Criticism for Leehom Wang’s Ex-wife Starts

Leehom Wang’s (王力宏) image and career suffered a huge blow when his ex-wife, Lee Jinglei (李靚蕾), accused him of cheating and hiring sex workers. Recently, a netizen who claims to know Leehom’s staff member claimed that Jinglei was purely motivated by money in her actions.
Motivated by Money?
The netizen shared that Jinglei is very ambitious and extreme. Allegedly, Leehom is afraid of retaliating because of safety concerns towards his children. The post is clearly aimed at Jinglei, and may be warming up for Leehom’s fight back.
In preliminary drafts of their divorce agreement in 2016, Jinglei was only given a small alimony amount, which allegedly made her break down into tears on the spot. Later, when the pair signed a divorce agreement in New York, Jinglei received half of their joint assets, which were valued at US 23 million.
In her damning expose on social media in December, Jinglei revealed she wanted to continue living in Leehom’s condo in Taiwan to lessen disruption in their children’s lives. However, she accused the singer of only letting her “borrow” the space. When shock arose over his lack of generosity towards his ex-wife, Leehom announced gifting his multi-million condo to end their public spat.
Leehom’s Affairs Were Prior to Their Marriage?
The netizen claims that Jinglei does not actually have evidence of Leehom’s affairs. They went through numerous marriage counselors, but Jinglei did not bring up Leehom’s affairs. During their two-year divorce proceedings, she never submitted “cheating evidence” to the judge. If she did, she would have been able to gain a bigger split of his assets.
Jinglei alluded to Leehom cheating with BY2’s Yumi’s (孫雨), accusing the Singaporean singer of messaging a nude photo of herself. The netizen stated that the nude body in the WhatsApp display photo was not Yumi’s, although she happened to use a topless display photo. It was also pointed out that Yumi had instead messaged Leehom to invite him to film a promotional video for their album.
The netizen states that it is true that Leehom had an open attitude towards relationships, but this occurred before his marriage. As he is born in the United States and the dating culture is different among different countries, netizens did not feel it is fair to judge him. As Leehom’s schedule was so packed, he would not have had time for an affair.
After Leehom’s apology and announcement that he would temporarily leave the entertainment industry, Jinglei declared that she would end her public revelations over their divorce. When criticism over her character increased exponentially this week, Jinglei turned off the commenting feature on her social posts. Many are wondering if she will stand up for herself again and shoot down all the allegations.
Source: Yahoo
This article is written by Kiki for
I am kinda disappointed with his PR team. I know that most of Chinese public will applaud and jump on a wagon and smear her. But seriously they could have done better
– house, she officially rejected his gift
– divorce is being on the table since 2016 so his whole marriage is just publicity stunt, what an a**
– cheating and affairs can’t comment don’t have insight in her documentation that but I am sure she is well prepared and equipped and he gave her tons of material, she gave us a tiny glimpse and it still stands
– the comment on her being hysterical and that she can hurt herself and children (yep that was mulled over and over and over by his PR team) is such a nonsense that i won’t even comment. A women that held her grounds like LJL is not hysterical, sui*idal, ready to hurt her children. I have not heard nonsense like this in ages.
This is clearly his campaign to clear his name, minimize damage and shift the blame. Of course, expected something like that from guy like him.
For younger audience this is not working it is just showing him in even worse light. Older audience might be swayed, in the end women are traditionally not supposed to say anything but endure and sacrifice and may be get reword in next life or some other.
In my eyes he is below lowest level after he started this smear campaign. He is one of the biggest disappointments in C-ent and he repeats proving that every day.
Lol, I called it cheap tactic by WLH. Only dare to fight back after she said she have withdrawn and wanted a peaceful life for the kids. Didn’t dare to fight back when she was in the height of it. Also all these claims are just what have been said before, but didn’t get any concrete evidence to back it.
Plus these claims again didn’t deny he didn’t have affair, just that she has no evidence. Lol, good one, so basically he did cheat, and too bad if she didn’t have evidence. And because she got no evidence, she is a nobody to him >_>
Also who wouldn’t cry after something as emotional as a divorce hearing. If you have a heart in the marriage at all, then realise the PoS didn’t even care for your children, it will bring anyone to their knees >_> WLH, just go away.
Shut up Netizen or insider or Wang Leehom dad. It’s all a done deal. You’re grasping at straws. His image is tarnished and her story is more believable. So give it up.
Anything can be possible but since WLH doesn’t dare to fight with LJL when she was still online, because she keeps threatening, she will post the evidence, that scared the shit out of him. That shows she does have evidence. Second, if BY2 is innocent she will not end up in the hospital. If the photo isn’t her she will prove it and sue LJL, but the picture is her, that’s why she pretended to commit suicide to gain some pity. The allegations here sound too fake.
I think both sides are at fault, there’s no one who’s a saint here. There are some inconsistencies in her stories too, the fact that she got pregnant because she thought she was on a marriage path was laughable; please, she was not that naive.
Another is her educational background. She did NOT attend Princeton and did NOT attend Columbia Business school and probably never worked at Goldman Sachs.
If she didn’t really want the condo, why did she say that he only let her borrow it? To gain pity?
I don’t mean to negate her story because divorces are never pretty, but she had an agenda to ruin him.
I agree and they are both messed up and both have their own agendas. The only real victims are the kids who are stuck in the middle. They both seem to be playing a battle of chess to see who will get checkmated first while the kids are used as pawns. I hope they think more for their kids.
I don’t believe she ever said she went to Princeton, worked at Goldman, or attended Columbia. Based on what the Columbia alumni that was reached for comment said, the media person told her it was some celebrity that let that news out and other people subsequently inferred it was her. One can only guess it’s WLH’s team that did that since his family really cares about educational background, etc. and many of his former rumored gfs were not good enough for him. The condo was just an example of how petty this man is to her and his own children. He can easily say that the kids can have it when they turn 18. Instead he wanted it to be returned when they turned 18. She has been a stay at home mother forever and would not be able to easily find a job, and it’s not absurd for her to want her kids to have the same quality of life despite the divorce. I don’t really see what she’s asking for as greed. All these things she’s asking for are a drop in the bucket for him. Even if her intentions aren’t pure, I don’t see a problem with what she’s doing. There’s no such thing as a perfect victim, and to downplay the wrongs against her just because she hasn’t been perfect is not fair. She’s obviously tried to compromise with him behind closed doors, but she has absolutely no bargaining power, and they’re obviously ganging up on her. If she didn’t go public with this, she’d never stand a chance against their money, power, and status.
Also, he really should find a better PR firm. This netizen’s statement doesn’t even make sense. If he is concerned about the safety of his children, why is he leaving them in her care? He has more money and lawyers. I don’t see how, if he really wanted to, he couldn’t get custody of the kids, especially if she’s as crazy as his and his father claims. And what kind of person uses someone else’s nude photo as a profile picture for whatsapping other men? This netizen also basically admitted that message is from Yumi then. He should just lay low for a while, collect royalties on his music, and I’m sure he’ll be able to make a come back in some time. Despite what his personal life is like, I do think he’s a very talented musician. I feel like the general public is very forgiving to male celebrities as long as they didn’t commit any actual crimes.
This is kinda of a stupid comeback – if they want to prove she is that ambitious and calculative.
for eg:
“In preliminary drafts of their divorce agreement in 2016, Jinglei was only given a small alimony amount, which allegedly made her break down into tears on the spot. Later, when the pair signed a divorce agreement in New York, Jinglei received half of their joint assets, which were valued at US 23 million.”
As a wife, the one staying home losing out on career opportunities despite having a PhD … and being the sole SAHM – IF he deems it ok, to give her the “small alimony amount” … to me, that reflects more on how calculative HE is, versus her stuck with the kids.
It seems like he wanted to short-change her, and that’s hardly a generous move for a Dad looking out for his kids who will be with their mom.
Half is only fair and the norm, by NAmerican standards. Why/How is this being greedy?
Why would that silly singer go through the stunt of suicide? if she had nothing to be guilty about as 3rd party? Or use if as a cheap attention-getter stunt?
I got to say he is messed up but so is she. But sadly many are siding with her like she is some innocent angel. They are both vicious and messed up.
no one said she has to be an innocent angel in order to be a victim. this just reminds me of du meizhu and kris wu. du meizhu and lee jinglei both have their intentions and are not perfect, but this does not mean they are not victims. Many are siding with lee jinglei based on what’s provided so far.
I am not siding with either of them as they both have their own agendas. Vicious people they are and I feel bad for the kids.
Meant to say I feel bad for the kids. Where is the edit button?
but you are siding with him! every word in your post is accusatory towards her as she is not ‘some innocent angel’ and pointing ‘sadly’ many are siding up with her. That is not neutral despite you are saying both are messed up.
I don’t know where you are getting your facts on her alimony but it seems dubious. There was a divorce settlement which was the bigger piece plus she said she wanted a household staff, driver which were granted. Their divorce has been final so I don’t know why she wanted to ruin his career. She did say it was not about money.
The “suicide” has not been verified in the mainstream press. It was a hearsay from a “friend.”
I do know he has not been the greatest husband but we have celebrity divorces almost everyday but very few try to damage the ex’s career which was not good for the kids and very spiteful.
I heard that they divorced years ago so I wonder why she suddenly let it all go public now? Many things just don’t make sense.
netizen must’ve been paid by wang leehom. Initially, he said he won’t reply to this situation but when he does he addresses his ex by her Japanese name (his evil intention are already revealed). now majority of the public is not on his side and he’s using this netizen to reply. He either uses his father or others.
I don’t want to side with either of them as they are both messed up.
everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this topic. I just rather side with lee jinglei bc she is not a famous celebrity and doesn’t have a bunch of fans or a whole public team to back her up. I just felt that wang leehom kept trying to use her to keep his good family man image all these years. She played along and all these years she doesn’t say anything bad about him. She was portrayed as a gold digger, too ugly to be his wife, and his public relation team is now ruining her reputation by saying the divorce is due to her bad relationship with the mother-in-law. Is it wrong for her to try to save her own reputation? I am not saying she is not doing all of this for money, but she has signed a prenup before marriage. Plus, if I am married to someone for so many years, a housewife, no income and have three children, is wanting money/compensation wrong? but I do agree that in the end the kids are the ones who deserve the most pity.
Honestly, their marriage was odd to me since the beginning. There was constant rumors that he was gay or bi and was using her as a cover up. Now I can kind of see that maybe there was some truth to that. If that is the case then I am not shocked that things turned out this way. WLH has always been strange to me. He should have just owned up to his sexuality from the beginning instead of go through all this. I guess it is karma and he is reaping what he sowed. However, none of us know what happened and his ex wife is telling stories through her point of view so of course things will always be in her favor.
“his ex wife is telling stories through her point of view so of course things will always be in her favor.”
but wang leehom responded and wang leehom’s father also responded with their stories, why is the majority of the public not siding with these two men? Maybe not everything lee jinglei said in her pretty essay is true, but why isn’t wang leehom denying all of her accusations in his response. Nowadays, every celebrity likes to post lawyer statements online for false accusations made by netizens, he can do the same. He can stand out bravely to deny all of her accusations if none of this is true. Plus, she has provided some sort of evidence. For instance, he keeps trying to prove she’s mentally ill even though she’s not ill. She provided evidence, not just words.
Additionally, when yumi made a police report, lee jinglei also asked for the contact. It’s stupid of her to get the police involved if she has absolutely no evidence.
To say that she didn’t want money or anything, no benefits at all, that is just lying. This is the entertainment industry after all. None of them is the real real innocent one. The real victim and innocent one is the kid.
I agree and who does not like money or wants to get some if they can. She is no exception and for her to say she does not want money or property is a big lie. The only victims are the kids.
everyone is entitled to their own opinion on this topic. I just rather side with lee jinglei bc she is not a famous celebrity and doesn’t have a bunch of fans or a whole public team to back her up. I just felt that wang leehom kept trying to use her to keep his good family man image all these years. She played along and all these years she doesn’t say anything bad about him. Now the media and his public relation team is ruining her reputation by saying the divorce is due to her bad relationship with the mother-in-law. Is it wrong for her to try to save her own reputation? I am not saying she is not doing all of this for money, but she has signed a prenup before marriage. Plus, if I am married to someone for so many years, a housewife, no income and have three children, is wanting money/compensation wrong? but I do agree that in the end the kids are the ones who deserve the most pity.
Dude, as much as you keep saying you side with neither, you are always so critical of her, and not so much of him. I’m with @ay789, and @coralie, and @hohliu here. Plus she had on multiple occasions said she will not accept the condo. And the fact is WLH is such a coward to not dare speak up on his own, rather using other people’s voices, and manipulate the public opinions to smear her said a lot about his characters.
Dude, I criticize him too not just her. None of them are saints and both have their own agendas. He truly was a coward from the beginning if he was only using her and their marriage to cover up his sexuality. I had a feeling it would come to this if he was only using her. Your reap what you sow. Plus, just because anyone says anything means that it is all true especially when they speak in their point of view since they are always going to be the good guy. When we hear anything regardless of what it is, don’t just blindly believe it all.
Fact is, LJL never spoke ill about WLH, not even when he showed his true colors for all these years. Not until now, when he’s finally forced her to divorce, does she reveal all. Is it motivated by money? Perhaps, although I think she already has enough just from their own joint account. I think it’s more out of injustice.
I think it’s very telling of a man who writes in his divorce papers that he is only going to “lend his property” to his ex-wife and kids. I feel it’s unbelievable of a man who she had 3 kids with, to say something like that. It’s unfair and shows you how he really thinks of his family – nothing more than 2nd class citizens. I would expose it all, especially since she has nothing to lose. Her kids don’t get much attention from the dad anyways, who cares how the world sees him. It’s better for her kids to know their dad’s true colors than always having hope that he’s different from this fake facade everyone thinks he is.
To play devil’s advocate, did you see the divorce papers which he specifically said he was going to “lend his property” to his ex-wife?
I bet you didn’t.
They already divided other joint property and he kept the condo ownership but gave her 20 year free tenancy, period. She was the one who wrote she “borrowed” his condo.
Lol, no, none of us have read the divorce paper, however, if letting someone have a 20yrs free tenancy, that’s practically borrowing. So her wordings isn’t wrong? She has multiple times citing her side, that she wanted the kids’ lives not being disrupted so much, that’s why the condo, the nanny, the driver. Now if she did try to make her case during the divorce settlement, yet he wouldn’t let her have the condo, when it is to him just a pebble in his garden, doesn’t that say lot about him?
Basically they are both messed up…
They have a joint acc that was split evenly between them. That’s it. The condo is property outside of the joint acct and one in which LJL did not contest. However, should she contest, she absolutely has a right to fight for it. She did not ask for – he gave it of his own accord (after expose.) She already said she’s not doing this to be vindictive, but she needed to protect her image since he hasn’t lifted a finger in protecting her all these years. Since when is standing up for yourself considered vindictive?
To be honest, his PR team tactics are so obvious… He had the chance to refute her statements or accusation but he dare not… He just gave a I will not comment further and a neither here nor there apology. Now that she has closed the matter, his PR team is smearing her reputation to make him look good…What crap.. He always needs others to fight his battles…he is too much of a coward to prove himself with hard facts…
@LittleFish, as I stated, the joint properties have been divided so he gets the condo. She got whatever was owed her, so why do you keep harping on allegations that are not true? She never said she was unhappy with the settlement, that’s why I think she is very vindictive.
I am not for either side, but am shocked how many people are on her side just because she could write pretty essays. I can poke holes on both of their responses.
They have a joint acc that was split evenly between them. That’s it. The condo is property outside of the joint acct and one in which LJL did not contest. However, should she contest, she absolutely has a right to fight for it. She did not ask for – he gave it of his own accord (after expose.) She already said she’s not doing this to be vindictive, but she needed to protect her image since he hasn’t lifted a finger in protecting her all these years. Since when is standing up for yourself considered vindictive? @afan202
Only you and a few other seems to see reasons why she did what she did, @coralie . Others don’t seem to understand the fact that when you have so much, what is a little harm in providing more to your children and the carer (the mother) of them. Isn’t that what a good father would do? Instead, he’s being calculative, he’s being stingy. And this is why this case can’t be compare to the Korean actor, whose got framed in the pregnant abortion scandal. The whole time, the actor was very sincere and continuously accepted those were his faults. Didn’t bother to explain, even though he was in the right, he just accepted it. That shows the sadness, remorseful of a could have been a father but didn’t get the chance. Good human being will be sad when they lose a potential child.
Because she’s in the weaker stand against him, anything she does, ppl say it’s because of money, because she’s no Angel. Yet they don’t think why it’s necessary for her to fight. The situation that she is in, yes, partially her faults, but that doesn’t mean only her should pay for it, when WLH’s faults are a lot more severe, and continually at faults, and not even recognising them.
@Coralie @LittleFish, I dont get what is wrong with fighting for what she is due for herself and her kids? Goodness, this guy is sneaky and attacks from the back… This mum does it up front and with very well written points. Who is a Nice, angel, messed up….Etc that is not the question… Her kids look happy, her regular IG account have photos of the cookings and her kids…She clearly love them and they are very happy with her. She is due the alimony she should be given. Why is that so hard to understand or see… Her kids are important but so is their mum…Who clearly loves them alot. She does not look messed up to me… Their scumbag dad is definitely a snake.
@LittleFish @Coralie One thing is certain, if I am in her position…I would do so much more than her… He tried to shut her voice and make her seem mental…. She really need to protect herself and her kids from a person like him. Some of the members here really dont see the point.. I am glad majority does. I believe if they smear her name/reputations too much…she will take legal actions. I hope she has strong and good support.
It’s hard to see him as a wronged party when there was always an inherent power diffential, with him having the much greater upper hand. The age difference, her youth when he pursued her, his money, his stardom, and his legions of fans… How can she hurt him? His actions are the only thing that can hurt him.
She dedicated her life to him and he betrayed her with the cheating. Now having to raise 3 children, it is hard for her to see a future with another partner. She deserves money to care for her kids and also to make up the lost time. Yes, she could have divorced long ago, but the courage to get out of an abusive relationship is often minimized – especially when children, societal pressures, and celebrity are involved. And so what if she wants more money? How much is 20 years and 3 children worth? How much is being cheated on and making you lose confidence in yourself worth? The guy doesn’t seem to value anything, so I would hit him with the only thing he seems to understand – he needs to pay. But that doesn’t necessarily seem to be what she is doing. It seems that she just wants to provide for her kids.
Chinese media loves painting women as the irrational party just trying to get back at the man and his money. She has simply exposed the ugly side of him no one knew, and got back what her and her kids deserved. All that time wasted with a scumbag needs some compensation for sure.
And western media always paints the man as a villain on allegations. Be fair to both sides. I don’t think she’s mire believable than him or he is less believable. She has proven herself a smart articulate highly educated woman and yet she made a poor choice to stay with him until.. was he the one who wanted a divorce?
his PR team messed up badly this time. he should have responded on the first blow instead of trying to patch things up now. too late and everything that has happened since the expose doesn’t match w/ what is said in the article. Neither of them are saints but i feel so let down by LH since his perfect image is just a facade and he’s just a pig.
Did he ever have a perfect image? I always sensed something was off about him and this marriage from the beginning. I had a feeling it was not going to last as there has been rumors of him being gay and all. Now I wonder if there was any truth to those rumors.
I would say his image was pretty perfect. It might got marred a bit when the gay rumour started. But he defused it by getting married, and have kids. And every time, whenever there is any sort of negative images arise, he would bring his wife and kids out to demonstrate he’s a perfect family man.
I felt iffy about him from the start, but that’s because he would have a bad news, then followed up with a news of him and his wife doing something together, projecting a happy marriage.
Another thing, being gay isn’t or shouldn’t make one less perfect in anyway, I know the Asian culture is still so backward, that being gay is a bad thing. So I would say if someone who has gay rumour all their lives, and apart from that, they are a good fine person, I’m sure no one will be hating him as much as WLH when the person turn out to be gay. Whereas what WLH demonstrated is not only he’s a cheater, stingy person, a terrible father, but he might be so promiscuous that he can be gay/bi.
Yes he is not a good husband and all but you should not say he is bad father as none of us know that. He works to provide for his kids and all. People can hate him but should not judge him as a father. His image was fake and this marriage was just for show. Now it is all crashing down on him. It is karma I guess.
I agree about his sexuality not being an issue but for the homophobic society it is. I think that is why he could not own up to it so had to use this marriage as a cover up. Now it has become a big disaster. He should have just stayed single.
Lol, again, you don’t trust her on how much he miss out on the kids’ stuffs. He provides for them equates to it’s ok to not hang out with them? Being there for them when it’s their birthday? When they are sick? Let’s not trusting her accounts, but the sheer fact that he was being nitpicking about the condo, the nanny, and the driver, and act like those are huge big things show he’s a petty father. I know a few divorce parents, and trust me, they would just do whatever the other side asks because they actually think and love their children. Even my uncle, who complained how much his ex wife took off him in term of children custody, he would always end up saying “but that’s what a father should be doing. They are my children, and I can’t do otherwise”. So yea, WLH is a terrible father
Once again, it is all her saying and yet you believe it all. I agree that you need to be there for your kids. My late mom always told me this and I will always remember. Whoever speaks in their point of view, they will always be the winner and whoever they are speaking against will always be the loser. Not just in this case but any case. You can think and believe what you like though.
Stop. You are being too obvious with your siding towards him. It’s a tragic since you, yourself is a woman but you keep pushing the blame on her part while keep downplaying his wrong and all pretending to be a neutral. You are not neutral. That’s just simple. And this is NOT your first time siding with scumbags. Case in point, Kris Wu.
Anyone can free to check all the related Kris Wu’s articles and your comments. The first thing you always did is victim blaming the women. It’s sick to see that.
@HeTieShou lol, is it not the fact that he didn’t just give the condo to them? And only lending it? But hey, whatever, it seems you can’t see or don’t see my arguments, which clearly taking into account of your mistrust of her =_= like you said you want to believe whatever you want to believe
He may not be a good husband & is easy to say he wasnt a good father too. She pointed out he doesnt show up for kids all the time. As per previous instagram story/feed there’s time he show up too. Xmas celebrations, famiy trips, etc, i believe wat she meant is probably he MIA most of the time. However my dad also went missing on my bday, when im sick & &
even my graduation, it doesn’t mean my dad dont love me. He paid my education with his retirement money despite knowing i wouldn’t be able to graduate. What im trying to say is father love can be different..he may be careless when handling kids and may not shower kids with love as much as mother. But it doesn’t mean he dont love his kids.. As an adult myself, i start to understand.. Is very hard to meet loves one when comes to working world. Even taking medical leave to rest can be so difficult, not to mmention celebrate own bday. As a celebrity of his own, i think is even harder to him to spend time with his kids as much as his wife. Is easy to say wrong means wrong no excuses. Who wouldn’t wan to enjoy bday celebrations over work? Who doesn’t want to be homey and rather work? Yes he got big luk sum of cash after work but wouldn’t he be tired? He has enough money to survive he probably wanna give up some of his job to rest 1-2 week.
More grievances jayne yet to update. I don’t think she ever forgiven him. I emphatise with her more but I think airing grievances publicly where her story is always more accurate than his is becoming petty and boring. 2 adults can sit in private the talk. Spare us the whole trial by media.
I think part of the problem is that narcissists can’t be reasoned with. And if she can’t reason with him, she needs social pressure to get him to conform. So I can’t blame her for airing out public grievances.
Agree as well. It is tiresome, and ugly. However there’s a huge power imbalance. And this is her only platform, for any leverage. Otherwise, she’d just get eaten alive by his affordability to get the a better defense team. Sure she isn’t lily white, but she’s still the mother that is delivering her maternal responsibillities. for eg: What the heck is LOANING a house? C’mon, are you a co-parent or what, and wanting your kids to be comfy too? It just shows him up for how cheap and callous he can get.
So while it is tiresome, I can totally see why she has to do this also.
There’s this trend for ‘collaborative’ and mediation etc in Vancouver in the past 10-20 years because the courts are so bogged, and trials are expensive. BUT, in any power imbalance or manipulative situation …and if everyone was so reasonable and agreeable to begin with … WHY are they even at this stage in their relationship?!! Settling behind closed doors just means one side will coerce, and bully strong-arm the other into submissions
I agree with you. I’m starting to get a little tired of this internet battle between them too. However, I do see why she’s doing it. Without the public pressure, WLH would never bend and she’ll just continue to be at a disadvantage. I know she got some decent amount of money in the eyes of normal people like us, but that amount is a drop in the bucket compared to what he has. She also does not have as many connections as he does. This is the only way for her to have any leverage or any chance of righting the injustices she felt she endured.
To answer your question, he was the one that wanted the divorce. She had said publicly she wanted to peace and then withdrew herself off the media. Everything would have been fine and quiet, if WLH didn’t become vindictive and out to get her again. He was the one that brought 3 men into her apartment. 4 men vs 1 woman and 3 kids, while requiring the camera to be off. He might just be toying with her, but he knew his power position, and he isn’t afraid of using it. She is using the media to protect herself, she would have stopped if he has backed off. Blame WLH >_> and if you are tired of reading this, don’t read? Lol.
I too cannot fathom the need to bring 3 more men when he visits the kids…And who is he to demand CCTV gets switched off? This guys uses so many underhanded manners to attack her and slander her reputation…
She is a full time homemaker and a mother of 3 young kids.. She uses the most straightforward and honest method to protect herself. Whilst he uses dirty handed method to attack her without dirtying his hands. Using online water armies to put her down… I hate such a person…how can he be so evil towards the mother of his own children. And I really dont think she will air this so publicly if she felt she and her kids were safe… Her articles are the best method she can use to fight against such a scumbag. and he repeatedly dig his own grave deeper.