Myolie Wu Is Not Getting Lead Roles Any More

Emerging as second runner-up when she entered the Miss Hong Kong Pageant in 1999, actress Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) has enjoyed a flourishing career in mainland China, where she starred in several hit dramas. While 2025 marks her 25th year in the entertainment industry, the actress recently revealed that she is no longer offered lead roles!

Done “Some Boring Leads” In the Past

The 45-year-old award-winning actress married Philip Lee (
李乘德) in late 2015 and they went on to have three sons, Brendan (李奕霆), Ryan (李奕霖), and Liam (李奕宏), enjoying a close-knit family life. Known for her workaholic nature, Myolie continued acting and attending events during her pregnancies, staying active and working until the very last moment, and once brought her son along during a month-long filming project in mainland China.

Appearing in nearly a hundred film and television productions since debuting, Myolie’s notable performances include the likes of Nothing Gold Can Stay <那年花開月正圓>, Wish and Switch <換樂無窮>, Beloved Life <親愛的生命>, and Blossoms in Adversity <惜花芷>, solidifying her place in mainland showbiz

However, during a recent appearance on reality show On Her Way Home <送一百位女孩回家>, the mother of 3 candidly spoke about her current situation in the industry.

“I’m no longer offered lead roles now, and I think it’s difficult. But I don’t feel that I must play the leading lady anymore, as I’ve already played many boring lead roles in the past. I’d rather take on an interesting role—even as a second or third female lead, I’d be okay. Even if I have to wear makeup to look mature, I’m cool about it.”

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  1. Myolie needs a tough woman role to shine. A cool, sharp and smart tough woman, similar to that justice drama she did with Raymond. It’s closest to her real life personality. In any other roles, she just kinda crumbles and doesn’t shine. She doesn’t steal the thunder from anyone.