Gallen Lo’s Assessment on Bosco, Ron, Raymond, Kevin & Kenneth!

Bosco Wong Chung Chak

TVB is currently heavily promoting a new generation of actors such as Bosco Wong Chung Chak, Ron Ng Cheuk Hei, Raymond Lam Fung, and Kenneth Ma Kwok Ming. Appledaily interviewed Gallen Lo Ka Leung’s and asked for his assessment of the younger actors.

Gallen spoke of Bosco, “He is very down-to-earth. Reading about his news with Myolie Wu Hang Yee, Bosco handles the rumors quite well. He will laugh them off and respond in a cheerful manner and people will forget about the rumors. As for his acting, he does not do anything unnecessary to steal the limelight, which is a good thing.”

Gallen on Ron Ng: “Ron respects me. One time we ran into each other at Joyce and he thought I would be filming ‘The Drive of Life’ at the time. Ron said to me, ‘You’re returning to TVB? I hope to work with you again!’ Ron’s physical attributes are well-received and he has his unique image.”

“I dabbled in singing and dancing in the early part of my career as well, but I did not handle them very well. Allocating appropriate time between singing and acting is very important for an artist. In the end I chose acting. Since Ron is faced with this difficult choice now, it is a test for him as to how he will choose.”

Gallen on Raymond Lam: “Raymond’s acting improved in ‘La Femme Desperado.’ When we were filming ‘Golden Faith’ together, Raymond looked up to me as a big brother and would call me on the phone. He treated me with respect. Raymond has to cherish each opportunity. I really look forward to his performance in ‘The Drive of Life!'”

Gallen on Kevin Cheng: “I have never worked with Kevin before. Since I have not been in Hong Kong [for some time], I have not watched his series. But I am aware that Kevin has a lot of opportunities right now. He had a lot of experience before too, so I am happy for Kevin right now. I believe he will cherish each opportunity!

Gallen on Kenneth Ma: “Kenneth is a dark horse, but he is a good guy and complaisant actor. Congratulations to Kenneth for winning the Most Improved Actor Award. Kenneth’s looks are quite mature, but comfortable and pleasing.”

Source: Appledaily

Credit: Thanks to Elyze at Bosco’s Baidu Forum for posting!

Jayne: The scene since 2004 has changed dramatically, when S4 was first created. Sammul Chan and Lai Lok Yi’s opportunities did not rise as quickly as Ron and Bosco’s in the last two years and now Sammul and Lai Lok Yi’s exposure seem to slow down as well.

The entertainment industry is changing at a rapid pace and all actors, especially the young ones at the start of their careers, really need to cherish all their opportunities and make sure their futures continue to shine bright!

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