Bernice Liu Stars in RTHK Drama, “Criminal Investigation 2”

RTHK and Securities & Futures Commission (SFC)’s new drama, Criminal Investigation 2 <證義搜查綫II>, stars Bernice Liu (廖碧兒) as the female lead. Earlier, the cast and crew set off to Dongguan, to shoot some scenes. In the drama, Bernice portrays a sponsor of mainland enterprises.
The dialogue in the script involves industry jargon, and Bernice admitted that this role is a big challenge for her. Since Chinese is not her best language, reading the script took a lot of effort. In order to act well in her role as a business sponsor, Bernice made a lot of preparations, often noting down the pronunciation of certain words and then memorizing them. She even consulted some friends who work within the financial fields to familiarize herself with the role.
In addition to the difficult dialogue, Bernice’s acting abilities were also put to the test while filming in Dongguan. One scene in the drama shows how Bernice’s character suspects a certain mainland enterprise had been reporting false performance results. The boss tells the taxi driver to stop on a deserted highway and threatens to harm her.
The scene was shot in the middle of the night, where Bernice had to run for her life on the highway in cold rain. She did not seem affected by the weather, and ran back and forth several times without complaint. The cast and crew praised Bernice for her professionalism after the scene was finished successfully.
This article is written by Shirley for
wasnt that already done in tvb?
Has bernices acting improve?
When I see her in mainland series, she just looks so stiff, it’s better for her to play the bubbly or at least girlish roles.
Her look in this series (link @ the bottom for the trailer)… she has change, really fat. She acts still stale?
The cinematography is so much better than TVB, the colours, dof, lighting. Tvb has a trend of lighting -very dim where nothing can be seen or very bright and gaudy. Gosh
HUH??? FAT?!!!
She looks just FINE!!!!
I don’t think she’s fat but she’s just a really big kind of girl. Just like Lee San San, all you see her is she’s big? haha.. You know, just not the slim feminine kind? But I guess she still looks ok, she has never been overly pretty.
Bernice is not fat. She looks healthy, which is a really nice change.
I am not against fat people. I love fat.
You have a really warped definition of what ‘fat’ is…
Bernice is definitely not fat here. She looks proportionate and healthy. but her face has aged significantly. I guess her “Westernized” beauty sadly ages faster than the more small-framed, traditional Asian type.
she really reminds me of sonija looks wise as she ages
I think Bernice’s acting is pretty good, and there’s something about her voice I just love. It’s kind of manly and hoarse, but in a pleasant way I guess? lol
Did you watch her china series?
I believe its RTHK series not HKTV.
Looking forward to this show liked the first one very much especially that story with Kenneth Tsang. The female lead is also 10x better than Tvb fadans.
The cop chick or lead investigator? She’s used to be tvb’s actress 🙂 though her role is 2nd lead or main support. I used to love her, still do :p can’t say the series is interesting thou
The lead investigator ofcourse and I think she knows martial arts 🙂 This series is more like an educational program aimed at the young, old and the stupid ppl in Hk so they won’t get fooled or get involved in white collar crimes. At least this series won’t damage brain cells unlike some other Hk series, haha
I would never have guessed it was Bernice in the photo if I wasn’t told.
I think it is RTHK not HKTV?
Just FYI…the info is wrong….this series is for RTHK (as in the radio station), not HKTV!
I like Bernice since watching Virtue of Harmony but I have to admit that her acting hasn’t improved much. I watched her mainland series with Kevin Cheng. She acted too stiff.
Which mainland series is that Nori?
I think she is referring to Mystery in the Palace with Gan Ting Ting. Bernice’s role was not that big anyways so I did not really notice whether her acting got better or not…
Updated the article to reflect that Bernice’s series is for RTHK instead of HKTV.
boring bernice.