Fala Chen Unafraid of the “7-Year Itch”

Yesterday, popular TVB actress, Fala Chen (陳法拉) attended the grand opening of a French fashion brand, Axelle de Soie, in Guangzhou. Wearing a one-shoulder black dress, the singer-actress arrived at the venue riding in a black Lamborghini convertible.

When asked about her thoughts on Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) and Myolie Wu’s (胡杏兒) recent high-profile breakup, Fala said, “Each couple has their own ways of communicating because everyone has their own different personalities. A relationship takes a lot of effort and time to maintain.”

Fala has been dating the young owner of Neway Karaoke, Sit Sai Hang (薛世恒), since 2006. Asked if she was beginning to experience the “7-year itch”—a period of reevaluation of their relationship, Fala expressed that she is not worried, and added, “Fate is a difficult concept to grasp, but the most important thing is that the couple is happy with each other, and understanding of each other as well. I think these are the most precious things about a relationship.”

Fala Debuts as a Singer

On July 31st, Fala released her debut music album, Beautiful Life, under Stars Shine International’s sister label, Rising Star Music. Fala explained that she has been singing as a hobby since youth. It took her two years to release the album, “I’m not just playing around. This album is like my child. I feel like I’ve finally given birth to my child!”

Did Sit Sai Hang also support Fala by buying her album? Fala laughed, “I don’t know about that, but I think he is happy for me.”

Fala revealed that she will hold her first mini-concert in August to promote her album. In addition, Fala will be busy filming for TVB’s upcoming blockbuster drama, Triumph in the Skies 2 <衝上雲宵II>, which also stars Francis Ng (吳鎮宇), Chilam Cheung (張智霖), Myolie Wu (胡杏兒), Ron Ng (吳卓羲), and Kenneth Ma (馬國明).

Source: QQ.com

This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.

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  1. “Wearing a one-shoulder black dress,”

    But the picture is clearly green so the picture is unrelated to the article?

    1. Fala Chen is so much prettier now than when she first entered the entertainment industry.

      1. I actually think she looked better back then. Now her face look’d more sagged and a bit haggard.

      2. Many TVB women appear better now than when they first joined except a few.

      3. I think she looks prettier now because she trimmed her face and has more money for better makeup and clothes

      4. I think she looks prettier now because she trimmed her face ……….. Agree. Her face is much prettier now, not so fat.

      5. Yeah and the bangs she had during Moonlight Resonance (time period) sure didn’t help back then.

      6. She looks better now. More feminin and less vixen. The cute image suits hermore.

      7. I think you were referring to Heart of Greed where she sported the bangs and not Moonlight Resonance. She looked very fresh and radiant in HOG despite her face being a little on the chubby side but she still looked very pretty. I actually think that she looks prettier now with the slimmer face and she gives off a more sophisticated look nowadays.

  2. Of course she’s not afraid of her long years relationship with Sit.. Rumors said she’s married to Sit already but didn’t admit it publicly only.. I think the Entertainment Circle knows of it.

    1. The 7 year itch can work for married couple, too. Divorce is too easy now?

      But she tied Sai Sit Hang already.

      1. Of course its easy to get divorce too..but Fala has her ways to tame Sit 😉

        or maybe Sit has found his right girl unlike Bosco.

      2. It’s hard to predict anything about a relationship. Two who fight everyday can end up together forever but two have peaceful marriage can divorce after just few months.

      3. In Fala’s case it will be a mess since he’s rich.

  3. well hope for the best for fala.. she looks great by the way

  4. Does Fala not film in mainland much? I mean, mandarin is her first language and she has this nice, neutral look about her – much better suited over there than the heavy handed, western look in HK.

    1. I think Fala Chen has just started filming in Mainland China. Agree that she has an advantage (over other TVB artistes) of being able to speak Mandarin (her native language). She should do well in Mainland China

  5. I like Fala, but her singing carEer is not looking good. Her album came out already, but none of her songs charted in the four major stations in HK. This is not a good sign considering the fact that her songs are out for over a month already. I cant beleive that Kate tsui is doing better then her in singing. Kate’s songs charted in all four stations and grab some major newcomer awards. I dont think she deserves those awatds. How can fala win newcomer awards this year if her songs are not even charting. Not even in TVB!

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