Kenneth Ma Supports Jacqueline Wong’s Comeback

Spotted spending more time together lately, Kenneth Ma (馬國明) and Natalie Tong (唐詩詠) are speculated to be dating. Tabloid claims that Kenneth has impregnated Natalie angered the 46-year-old actor, who also spoke up for his ex-girlfriend Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎) at the costume fitting event for new TVB drama Who Wants a Baby 2 <BB大晒>.
Denies He is Third Wheel
In regards to being branded as the third party in Natalie’s relationship with educational consultant, Samuel Chan (陳思銘), Kenneth discloses he is very upset about the situation, “I don’t want my name to come up when people talk about Natalie and another man. I don’t know what relationship they’re in. For example, when I was filming The Hippocratic Crush <On Call 36小時>, I didn’t even know Tavia Yeung (楊怡) and Him Law (羅仲謙) were dating. I hate it when people say I am the third party, such as the time this happened when Myolie Wu (胡杏兒) and Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) broke up and I had to clarify.”
Kenneth added that the news regarding him impregnating Natalie is very insulting to her, in which he doesn’t think it is appropriate. While some news can be laughed off, they can be inappropriate and impact one’s character, especially if he is linked with a married co-star such as Eliza Sam.
Asks Others to Give Jacqueline a Second Chance
After her cheating scandal last April, Jacqueline’s reputation plummeted. However, the actress returned back to Hong Kong in hopes of making a comeback. When asked about her return, Kenneth responded, “I support that. I want the best for all my friends, but we will see what the company has planned. There are a lot of things we shouldn’t take too seriously and neglect all of her hard work over the years. I hope she continues to work hard, and that everyone can change their perspective of her.”
Jacqueline was spotted with a new rose tattoo on her leg, which is interpreted as an intention of a new start. Kenneth laughed, “I don’t know! It’s fine if she likes it. I can’t speak on behalf of her. I wouldn’t get a tattoo because I’m scared I might regret it afterwards.”
This article is written by Hailey for
Without TVB’s approval, artists like Kenneth and Lai Lok Yi won’t be openly convincing the media and audience to give JW anther chance.
TVB is getting more pathetic each day for trying to shove her down our throats.
You too…Kenneth Ma???
did she sleep w/ all the higher ups in tvb too?
on the other hand, if she does make a come back, what role would she play? can’t play the innocent little sisters again.
I don’t think Jacquelines cares what roles. She just wants the brands and sponsors to start calling in.
what is she going to sell? condoms? prostitution services?
Maybe sell innocence? Such a faker she is that i was surprised she didn’t join that virgin group…
@m0m0 long-term taxi service. Full service and if payment is made in advance, can have extra service.
if you actually watched the interview, Kenneth did NOT “disclose he is very upset about the situation.” Instead, he actually clarified that he was not upset.
the fact that Kenneth said he wouldnt get a tattoo because he might regret it, while Jacqueline would shows how different the two are in terms of personality
1) personality outlook and mindset
BUT could also be
2) different cultural mindset. ( I am familiar with seeing Jacqueline. used to belong to Vancouver dance school she, her sisters and mom danced in). The Tattoo culture is popular in Vancouver, Canada (even some Big 4 staff have it (just more private and less apparent).
A little different from how tattoos are viewed in Asia.
i know that some asian parents would disown their child if they get one. this came from parents in this generation. i had no idea tattoo was such a taboo
hOw aBoUt nO?!
Jesus the girl just want to be in the spot light again she likes being surrounded by the media and of course all the commercial ads and sponsors that’ll give her branded items for free w/o those she nothing lor……………some ppl are like that face skin as thick as callouses on the feet don’t know no shame I hope TVB management wont open up the doors for her dont wanna see her in any series at all!!!!