Christine Kuo’s Career Suffers Due to Weight Gain

TVB artiste Christine Kuo (苟芸慧) took a hiatus from work last year to recover from hypothyroidism, a hormonal disorder that led to her significant weight gain. Christine’s weight fluctuated over the months and she faced media scrutiny for her weight gain. This summer, after successfully shedding a few more pounds, Christine went to Brazil to host the World Cup event for TVB. However, Christine was not offered any more lucrative jobs since then.

Reportedly, TVB was not very pleased with Christine’s slow progress in weight loss and decided to put her career on hold until she slims down further. Christine made an appearance on August 30 with Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) at the Changchun Film Festival, but reports say that Christine’s invite was last-minute. It was said that the organizers invited her because she was fluent in Mandarin.

Christine’s career has suffered due to her weight gain. A source close to Christine said she had lost many sponsors and TVB could not find suitable jobs for the former beauty queen. The majority of Christine’s monthly salary is used to pay the rent for her apartment in Tseung Kwan O. The source added that fortunately Christine had savings from previous jobs. “She can still hang on for a little longer.”

Her future unknown, Christine is under a lot of stress. Rumors say that her mental health is compromised and her depression worsened. The source said that Christine had been so depressed that she gave up on losing more weight.

This article is written Addy for

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  1. I seriously hate how the world is so obsessed with people’s weight. As long as she is happy and healthy, why is it such a big deal if she is not as skinny as a worm?

    1. Because she is a celebrity!
      If she is a nobody, no one ever even cares!

      1. no, she like me must lose weight – it is simply wrong to carry that avoirdupois around when it is not our destiny and heritage – it’s NOBODIES – except maybe Huns and Japanese.

    1. sad but true.

      she’s like a vase in the entertainment business since she can’t act nor sing nor have good talking/host skills.

  2. I think she still looks pretty with the weight gain.
    There are only 2 categories: really skinny people and really overweighted people.
    Christine is not super overweight, she’s just medium size and yet, people criticize her. It’s not fair.

    1. she should lose weight because HK girls are very competitive and will give her the side eye in hk obviously as if to let her know that she’s inferior – much better to jok them as much as possible for as long as possible – no point in being merciful to mean girls and letting them feel superior to others

  3. Well I support her I think if we give her time to improve her acting it will change

    1. so’s Delta Burke who deserves to have a profitable career

      it doesnt matter if they are still pretty – our ankles were never meant to carry more than our destined allotment.

      1. She’s not that huge! I find her chubby but she’s still very pretty and elegant.

  4. shes not fat, shes just not super skinny bag of bones like most hk girls

  5. She doesn’t look bad or fat! She does need to improve on her acting, which is zero chance for her now since TVB cut her off. Hopefully she has other skill that she can invest in during this frozen period. Sadly if she wants to continue acting and be successful, she’ll have to lose weight. It’san uunwritten requirement for the entertainment industry.

    1. yes she is still very pretty but this is hong kong and as an unmarried female, she should have skinny arms – that or go back to school and became some kind of professional where your upper arms dont matter and then she will be so successful, that she will be focused enough to have skinny upper arms

      1. …eh, what? Skinny arms? o_O? There’s a lot of profession where skinny arms don’t matter…wth? Lol.

  6. SOOOO glad for her weight gain. It saved us the torture of watching her on screen! Thank the lord.

  7. ” A source close to Christine said she had lost many sponsors and TVB could not find suitable jobs for the former beauty queen. “

    Put her in more series and give her likable roles. Then she will have more fans and sponsors will come. Whoever who manages Christine in TVB is just being lazy if he/she can’t find ‘suitable’ job for Christine.

    1. Maybe it is more about her mental state rather than physical state.

    2. then they might has well have her in own series where she can’t find any clothes that fit her in HK shops and has to start wearing anoraks

      that’ll be entertaining

      1. There’s already a series similar to what you’re talking about. It’s an old one with Moylie and Andy Hui where he’s a designer and she’s overweight. Though her silver lining is that she’s rich in the series. I thibk it’s called Growing with Love.

  8. That’s why it’s so unstable when you get famous solely because you are good looking. Talents and potential will at least help you stay in the game a little more no matter what happens to your appearance

    1. if she were a dude, a character actor known for his acting, weight gain would still be peculiar unless you are Lam Shuet or Wong Jing’s late father where weight was part of your character. I don’t imagine Wong Chau Sun’s snarky opinions would carry much weight if he were a whale. His weight has been chubbier in the past but she is female so she really can’t afford it.

      But I agree she does look lovely and not fat at all – just not HK competitive.

  9. Isn’t there anything that medical science can do to put her ‘right’, ie, her former slim weight? Seems that that is the only way she can get back her job. I do really feel sorry for her.

    1. There is something in her head that’s not right. The girl can’t handle stress. The entertainment industry put the stress on her. She’s either get out or do something about it. Pretty sick about her weight by now, most of the articles are about her weight. 😀 🙁 LOL!

  10. She lost weight from what I can see. And she can do with a younger dress.

    Anyway as for weight thingy, tell that to May Chan who is thriving in TVB. What Christine got to do is to throw up pretty girls role and prepare to go ugly and that’s when you have freedom to play any character whatever your size may be.

  11. Christine looks fine to me, I hope she doesn’t develop any eating disorders with all this infatuation about her weight. Good Grief! Hope to see her another show soon.

  12. But her acting was so so. It’s sad that she’s losing jobs, endorsement deals due to weight gain.

  13. She can’t act, her voice is whiny annoying and Cantonese is horrible. She got to where she was due to her being pretty, now that her beauty is going away so is her career. A vase can only last so long without talent.

    1. maybe they can dress her in sweaters and old school pencil skirts where her curves look nice and sell her that way

      I’m not sure she should be selling eateries because I don’t think fatter people should be espied eating. Not that she is fat – she is fine – but HK is pretty judgemental.

      Ahh, maybe she can promote the latest activities around HK so that See Lai can feel encouraged that they are not the only ones out of breath or shy about picking up a sport.

      1. I’m just scrolling down and reading all your comments. It’s hilarious.

    2. Hi Jane,

      I personally never find her to be pretty though. To me she’s those girl that looks very innocent and soft and needs protection that’s all.

      Coming to her career, it’s kind of sad, because once you’re in the entertainment industry it’s quite hard for you to find another job out of entertainment line. Unless you start a business but not everyone has business acumen.

    3. i also think she is pretty … i like her in On Call 36 very much and felt that she was quite a good actress for a newcomer with potential … was looking forward to watch more of her dramas but felt disappointed later … dislike every other show that she acted, her acting and the way she speaks make her such an irritating character to watch … in fact sometimes a good and perfect drama is spoilt by just one character … not just her, many such actress in tvb dramas nowadays, sad =(

      anyhow, she is still pretty even now with weight gain … but just hope that her acting would be less annoying if she is appearing in any drama … she acted well in On Call 36, but never saw any enjoyable acting from her in other dramas.

      1. @Jenny … oh i think i got mix up between her and Candy Chang 张慧雯 … i thought Christine Kuo was the sichuan girl kenneth’s brother girlfriend in On Call 36 … after seeing your comment only i realize that it wasn’t Christine Kuo … so Candy Chang 张慧雯 was the good actress =) … then it is really true that Christine Kuo has no enjoyable drama at all.

  14. Whoever managing Christine is doing bad job. She is disappearing of the industry and the only news about her are about her weight. Christine is likely frozen by TVB.

    1. Not necessarily true. They might be promoting her but if the clients & TVB don’t want her what else can they do?

  15. She’s definitely not considered fat in the U.S but girls in Hong Kong are stick thin.

  16. Can’t believe she left TVB after her contract was expired. What is next for her? Is she still working on entertainment industry? Hope she will pursue acting career in Mainland China. If not then she should be retired.

    1. I think she’s still with TVB except that she hasn’t been assigned any jobs. When i saw her the first time, i thought she was really pretty. She has lost a lot of weight from her previous heaviest and now just looks plump. However, as the camera adds pounds to a person’s figure, she comes across as rather matronly. Unfortunately for her she was noticed for her looks and not her talent, thus, it’s inevitable that demand for her has dropped.

      1. Are there any children’s programs she can host? Maybe lifting toddler will wash the weight off of her.

  17. Come back to Toronto Christine. We miss you. No need to force yourself to stay in that dump that is TVB. There’s a place for you here in Fairchildtv.

  18. Leave the entertainment industry, that’s it! The show-biz only needs abnormal underweight actresses, what a shame mindset indeed.

  19. Yeah no point staying in the entertainment circle is she is so stressed about her weight. There are plenty of other jobs out there which she doesnt need to bother about being plump.

  20. She’s pretty as is. I prefer thicker women over stick figure ones.

  21. She really looked so beautiful as a bride in Ghetto Justice2 and as Kevin’s wife. That vision, alas, will never come again!

  22. I feel bad for her If she wanna go back to TVB she gotta work on her acting & cantonese and so what if she a lil big look at Joyce Cheng & Sui Bo they get opportunities to film

    1. She should pursue acting career in Taiwan or Mainland China better than Hong Kong. It’s impossible for her to return TVB because she is already move on with it.

  23. It’s funny how nobody is paying attention to what causes her weight gain. Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that can affect anyone and anytime. People with that condition has to be put on lifelong medication to help with their metabolism rate. It’s not easy trying to lose weight when you have such a condition. I’m sure she is a good actress and all, hopefully more people at the management can see that and cast her in more roles.

  24. I wish the Former MCI Christine Kuo will pursue acting career in Mainland China after she left TVB.

  25. Poor Girl. It’s a medical condition, why cant the company give her a break???
    Not every role needs actors to be slim.

  26. She’s still pretty and that’s like normal weight ! Just cos in HK you have to be a walking toothpick to be normal …

  27. If TVB were to try harder maybe they can get some slimming jobs for her. If any product works wonder for her, then it will be a win-win situation for her and the sponsor. Just pure business and marketing, and whether TVB knows how to manage their talents.

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