Grace Chan is Infatuated with Kevin Cheng’s Looks

Hong Kong artiste Grace Chan  (陳凱琳) appeared as a guest on Sharon Chan’s (陳敏之) Youtube channel where the two had a heart-to-heart conversation about their relationship. During the segment, Grace opens up about her relationship with her husband Kevin Cheng (鄭嘉穎) and her previous dating experience.

Married for three years, Grace confesses that Kevin is an important part of her life, “I really cherish my husband so people would say I am crazy in love with my husband. I really love him and sometimes I would tell him that he is really handsome.”

Although Grace likes to compliment her husband, Kevin doesn’t seem to be comfortable with being called handsome, “He would ask me to not call him that because he doesn’t think appearances last forever. He thinks that if I really like him now for his appearances, it will be a problem when he gets older and loses his looks. I would tell him just because I call him handsome, it doesn’t mean I only like him because of his looks even though it is one of the reasons.”

Grace also shares stories of her past dating experience and recalls a funny story, “I worked in a restaurant and met a boy. He wasn’t my official boyfriend yet but I quite liked him a lot. One day, he said wanted to cook a meal for me and my mom, and my mom agreed to go. We were looking forward to it and he wore a chef’s uniform. When he rolled up his sleeves, we saw that his arms were covered with tattoos. My mom reacted like the moms on TV dramas but she didn’t say anything. After we got to know him, he was just like any other person except he had a lot of tattoos.”

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  1. Got to admit, Grace twitters like a bird that swallowed a radio, but reading this was sweet. Glad her mom came to her senses and saw past the ex’s tattoos. Kevin is the type who does not like the fussing over and the excessive compliments. Grace is a horrible actress, but she deserves points for being a loving wife and mother.

  2. If you asked me if KC is good looking when he was in his 20s/30s, I would wholeheartedly say yes. But in his 50s now, I don’t know if I would still call him goodlooking. Maybe handsome for his age? But beauty is in the eye of the beholder and if Grace thinks he’s hot, then that’s great for her.

    I think Grace is steering away from acting and solely focused on MCing/influencing/marketing/baking these days. She must’ve gotten PTSD from that pirate drama lol – so much backlash and might be too scared to try again in the short term.

    1. Agree , he used to be pretty good looking in his 30s… but not anymore. He definitely not hot lol

    2. I think Grace mentioned she’s not going to do any acting for drama because they are to tough, with her being a mom and wife. She prefers doing short term filming for ads, etc.

    3. I dont know, I still think he’s good looking lol. If I had to choose between him and some younger tvb stars like Owen Chueng I still think hes better looking despite the age.

  3. The audience can only see his face, but Grace can see him as a whole, so no matter how much he ages, she still thinks he is handsome. I can’t say he looks bad, but his looks were in good condition until he turned 50. In Kids’ Lives Matter, you can see his frail figure. He looks so short when he’s next to Kenneth! When I saw his promotion clips on YT, he had a lot of lines on his face. He’s finally aging. He’s no longer a 不死人 (Veins) haha.
    I still like watching him though. It’s nice to see him around again. The younger version of KC’s character did really well because I could figure out who was who in the first scene. His anger looked almost exactly how KC would normally act.

  4. I get the feeling she’s thinking he might feel insecure because of the age gap. Let’s be honest, when he’s 60 and she’s in her mid thirties, she’s still arguably in her prime for looks, while he will be well into senior citizen territory. Especially since she’s already way above average in looks vs the normal person, the contrast is going to get bigger.

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