Candy Chang Finally Returns to Work After Drug Incident

In November 2012, TVB actress Candy Chang (張慧雯) and a male friend were arrested by the police for possession of marijuana. The 23-year-old actress, best known for starring in the highly popular The Hippocratic Crush < On Call 36小時> last year, was said to be a new favorite of TVB executive, Virginia Lok(樂易玲), who had plans to promote Candy as the next big fadan.
However, Candy’s arrest last November severely impeded her advancements in her career. Candy was subsequently “frozen” by TVB and removed from the cast of Master Understands <師父‧明白了>
On January 9, Candy was seen attending a private costume fitting at TVB Studios. She revealed that she will be guest starring in some upcoming episodes for the sitcom, Come Home Love <愛·回家>.
Regarding rumors that claimed Candy was benched by TVB, Candy said, “TVB never said they would halt my jobs. If there was suitable work, they would arrange it for me. The company is treating me well. I am very thankful!”
Come Home Love producer, Tsui Yu On (徐遇安), confirmed Candy’s guest appearance in the sitcom, and said, “I never received TVB’s notice about her absence. TVB never said anything regarding a change in cast.”
Candy will return to the cast of The Hippocratic Crush 2 next month. Virginia Lok also clarified that TVB never took out the bench on Candy, and said, “At first we were worried about her situation, that she would not be able to return to work. A producer was worried that her getting kicked out of the cast would affect continuity in the series. However, The Hippocratic Crush 2 will begin filming next month as scheduled; nothing has been altered. She needs to work hard!”
This article is written by Addy for
good to hear that she would be starring in THC 2 and that tvb still values her. hopefully she would not be killed off halfway through the series and replaced with Eliza.
Ahaha, THC….LOL.
i still don’t understand why TVB has to kill her off :/ Let’s hope for the best.
I think she may be killed off or her screen time would be cut down especially since there’s soo many new cast members!
Or a TVB mandatory rape scene with her character be written in.
Yay, i really liked her role in THC.
so happy for her 😀
What role was she?
she was the girl who dated Kenneth Ma’s little brother.
Ah right. Thanks, and what’s Kenneth’s younger brother’s name? he was such a hottie.
real name: Nathan Ngai.
Great to hear. Her future is bright. I hope she crushes down the “goddesses” of TVB. She has a lot of potential.
It all depends how long Virgina Lok is still with TVB. Catherine Tsang & Lok are in a real political power struggle within TVB.