Dissecting the 18-Year-Old Rumor: Is Fan Chengcheng Actually Fan Bingbing’s Illegitimate Son?

Shortly before the premiere of China’s boy group survival show Idol Producer <偶像练习生> in January, tabloids revealed that Fan Bingbing’s (范冰冰) 18-year-old younger brother Fan Chengcheng (范丞丞) would be competing on the show. Fan Chengcheng is an idol trainee signed under Yuehua Entertainment, and had received K-pop training in South Korea shortly before returning to China for Idol Producer.

At only 18 years old, Fan Chengcheng is 19 years younger than his superstar older sister. At the time of his birth, Fan Bingbing was riding on the popularity of My Fair Princess <还珠格格>, which earned her widespread fame across Asia. Due to their big age gap, many tabloid magazines speculated that Fan Chengcheng was actually Fan Bingbing’s illegitimate son, but to protect her budding popularity, Fan Bingbing had to introduce Fan Chengcheng as her younger brother instead.
Fan Bingbing was drilled by numerous famous television hosts about the mysterious birth of Fan Chengcheng at the time. Some even pointed out that China’s then One-child Policy would not have allowed Fan Bingbing to have a sibling, but the actress wrote off these rumors with a laugh: “He is my younger brother!” she said in one interview. “He is my mother’s child, but because of [the one-child policy], we were fined, but we paid the fee. He really is my younger brother.” She also clarified on Weibo that her mother considered not having him, but she convinced her mother to keep him. “To have a baby at an older age is a happy thing.”
These rumors of an illegitimate child never stopped. The gossip surrounding Fan Chengcheng’s birth continue to happen among industry insiders even today, but should these insiders even be surprised? There’s always been this unspoken rule in the entertainment industry, that the bed gives you the money. The bed gives you the movie deal. This industry has always been dominated by male giants that take advantage of women, and it is one of the many reasons why the “me too” movement is so important today.

Chinese actress Jiang Xin (蒋欣), best known for her portrayal as “Consort Hua” in the popular 2011 TV drama Empresses in the Palace <后宫·甄嬛传>, once talked about this “unspoken rule” in a television interview.
“Picture this,” she said. “A bunch of photos right in front of you, and the directors would come together to look at them. One of them would say, ‘Ay, this niu’er [sexual way of saying ‘girl’] is not bad.’ If he had held up my photo at the time, I would have slapped him. What are you? You are an assistant director. You are here to choose actors. How many people did you end up ruining? As long as I am still in this industry, I want to be able to stand up one day and tell these immoral people that they are destroying not only this industry, but this society.”
It doesn’t come to a surprise that these rumors of Fan Bingbing and Fan Chengcheng have come about. To survive, a woman must go through the unthinkable to prevail in our patriarchal society.
But whether or not Fan Chengcheng is really Fan Bingbing’s son or not, the young idol-to-be is wise beyond his years, much like his older sister. His appearance in Idol Producer has already showed that he is capable of success. Only time will tell the future.
Source: Ettoday.net
This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.
I doubt so. Some speculations are ridiculous.
the rumors are true, i know because im the father
@terrycrews19 you are funny, good one. Careful though. I must warn you, when you write humorous comments like that, according to the Jaynestars police, you are trying to win approval and friendship, haha. I like a sense of humor so I like your comment.
@terrycrews19 since Jimmyzeta is going to explain himself? to you I wil also. I have made two roleplays about Grace Chan’s excessive yaps. They are not attacking her, defaming her, ruining her character in anyway. I have posted comments about how she talks too much, as has other members here on various occasions. Jimmy singled me out for attacks. The same Jimmyszeto has been an enabler and buddy to a certain psycho who comments under the aliases Freedalass, Creditor and Killer02. This person has posted things over and over again, like Linda Chung’s daughter does not belong to her husband Jeremy, and other horrible filth about Linda. Filth and lies about Wong Choo Lam and his wife Leanna Li and Ruco Chan and others. Things that are not true and that are very derogatory, hurtful and insulting. This creature has even told members here to go have sex with each other for defending one another, and has made deplorable and filthy remarks about the looks and sex lives of members here and celebs. Jimmyszeto never, ever scolded or asked this person to stop. Members here know this and they know there is a connection. Instead Jimmyszeto went after me for making two innocent roleplays about Grace Chan’s over the top yapping and regular comments about her yapping. Now Jimmy boy has the audacity to suggest I am ignorant,lol. Coming from Jimmy boy Zeta, I take that as a compliment.
Although there’s no need to scold trolls since it is quite clear they are just posting rubbish looking for reactions, I have argued with them at times. I have had at least a couple of weeks where it went back and forth with freedalas. Although this was probably a few years ago you know about freedalas do you must have seen the arguments. Ask the likes of happybi because she was here at the time. The trolls do not need revealing since what they are doing are obvious and there isn’t a way of stopping them.What you are doing is methodically and systematically attacking certain girlfriends of idols mainly Grace Chan with imaginated roleplays and spamming with ‘motormouth, parrot tongue name calling her ‘it’ rants whenever there is post about her attending a function which is really frequent. Just take a refresher by looking at her last 10 or so articles. I’ve not attacked you by calling you all sorts of names which is what you have directed to me. I’ve merely stated what you have posted and unless you find a way of deleting them. Come on…She talks like she is happy about her boyfriend. Calm down. It’s not personal nor is she causing any harm….
@terrycrews19 Looks like you?
Ignore that ignorant comment by bubbletea. I was just pointing at the fact that it isn’t very cool to calculatively direct abuse at certain celebrities. In other words spamming/name calling to influence others in supporting her vendetta against someone she dislikes. Especially after blasting trolls who had been committing similar acts recently which she rightly did do.Nothing wrong with harmless jokes. Quite like Fan Bingbing myself….
So Forrest Gump had to appear cause the cap surely fits. Who is ignorant huh?. Someone sure is after me. It is all good though. I am having fun.
Either have made two funnies on Grace Chan, and they were innocent. I have never gone after the girlfriends of anyone here. Jimmy, lying on me and exaggerating about my comments is below the belt, lol, and speaks of your lack of ….hmmmm. Character, or what little you have.Lol* Do you think that coming here and wanting to strongest me is going to build your character? No, at this stage in your life, you are too old for character,* building, lol. Go and scold and chastise your friend, and anyone here who says similar to me as well. You will nowhere with mms e otherwise. You are not the policeman here, although you are older than all of us here.
I never, ever called Grace ,”IT”. NEVER. like I said , you need revert to lies to be mean. You are not as clever as you think. You are a deplorable person. I refer to your buddy as it as we don’t know whether it is a he or she. Put your money where your dirty, lying mouth is and and show me where I called Grace “IT”, or otherwise, go to hell.
Now age is an issue to you. Just because I’m a fan of some series of the 1980s? Get real! Firstly age isn’t an issue when it comes to watching TV. Also since you say you are working then you could well be in the same age group as me. There are plenty of housewives on this site. I’m not the oldest here and I don’t see a problem if I was. These personal attacks are shameful because you have indirectly hurt others who are not so young…
Here’s the evidence: I’m not going to hell anytime soon…
Ladies and gentlemen, that is a new world yakking record, ready for the Guinness Book of records. Kevin ought to be proud of his parrot tongue girlfriend, or maybe not?. LOL.
Seriously though, Kevin should just put a ring on it
Watching old dramas or movies does not make anyone old. There are a lot of young viewers at Jaynestars who enjoy the old movies and series, and it is so cool that there are lots of housewives, as you put it, here at Jaynestars. Everyone here seems hip. You are square. You give the impression that you are are an old cochety, eccentric, bossy, anxious, strange man. I am just saying, hahaha. I am having some Caribbean cake and some roti, that my housekeeper made for us, washed down by a drink made from sorrel. Want to have some? I can teach you not to sound so old and eccentric. I really feel sorry for you. Put a ring on it is a phrase. It is not calling a woman it. It came about from the song put a ring on it by Beyonce. It means get married or engaged to a woman, not calling her it. You are really from the stone age. Evidence?…… What evidence???!! Go to hell, hahahahaha
I’m just pointing out what you are doing and it’s all related to the articles on this site and if you want to turn it into personal attacks then you continue but I will not join in. It’s easy to hide behind a keyboard and state heavy pay packets and housekeepers etr.Unless you are sending members stacks of your money,no one wants to know or cares.I don’t need justify my personal life. I could well be sitting here buying in piles of crypto but it’s irrelevant to the topics in this forum.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, your “evidence” got denounced as the horse carp that it is so you attack me because you can’t stand that you and your stinking lies got debunked. You started this, I will finish it. You went after me because I went after your equally psycho buddy as others did and that did not fit well with you. My wording was more home hitting towards your buddy than the words of other members, and that is why you went after me. I am not blowing a trumpet here. I was just telling you what is happening and offering you some goodies from the Caribbean. I said knew you were going to come back, like a bad penny, that is why I was willing to put my hefty payback on the line. It was not about showing off. You are ignorant, backward, stupidly stubborn, set in your b pity Rosh ways, eccentric and wants to rule the world. Not to mention, you have mental problems. Still waiting for the women I attack, and calling Grace it “evidence”. I guess I will be waiting forever. Go to hell. The only thing you are buying into is your miserable, boorish life.Bring your proof or go to hell
Calling her ‘it’ is calling her it. It’s not a lie and I copied and pasted word for word. That’s the evidence but that just one of the few of the many words you have used to degrade the poor girl. I’m not sure which of the buddys you are talking about and if you are so sure then bring another member in that is certain I’m related to that supposed ‘buddy’. If you are talking about ‘Killer’ then the only thing I’ve got in common with him/her is that I mentioned that Ruco has performed poorly recently. You aren’t finishing anything. Launching abusive words in my direction means you are a winner according to you. I don’t need to flash my wealth or father’s wealth to gain approval. In fact I believe if wealthy then should be quiet and careful about personal life.There’s no such thing as a winner and a loser in something like this but going back on your word saying you’re not replying does not put you in a good light in regards to credibility. I had stopped bothering until you started advertising to others that ‘there are site police, be careful!’ nonsense to newer members. What do you expect me to do? If you are cowardly targeting new members in order to attack me then I will have to explain to them. Otherwise you can continue doing what you want in regards to Grace. I can’t stop you typing….
@jimmyszeto , you are so ignorant. What words did I used to degrade Grace Chan. I called her Turbo Tongue, motor mouth, windmill tongue, parrot mouth/tongue. Others members here have calledher that. Those are words that are used to describe a very talkative person, whose mouth goes off even without being asked specific questions. That is Grace Chan right there.I never declared myself a winner here, that is your delusional brain talking. If you were not the site police, you would not have responded. You need to go back to school, cause you lack the knowledge to read and comprehend. My bad, you are a lawyer, aren’t you. Maybe I got you mixed up with someone else, lol. When Meghan Markle got engaged to Prince Harry, there were headlines and sentences in various news outlets throughout the world that said oily d Harry had put a ring on it. You should accuse them of calling Meghan ‘it’s. You are so thick. I never called Grace it and you know it. Bring your “evidence,” you stupid fool. Bring it or keep quiet. You are a joke. You are my gimp, make my day. So looking forward to your next comment where you try to accuse me of nonsense and lies, where you try to make yourself look like a victim, and where you try to get members mad at me. I can’t wait for your next stupidly defiant post
How the hell could I hurt others here who are not so young. Whatever drug you are on, please, please come off of it. Such an assinine comment to make, or you trying to stir the pot, trying to get members to get angry at me?. You are so pathetic. You think you are smart, you are not. Everyone is welcomed here. I know people in their twenties who prefer music and movies from the 70s and even before that. What does working has to do with being old? Where I live, a person can work and pay taxes from 18 years old. You do say the most butt wipe things, hahahahaha. Wow, you make me laugh. I look forward to many more laughs, compliments of you.
I’m glad you have clarified on that by justifying how much you respect the elders. You have made such an effort to keep your reputation in tact. Does not take away your aggressive and abusive nature though. It does not matter how much wealth you have if you lack the sophistication and elegance. I didn’t expect much to be honest from someone childish enough to write out imaginary roleplays on how Grace and Kevin speaks to each other at home and blasting her with playground worthy names. Not the most neutral pieces of work ever witnessed. Here’s a few words of advice. Maybe you should write some positive comments on Grace or criticise Kevin a little in future articles since you like clarifying your fair and impartial nature.
t@jimmyszeto of course you won’t expect anything more from me, as your feeble brain and character are beneath mine and I thought I was at the very bottom of the chain. If that comment is the best you can do, then you are crap. If I did all these bad things to Grace, have your people speak to her and Kevin’s people. Have them sue me. You are more childish than me. You are such a liar. Only posted as Jemmyzeta hth?, liar. They did say lawyers are good liars.You claimed you were done and then you had to come back…hahaha. Does that not make you childish too? Then you had the nerve to call me childish, imagine that. It is like Satan, you trying to say someone, me, is being bad. Or it is like the pot calling the kettle black. hahahahahaha. You need a psychiatrist. You get debunked and you try to use lies and reverse psychology to divert the fact that your crap got called out. Next comment please
And just because someone is from money,making money … Does it mean they cannot be fiery, have a sense of humor or speak their minds?. If you are trying to call me a liar because I speak up and am not a pretentious, standoffish hypocrite, you are sicker than I thought . At the end of the day, rich people are hi mms an like everyone else. I choose not to live in some stiff upper lip unrealistic fish bowl.Go to hell.
100% only posted under this username only. Please state the other usernames I’ve used and the content. Like I said I’m willing to match any amount of money in a bet that I have only posted under this name in the history of the site. It’s easy to call someone out and accuse them of another identity. I could accuse you of being a multiaccount user of some sort just as easily as you can accuse me. Yes. Wealthy can be explosive but ranting and raving displaying zero self control? Definitely lacking sophistication and class. It doesn’t matter if you have all the money in the world if don’t have these positive characteristics, although it is still debatable if you have anything. All self proclaimed material. Try and find acceptance and security elsewhere because at the end of the day this is a entertainment news forum and no one cares about how your life is whether it is rich, poor or desperate.
@jimmyszeto please tell me where I call Grace it. Please state all the other women I bullied, like you claimed and then I will state your other user names. Untill then,piss off. And you have all these qualities. Oh jeez, keep them . It justmeans you are an ignorant, pathetic, backward, stupid, pretentious fool. You lack these things and you want to have them and pretend you have class, but you are nothing but common riff raff trying to pretend you have class. I shoot straight and I’m not a hypocrite. I did not come here for friendship or approval, I have my life beyond this site. Stop projecting your loser life on me. If that above post is the best that you can do, I almost feel sorry for you. You are are an insufferable miserable creature.
I’m not here to comply to your orders by copy and paste your previous dozens posts. If anyone would like to see then all they have to do is search your name. Whether they are malicious names or not, the intent is there for all to see. There isn’t enough negative Grace articles out there so your tactic is to spam blast her at every opportunity even in instances where she has met Kevin’s family or Kevin’s grandma likes her. All I was trying to do was point that out and it’s all there in the backlog. However you have chosen to deny it and fire back with insults. Whether you class it as abuse or bullying or not the continuous angry rants of similar nature and fake roleplays serves one purpose and that is to put Grace in a negative light. The roleplays make it even seem to make out that Kevin really dislikes Grace but has to tolerate her as a girlfriend. I have put out my explaination out and whether you or others decide it it is coincidence or calculated attacks then it is up to you guys.The username fiasco you have fired false allegations and called me liar that I have posted with other accounts holds no water. I don’t have a reputation to protect on this site and if I was a multiaccount user I will 100% reveal my other usernames. What can happen if I do? Get banned and open another account. Use your supposedly sizeable brain. This account is not worth anything to fight and pretect.
@jimmyszeto @bubbletea …guys I don’t wanna interfere. but maybe you guys should get a room XD.
@coralie you are funny and in my book, you’re okay but I have to tell you, I don’t care for Jimmiies, foxxes or Allu….. Never mind, so will die first before I get a room, haha.Plus, that will never happen.
Sorry. I’m happy to back off if she stops tagging others and influencing them by indirectly firing insults at me. Also I will leave and never post again if I’m proven to be a multiaccount user.
You should leave and take your friend with you. You responded to the Terrycrews19 post because you are guilty of being the forum police. I never wrote your name. If you weren’t guilty, you should’ve ignore me.
You called me forum police directly in plenty of your previous posts then cowardly went to a new member to indirectly imply that there is forum police and to be careful. So I had to explain to him…simple as. Leave the poor guy alone and come directly to me if you have any issues..
@jimmyszeto I thought you had gone to hell, for good.
Nah…I went to sleep and went to work. Although we still have disagreements at least it’s still a good thing that it make you think for a second before you go raging on Grace next time, even though if it is only for a second….
@jimmyszeto work, you work?. Which street corner were you at?. The oldest profession in the world… Little boys like you do that too, lol. Hope you made good money, lol. Do you like chocolate bunnies? It has nothing to do with people but a a certain name , nothing to do with people, or a group of people, Lol. You know what I am talking about. Yes, I will talk about how Grace yaps and that will put a bee in your bonnet. I live to bother an old fuddy duddy, eccentric like you. Your turn.
You don’t have to explain to us that you are having fun but writing nonsensical messages I have to admit is a good way out for you in the situation that you are in. I have put my point across and it will get you thinking twice next time before you rant. Just like when I revealed that you using Linda Chung’s children to make a joke . It will stop you doing it again. Obviously still sore from that because others agreed that it was highly inappropriate…..
@jimmyszeto I am amazed you are such a *psychic*, lol,lol. I don’t need to explain anything to you. You know me so well, yeah right. What situation am I in?, hahaha. Thinking twice about what???. You really need to lay off the crack and cocaine. I heard you ate washing down the drugs with alcohol. Not a good combo. You are some messed piece of work.. How many people scolded me . One woman backed off because she misunderstood my post. Another was one of your as aliases. . It is funny I still respect people and choose to respond to them respectfully, but you, I intensively dislike and will have you answering me like the foum police wannabe that you are. I am sore from laughing at your boorish comments, and your loser as.s.
Next childish, boorish comment please
Do not disappoint me. You will respond. I will make you respond. You know you will.I am having so much fun with you, my muse, my joke, my gimp Jemmy boy zeta
I am responding just as you are responding to me. Not sure how you can make it out I’m the one posting and you are not… Let’s forget about big money since you have been ignoring my bets. I’ll bet my arm for 1 American cent that the people who scolded you weren’t my alias. The same deal/bet can be made that I have never used another username on this site ever. It should be easy for Jaynestars to check because it was so recent.You are in complete denial that others might also find it inappropriate….Seriously deluded…
@jimmyszeto wow, do not use that word deluded. That is a word that should not be used by you, unless you want to seriously complement someone. You said I have no life, I am a troll. Then you should back off and have a life and stop trolling me. We can’t have both of us being trolls with no life now, can we?. You should stop responding. Hahaha. You make me laugh, my muse. Next comment. You are becoming a rag doll now., a toy mouse to my cat. Hurry up and respond
@bubbletea @jimmyszeto As the administrator of this website, I would like both of you to cease your arguments. The disagreements have become personal and resorted to name calling, with increasingly aggressive remarks. This makes for a highly unpleasant environment for other users.
Please take this as a warning. Failure to respect other users on our website may result in account suspension.
I sincerely apologize to you and other members here I might have offended. I was attacked by Jimmyszeto for writing two innocent roleplays about a celeb who loves to yap. I was accused of the most ridiculous and horrendous actions. I was attacked and decided I was going to fight fire with fire. I was disgusted that others massacred the sex lives. Marriages and paternity of other celebs and Jimmyzeto never once scolded or attacked them, yet I was sought out and harassed. In fact , Jimmy likes and support anyone that the troll supports and writes negatively of any that the troll hates. What a coincidence, no? There has been a lot of friendly banter between the two and it has been noticed by many members here. I did not take kindly to being harassed for no reason at all.I was even accused of calling Grace Chan it, when I never did that. I said Kevin should put a ring on it, which is a phrase used to say a man should give his lady a ring. It came from the Beyonce song of the same name. Jimmyszeto know that, yet he tried to manipulatively and deviously use the phrase against me . Such actions are manipulative and evil. Yet he wonders why others think he is Killer02, aka creditor, aka freedalass. Jayne, please let me e know if my general comments in regards to Grace Chan were offensive to warrant Jimmyszeto coming after me. I was rather surprised, but ready to defend myself. I was accused of attacking celeb women here and I’m still waiting on the proof. If you find such posts can you point them out to me so that I can see where I did such a thing? I don’t expect you to find such though. It is one thing to be accused of the truth, it is another to be accused of lies by jimmyszeto, who also tried to use lies, and emotional reverse psychology to blacklist me with other posters here, while trying to display *class and decorum*. I was not going to idly sit back. However, I am sorry if I offended you and others here. That is the last thing I wanted to do. He even twisted my comment about my paycheck, my housekeeper to make it look like I was showing off. I am the most down to earth, simple person. I have no time or patience for stuck up idiots. I was just proving a point that Jimmyszeto would keep harassing Mr. Again, my financial life was twisted diabolicall to turn members against me. Again my sincerest apologies.
Hi. In order to keep my account from being suspended, i apologise for my recent posts and actions. Sorry. I would like to reassure all members that this is the only account I have ever opened and will ever use.
I will have fun with you from now on cause you will respond to my every post.
這是她自己的私事。 並不影響她的演技或者是她的人品或者是她的人氣。