don’t think dramatic and emotional scenes are her strongest criteria in terms of acting.

    2. I thought her “…but I forgive you” lost its emotional impact because of the way she said it.

      Furthermore, I still don’t know their (presumably sad, complicated) family background so I’m not that sympathatic to her situation. He left her for an education/career, how can she be mad (so long) for that?!

      1. Exactly, I don’t sympathize with her situation at all, the writers didn’t do a good job of coming up with a background we can all sympathize with which is why I don’t have any feelings towards that scene. Realistically, i highly doubt anyone would be angry for that reason for a month let alone years for this story. The way she delivers her lines also doesn’t help either.

  7. I like that scene too, very emotional one of the best scene.
    Both Chilam and Myolie are awesome.
    Both are very good.

  8. They really do look like siblings. Just like Francis and Ron!

  9. It was the most moving scene from that episode because in the introduction of Rebecca Zhu’s character annoyed me so much.

  10. if ur good at crying does that make u a good actor and actress

    1. Nope, I can cry too but I don’t think I’m anywhere near being a good actor.

      Mind emphasizing your statement?


  12. Hmm. Maybe I missed it, but why was Summer so mad at him? It was revealed that he left her to pursue his dreams, but was there anything else?

    It seems there are many incomplete stories like the writers left out a bit of detail.

    1. It was an accumulation of everything which led her to believe that he is the “world’s worst brother.” In her eyes, he left her to be alone after their parents died even though he promised to always be there. He couldn’t even remember her birthday (as shown in an earlier episode) and would just give her gifts instead of spending time with her since it seemed that he would put his career, love, and money above her. He would always break his promises to her- that episode with him not showing up at the museum on time was supposed to be an example of this. It might not seem like a big deal to some people, but I think she has some abandonment issues with everyone leaving her at a young age which led her to be so closed off to everyone.

  13. yah i love this scene too. they really acted so well and made me cried

  14. One of the better scenes from Triumph In The Skies II. The series is finally picking up…I hope. It has so been a real bore to watch and I’m fairly on the “I’ll give up” point.

  15. I didn’t see a gwing face. Her crying face was a lot more subtle than in tai chi. No wonder Myolie’s feeling extra pressure when she acts. she can’t shake off the gwing accusations.

  16. i really think that myolie did an excellent job, she really connected with chilam in this scene, they are AWESOME!

    1. and i start to get the “feel” of George Lam’s theme song. I think it fits this sequel better as i think that the focus is more on the matured (Francis and Chilam) and graduated young pliots working towards captaincy (Ron and Kenneth).

  17. It really is one of the best scenes by far, I teared. Excellent scene from both. I wonder why Chilam doesn’t have many scenes yet (He has been ‘disappearing’ for most of the time in the latest episodes) and so does Myolie. Both are great actor and actress!

  18. CHILAM and myolie show have more scene together !!! Lets hope they do

  19. i am still waiting for the fact why Sam is not by her side when she died in the airport.. the writer did a good job to made her dead..this is able to make us see how francis (using only his facial expression) will act out.. how to miss a person

  20. Watched a few episode. TVB has certainly broaden their filming skills in this series which is a good point. However, the much hyped about acting skills of Francis is over exaggerated being he doesn’t have the command of English language to carry this character unlike Chi Lam who blends well with language and personality. Sad to say that
    Just any Calefair can do better than Francis.

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