Yang Mi Wears Wig to Hide Receding Hairline

For a while, it’s been widely talked about that Chinese actress Yang Mi (杨幂) wears a wig to hide her receding hairline, and the gossip turns out to be true–in a clip shared online, Yang Mi’s wig was accidentally yanked off by her stylist while she was getting her hair fixed.

Realizing that she was on camera, Yang Mi frantically tried to mediate the situation by trying to hide her tall forehead.While filming the 2017 drama Eternal Love <三生三世十里桃花>, a behind-the-scenes clip of Yang Mi getting dressed for her role led to the talk that Yang Mi was having a receding hairline. At the time, she said, “I am not someone to stop others from criticizing me. If that is what they think, then… I guess I’ll get a hair transplant!

Source: On.cc

This article is written by Addy for JayneStars.com.

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  1. There is totally no shame a tiny bit at all in hair loss, such a natural thing that happen to so many people!

    I did feel YM’s baldness in 3L3W was a bit too striking that it can annoy me sometimes, just sometimes only.

    So I don’t mind wigs at all. They’re just like make up? They can give a better appearance to an individual and satisfy the audience looking at them. And even if a person has lots of hair they still have to put on wigs in the drama too.

  2. Yang Mi has a high forehead so if there is any frontal hair loss it will accentuate her forehead. Actors have to put all sort of stuff on their faces and hair. The chemicals may not be good in the long term.

    So what if she has hair loss? That does not make her a lesser actor. Better than being very sick.

  3. I didn’t even notice her hairline in the series until I read this article. She’s still beautiful. I suppose you can’t have it all!

  4. Mothers are especially vulnerable to hair loss after birth. Maybe that’s what triggered her initial hair loss, plus the stress + pull of wigs + all those chemicals in styling. She’s probably not eating enough either to replenish hair nutrients. It takes a while to recover

  5. She’s not balding. She has high forehead. Different.

    Even if she is, she is rich enough to undergo certain procedures which could restore her locks. No big deal.

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