Show Lo Finally Unfollows Grace Chow

Three months ago, Chinese social media influencer Grace Chow (周揚青) dropped a huge bomb on Show Lo (羅志祥) in the form of a length social media statement which accused the Taiwanese pop singer for cheating on her with numerous women over the nine years that they had been dating. The accusations were enough to drag Show’s reputation through the mud. All appearances featuring the singer was canceled. Show responded to Grace’s statement with a long apology, admitting to his faults.
A month after their online debacle, Show was still following Grace on social media. Sources say that Show wanted to get back with Grace, and called her frequently to give her his genuine apology. Grace, who initially stubbornly rejected Show, reportedly “softened up” and decided to not reveal any more damning evidence against Show to the public.
However, as of August 2020, Show no longer follows Grace across all social media platforms. Interestingly, Show still follows “Butterfly Jiejie” Linda Chien (愷樂), his co-host for 100% Entertainment <娛樂百份百>, and also one of the women that Show had cheated with.
Now that Show has unfollowed Grace for good, it is unlikely that reunion rumors will ever resurface again.
This article is written by Addy for