Introducing TVB’s Anniversary Drama Lineup for 2017

Now that The Unholy Alliance <同盟> has completed its broadcast, and Legal Mavericks <踩過界> is nearing the end of its run, it’s time for TVB’s traditional anniversary season of television dramas. 2017 is TVB’s 50th year since establishment, and the legendary Hong Kong station will be celebrating it with a total of six anniversary dramas this year.
This year’s anniversary season will start with Line Walker: The Prelude <使徒行者2>, a prequel to the award-winning 2014 drama of the same name. The crime drama takes place right before the events of the 2014 drama, and sees the return of Michael Miu (苗僑偉) reprising his role as the CIB inspector Cheuk Hoi, who uncovers a dark secret within the police department. The prequel is a co-production with Mainland China’s Penguin Pictures, and costars Moses Chan (陳豪), Jessica Hsuan (宣萱), Benjamin Yuen (袁偉豪), Pakho Chau (周柏豪), Priscilla Wong (黃翠如), and Hui Shiu-hung (許紹雄), with guest appearances by Eddie Cheung (張兆輝), Alice Chan (陳煒), Kenny Wong (黃德斌), Tony Hung (洪永城), and Shiga Lin (連詩雅). Line Walker: The Prelude premieres Monday, September 18, 2017.
The second anniversary drama to grace HK television screens is Oh My Grad <老表,畢業喇!>, the third installment to Wong Cho-lam’s (王祖藍) Inbound Troubles <老表> television series that started in 2013. Oh My Grad stars returning cast members Wong Cho-lam, Roger Kwok (郭晉安), Bob Lam (林盛斌), Louis Cheung (張繼聰), and introduces new cast members Babyjohn Choi (蔡瀚億), Koni Lui (呂慧儀), Joyce Cheng (鄭欣宜), and a guest appearance by Eliza Sam (岑麗香). Due to scheduling conflicts, Ada Choi (蔡少芬) replaced Joey Meng (萬綺雯) as the drama’s female lead. Oh My Grad premieres September 25, 2017.
Picking up Line Walker: The Prelude’s timeslot will be the horror comedy The Exorcist’s Meter <降魔的>, which centers on a taxi driver who has the ability to see supernatural beings. TVB will be complementing the drama with a spin-off web series, which will air alongside the original show. Despite the show being aired during the anniversary lineup, it is not regarded as one of the seven 50th anniversary dramas. The Exorsist’s Meter stars Kenneth Ma (馬國明), Mandy Wong (黃智雯), Hubert Wu (胡鴻鈞), Moon Lau (劉佩玥), Ram Chiang (蔣志光), Susan Tse (謝雪心), Hugo Wong (黃子恆), Kitty Yuen (阮小儀), and King Kong Lee (金剛). It premieres October 30, 2017.
The cross-generation drama My Ages Apart <誇時代> will be taking over the time slot of Oh My Grad, and premiere on November 6, 2017. The 50-episode drama was filmed at a budget of nearly HK$50 million, and follows the story of two families. It has a star-studded cast, featuring Bobby Au-yeung (歐陽震華), Moses Chan (陳豪), Kristal Tin (田蕊妮), Louis Cheung (張繼聰), Maggie Shiu (邵美琪), Ali Lee (李佳芯), Elena Kong (江美儀), David Chiang (將大衛), Hui Shiu-hung (許紹雄), Eddie Kwan (關禮傑), Katy Kung (龔嘉欣), and Sammy Leung (森美).
The highly-anticipated thirdquel of the Heart of Greed <溏心風暴> trilogy is set to premiere sometime in November or December. The award-winning, record-breaking TVB television series will see the return of Best Actor and Actress winners Ha Yu (夏雨), Louise Lee (李司祺), and Michelle Yim (米雪) at the helm, bringing legend back to life. Though most of the older generation cast members will be returning, only Bosco Wong (黃宗澤) of the younger generation is returning. Costarring is Susanna Kwan (關菊英), Vincent Wong (王浩信), Priscilla Wong (黃翠如), Eliza Sam, Sharon Chan (陳敏之), Michael Tong (唐文龍), and Louis Yuen (阮兆祥).
Deep in the Realm of Conscience <宮心計2·深宮計>, sister production to 2009’s record-breaking Beyond the Realm of Conscience <宮心計> is slated for an early 2018 release. The Tang Dynasty epic stars Nancy Wu (胡定欣) and Annie Liu (劉心悠), respectively the empress and princess of Tang. Costarring is Steven Ma (馬浚偉) as Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. The drama also stars Kenneth Ma, Edwin Siu (蕭正楠), Chrissie Chau (周秀娜), Alice Chan, Jacqueline Wong (黃心穎), Susan Tse, Candy Lo (羅霖), Akina Hong (康華), Angie Cheong (張慧儀), Pinky Cheung (張文慈), and a guest appearance by Michelle Yim.
Dicky Cheung’s (張衛健) first TVB drama in 20 years, The Learning Curve of a Warlord <大帥哥>, is in the anniversary drama lineup for early 2018. It takes place in the early Republican era of China, and costars Sisley Choi (蔡思貝), Tony Hung, Raymond Cho (曹永廉), Tsui Wing (徐榮), Oscar Li (李嘉), Zoie Tam (譚凱琪), and Vivien Yeo (楊秀惠).
The last anniversary drama for TVB’s 50th anniversary is the historical epic Succession War <天命>, a Qing Dynasty drama that centers on the final days of corrupted official, Heshen. Ruco Chan (陳展鵬) stars as Heshen, costarring Shaun Tam (譚俊彥) as Emperor Jiaqing. It also stars Selena Li (李施嬅), Natalie Tong (唐詩詠), Elaine Yiu (姚子羚), Joel Chan (陳山聰), KK Cheung (張國強), Jonathan Cheung (張頴康), and Matthew Ho (何廣沛).
With such a long line of dramas waiting in line for broadcast, there is a high possibility that the TVB Anniversary Awards will be pushed back to January 2018.
This article is written by Addy for
I thought Legal Mavericks is over already? I just saw the final episode.
Not sure about the other dramas but I’m definitely watching Oh my grad since Ada is in there instead of Joey Mung. Awesome!!!
Wish they give Owen Cheung more roles. Didn’t see his names in any of these. He was really good in LM. Sisley too!
@kaykay408 That’s because you watched what was released in China. The drama has been released in 2 parts in China online while it airs only on the weekends in Hong Kong. So the drama only ended this weekend in HK
@citygal @kaykay408 Yup…Linewalker 2 is going to be similar situation. The series is premiering simultaneously on Tencent’s platform in China and those with VIP member access will be able to watch the first 10 episodes of the series right away while everyone else will have to wait for TVB to post each episode daily.
This will basically be the process going forward for all of the series that are supposedly “collaborations” with China (“collaboration” in this case means either TVB co-producing the series with a Mainland production company or merely pegging the series for the China market by working with a Mainland media platform to distribute the series there).
@llwy12 oh I see now. Didn’t know that. I was just watching from a random website I found from google along time ago lol. No VIP membership or anything. They always have very up to date dramas which I’m also curious. And they are all in Cantonese.
@llwy12 if line walker the prelude is set in 2010, then it should have have a somewhat similar ending to the original one. james bond is only one character, so it’s easy to write a story around him…but line walker is about UC and there are several main characters involved like michael miu, raymond wong, benz hui, charmaine sheh.
Eh. I need a good plot.
@tiffany Yeah the plot is key. You can bring back Andy Lau and Chow Yun Fat (as examples) and all those big names, but if the script is weak it doesn’t matter. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – it won’t help as it will still look ugly.
@kirigiri to me the actors is the key but to stay tuned the drama need to have a good storyline. a good plot without the right actors it will not attracts me to watch it. if the actors are good but the story is bad then i will give up watching it after a few episode. im only interested in 大帥哥 because of dicky cheung. hope the story will not be disappointment. the others are mostly sequels and prequels, that means tvb dna with 80% recycled story and worser than the previous one.
@kirigiri Exactly! Look at the past big productions = flopped
I am looking forward to Line Walker: The Prelude mainly because of Michael Miu although I am open to the other actors and actresses. Hope it will be better than The Unholy Alliance and not have a botched ending.
Not too sure about the others. Not very big on the Inbound Troubles series. The Kenneth Ma one may be mildly interesting to watch depending on the reviews.
However, I may get flamed but I personally found Heart of Greed series overrated. HOG was fine and tolerable despite the excessive arguing. But Moonlight Resonance? It’s like they injected steroids on the arguing scenes and moral preaching. The script at times in MR was even more illogical. Not to go off topic but the idea of Raymond Lam’s Goon Ga Jai as one of his career highlights is a head scratcher. Too flat and fake like some of the other characters in MR. I seriously hope they tone down with the arguing and preaching.
I am surprised about a sequel to Beyond the Realm of Conscience. I thought the first wasn’t as well received due to plot issues but oh well. Going to admit the costumes in the first one was much more appealing and gorgeous.
@kirigiri Haha! Maybe the viewers are into arguing scenes.
I enjoyed Raymond’s performance in MR. There was passion, which is lacking in today’s generation. The character, itself, was too good to be true lol
Im most excited for Line Walker!!! Can’t Wait, also because Ben is my bias. I loved Heart of Greed but with this new cast Idk how to feel anymore :/ Same with Oh My Grad, wish Corina Chamberlain and Ivana could come back 🙁 also for My Ages Apart, Im not really looking forward to it because most of the cast im not interested in, I love Bobby though, also who the heck was spamming 2200 angry reacts???
Lol, so many top tiers actor are back. Its a joke is ruco chan can still winning best actor. Line walker and my ages apart will be contender for awards. Heart of greed no more raymond lam and his good songs. Hopefully very good storyline.
@lam86 Ruco Chan won’t be able to get best actor this time. Even Joel Chan outshined him in TUA.
@janet72 Who can win really hard to say because tvb always got the power to choose whoever he wants. Need to watch all anniversary drama only can judge. hehehe. So excited with all the drama. That come on cousin so funny.kekeke
Not interested in watching any of these. I guess I don’t have any confidence in TVB being able to produce an even remotely decent series nowadays so even if a series has a (supposedly) star-studded cast or artists I adore, that won’t motivate me to watch anymore.
Line Walker 2 — As much as I love Michael Miu and Benz Hui, I didn’t like the original Line Walker in the first place, plus I seem to have developed an abhorrence to Jazz Boon’s production style (no doubt that LW 2 will be a rehash of the first one except with different cast), so definitely skipping this one.
Oh My Grad (aka Inbound Troubles 3) – first installment was good but second installment was horrid (with its only redeeming factor being Ram Tseung and the classic Canto-pop songs they incorporated into the series). I love Roger and also like others in the cast, but honestly, this franchise needs to be retired already. If the third installment is going to be anything like the second one (all indication so far is that it will probably be worse), then thanks but no thanks – not going to waste my time (and my brain cells) on this garbage.
Exorcist’s Meter – ok, TVB, so is this an anniversary series or not? If not, why the hell are you including it in the anniversary series lineup? Not that I plan on watching this one anyway, since I don’t like majority of the cast plus this type of genre has never interested me. And mainly to combat critics who claim that I never have anything positive to say about TVB, I tried to give TVB some “brownie points” in the area of “originality” for producing and airing this series due to its subject matter, but now that I think about it, can’t do it because 1) TVB is technically late to the party on this one, since both HKTV and ViuTV already produced and aired a horror/supernatural/ghost-themed series with similar subject matter (though both series probably pushed the envelope way farther than this particular series ever will) and 2) the piece about complementing the actual series with a spin-off web series is something another station already did as well (ViuTV did this last year with their Margaret and David series franchise). Oh well – at least I tried, lol….
My Ages Apart – probably the only series I might consider watching based on number of veteran artists in the cast…but then again, Bet Hur and Unholy Alliance both had boatloads of veterans (many of whom I’ve adored for decades), yet both of those series were beyond horrible. Based on what I’ve read on the series so far, I have a feeling I will be ticked off more than anything else if I do decide to watch…hmmm…depending on how I’m feeling at the time, probably will give it 1 or 2 episodes and then bail…
Heart of Greed 3 – completely agree with @kirigirl’s comments on this franchise. Both HOG and MR drove me crazy with all the OTT arguing and crying scenes and there is no doubt in my mind that this third installment will be much more of the same (and probably taken up 10 notches…ok, make that 100 notches, lol). Besides, producer Lau Kar Ho isn’t exactly known for originality, plus I still stick by my “conspiracy theory” about the reason behind LKH and his wife Mui Siu Ching’s high profile return to TVB from NowTV (ViuTV) having very much to do with the huge “disparity” in creative direction between both stations. To preserve my sanity, most likely will be skipping this one!
BTROC “sister” series – um, sorry, but no…given how much I hated BTROC in the first place, definitely not interested in watching this one (don’t really have much else to say, lol)
Learning Curve of Warlord (what kind of a title is that?) – love 張衛健 but unfortunately I’m still ticked off that TVB totally botched the once-in-lifetime opportunity they got to have him film for them again by surrounding him with such a weak, mostly newbie, cast. Same thing happened with Gallen Lo (though TVB didn’t have to wait 20 years for him of course, but still…) and my instincts turned out to be right on that series (newbie cast + crappy script + generally lackluster performances). Will be skipping this one for my own peace of mind….
Succession Wars – decent cast, however this one feels too “been there, done that” (Qing dynasty again?). Plus I’m tired of TVB’s non-historically accurate historical dramas – might as well just read the history books about that era rather than waste my time watching TVB’s “interpretation” of it.
Interesting commentary on how the exorcism series is just a bandwagon response to HKTV and ViuTV. I recall HKTV did some paranormal horror series and it looked a lot grittier than what TVB will produce, based on the trailers alone. I guess I will be lowering my expectations because a few of TVB’s inspirations from other productions can be a flop. Mysteries of Love being inspired by the J-Drama Galileo was a weak one for example.
Lol about HOG3. The third installment makes or breaks dramas and movies in general IMO. If it does maintain the same level of OTT scenes or exaggerates them further, I hope the audience wakes up to how silly they are.
@kirigiri HKTV’s horror series (Karma) was definitely grittier – of course, compared to HK horror movies, the “gore and blood” and graphic scenes were considered mild (some would even say it was “nothing”), but for HK television standards, it was definitely a first, and something TVB had never done before (and probably will never do, since that type of series most likely won’t pass muster with the Communication Authority’s Broadcasting Ordinance, which regulates the HK television industry). I doubt Exorcist Meter will be on that level to be honest – the word “horror” is thrown in there but it sounds more like paranormal ghost story along the lines of what TVB is used to producing. Actually, thinking about it now, I believe this is the series that resulted from TVB’s scriptwriting recruitment effort several years ago (I don’t remember the details but I think they had done a contest thing and the “prize” was that the winning script would get made into a TV series), so there’s still a chance it might be a little “different” from what TVB usually does depending on how much of the original script they kept (which probably wasn’t much…knowing how conservative TVB is when it comes to these things, most likely TVB’s own scriptwriters re-wrote it to fit within broadcasting standards).
I have low expectations. I hope that at least 1 of the 7 series will be decent.
Don’t have high expectations with the above. Weather if it’s going to hit 40 points and up or if it’s successful, remains to be seen. At least most of it, is star quality. For one, I’m do not have high for the installments, let’s pray that it’s good. Oh, the rushed endings and the opening endings… expect that!! If TVB delays their award ceremony to Jan 2018, that means they probably want to favorism involved, so it doesn’t surprise me if they do. All remain unknown…hope put too much hope into it..
The only one I am interested in watching is “Succession War” as it is set in a timeframe of X amount of days so unlikely to be draggy. Plus, He Shen is an interesting character whose portrayal has varied over the years from corrupt villain to opportunitist. I want to watch Ruco play this grey character and I have also taken a shine to Matthew Ho.
“Line Walker” I never really liked though I did thought it was suspenseful.
Am interested in a lot of the series in here for many reasons but also am prepared to be severely disappointed. Line walker… not interested.
He shen could be Ruco’s best role however TVB will make he shen as misunderstood and in love with one of the concubines or whatever. I would like to see a conflicted he shen, not a good guy but not evil. TVB won’t do that. He shen was no hero,. he as no angel, a man that corrupted usually is morally bankrupt and I wish TVB shows just that but they won’t. So Ruco, screwed again.
Excited about Steven, Di-cky, Bobby series. But am afraid of costumes, co stars & low budget, in respective order.
TVB, you gotta invest more in costumes. You don’t have CCTV capable actors, at least up the costumes. All I can see is the hair gets higher.
Back to C drama for now.
Ps I take back my comments on Bobby series. looks big budget. He will deliver!
PPS TVB, Qing dynasty is more than just winter you know?
Very few veterans pique my interest and devotion, so I rarely look at the cast when I decide to watch something. However, the fact that Dicky is returning for this ONE drama, has me fangirling. I’m most excited for his lineup, too bad it won’t air ’till early next year (waste of his talents and popularity, imo.)
I’m so excited for the palace dramas, especially Deep in the Realm of Conscience! It’s been a while since tvb has produced/aired their own. But I agree with others saying they need to up their game in the costume department. It wouldn’t surprise me if they re-used costumes from their old palace dramas and just sewed a new thing on it and say it’s new.
Empress of China’s costumes were simply beautiful, tvb needs to take notes!
I remember loving Line Walker when it first came out, the movie however confused the heck out of me lol. I like the Pak Ho and Priscilla pairing since Seasons of Love 2, they just seem to gel and work together really well. Hope they don’t ruin 2 and the plot actually flows and they manage to make a decent connection to the first series.
Also looking forward to Heart of Greed, will be interesting to see the “new” younger generation in place of the “old” young generation, since so many of the old ones are a big deal these days e.g. Raymond Lam, Moses Chan, Fala Chan, Linda Chung.
All the above shows looks good with star-studded casts, lets hope they all have good plots.
The other thing to think about is that almost all of these series are collaborations with Mainland China. LineWalker 2 will premiere on Tencent’s site on the same day as HK, however Tencent VIP users will get access to the first 10 episodes all at once …just like with Legal Mavericks, Mainland audiences get first dibs and HK audiences will have to wait to watch. With this being the trend, it also means that more and more, TVB’s series will be produced more for Mainland audiences’ tastes than Hong Kongers’ tastes. As it is, TVB already has issues with creativity and originality now….I hate to think what the landscape is going to look like 10 years down the road….
I am going to boycott all of Wong Jing’s TVB productions, even more so the upcoming one with Nat Chan (not Bet Hur).
Most keen for HOG3 and Beyond2 ! Grew up with the originals and loved the OTT in the drama. Next im excited for SW and Line Walker 2.
Im very worried for the 50 episode, ages apart. Hope it doesnt drag like ‘Gem of life’
Sound goods there are a few drama that will be watching
Line Walker 2
excorsit meter
Oh My grad ( hope this was beta then the last one)
Heart of greed 3
I only look forward to My Ages Apart because i like the main casts (but will still give the others a try). Plus i personally think that TVB may have put more effort into this series (than other anniversary series this year) with the big budget, and the series was also specially filmed upto 50 episodes to commemorate TVB 50th Anniversary.
Meanwhile, TVB should have hold the broadcast of The Tofu War and The Exorcist’s Meter to give way to Wayne Lai’s Reversal of Fate. Wayne was not casted in any of the anniversary series, and his only series this year; May Fortune Smile On You was aired very early this year and his role in the series is not memorable too. Wayne is a two-time TV King and has been loyal to TVB. The station should actually give him the honour to be casted in one of the anniversary series, or at least have his latest series aired around this time to give him a good opportunity to be in the race for TV King this year (because the station is celebrating its 50th anniversary, which will give a meaningful win to the award recipients this year).
@diana80 Wayne is 3-time TV King winner, not 2. He actually decided to reduce his workload in recent years because he wanted to spend more time with his son, so it’s no surprise that he hasn’t been filming much and wasn’t in any of the anniversary series. Basically, it was by choice, as he even said himself in that recent Telling Maria interview with Sheren that he has been a workhorse for most of his acting career and it was time for a change of pace – he had said that for 10 years straight he never took a vacation or traveled anywhere with his family…it was only in recent years that they started going on trips together, so he kind of owed it to his family to strike more of a balance in this area. I wouldn’t worry for Wayne, especially if he doesn’t care much about the awards stuff anymore, since it sounds like he’s finally found the work-life balance that he is most comfortable with now.
Good for Wayne that he’s finally found the work-life balance. I like Wayne not only because of his acting, but i feel that he’s a humble and dedicated person.
Thus, being a 3-time TV King and for his loyalty, his fans will be delighted if he could be in the run for TV King (being shortlisted) this year. Perhaps because this year is the station’s 50th anniversary and saw the return of many veterans, so i was thinking why not to air Fate of Reversal to increase Wayne’s chance to be shortlisted since the drama has completed its filming and waiting for broadcast.
* Wayne is a three-time TV King…not just two-time.
Reversal of Fate is Amy Wong’s production, and her series are normally not too bad and watchable. Destination Nowhere is also her production.
So Line Walker 2, the Thailand part has started off well. Let’s keep it going folks! Looking forward to Moses trying this new role!
‘Succession War’ would have been good if it does no focus on He Shen’s love life. Sadly, it does (as reported in an earlier article). 🙁
Excerpt from
“Ruco’s Heshen will have several love interests in the show. Selena Li portrays his first love, but she will marry Shaun’s Jiaqing instead, and later becoming his empress. Heshen will also be involved with Elaine Yiu’s Changmei, the western-educated daughter of an official.”
This first/true love marrying someone of higher station (usually the emperor) has been done to death by TVB. Can we have something new?
Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 already.
– Curse of the Royal Harem
– The Life and Times of a Sentinel
– A General, a Scholar and a Eunuch
So many series milking the old cow.
Im looking forward to Successions war and Exorcists Meter.
Dicky cheungs im not too sure…I seem to recall him playing a similar role in china or taiwan series, or at least the same kind of outfit 😀
i’m only excited for succession war, exorcists meter and my ages apart.
succession war – i think this drama will do well because of the one day = one episode plot. excited to see stephanie ho and matthew ho act together. but it’s the last anniversary drama of the year which means i have to wait :(( i hope it doesn’t turn out like dead wrong from last year and not receive any awards because of the late airing.
the exorcists meter – only watching this for moon lau and hubert wu, i hope they do good. the storyline looks kinda gothic so who knows whats going to happen!
my ages apart – i want to see the 7 sisters because they’re all very pretty (ali lee, kaman kong, zoie tam etc.) but probably won’t finish the drama because its 50 eps. the storyline looks pretty messed up because of the large amount of characters. i think the cast is not bad but there are A grade actors/actresses as well as ones i barely recognize.
deep realm of conscience 2 – don’t really want to watch because most actors/actresses aren’t from tvb. hope nancy wu will do better in it because unholy alliance was a disappointment.
line walker 2 – i watched the first 2 episodes but there is way too much dying and tvb is advertising this drama so much its getting so annoying. also, actors/actresses that have potential in acting already got killed (tony hung, stephanie ho, shiga lin, alice chan, hoi yeung) i think it’s just going to be a lot of fighting and i didnt watch lw 1. i think priscilla, pakho and ben will do well though!
oh my grad – i loved inbound troubles back then but the series is got worse as more serials were produced. might try watching to see if its good.
heart and greed 3 – i think this is just arguing all the way, but i do want to see eliza sam and vincent wong’s storyline. never watched the previous h&g so not too keen on this.
the learning curve of warlord – the name already doesn’t sound amusing and the cast doesn’t look that great.
Hmm.Line Walker 2.The plot is once again looking for missing undercover agents after a couple of handlers are killed. The suspense factor that existed in the original has totally gone. Hope it improves!
I have a feeling most of these will suck since TVB has no good writers anymore. Not excited about most of the casts. What happened to Moses Chan? He looks horrible now…too skinny, and that hair makes him look worse. I can barely look at him.
Only Heart of Greed 3 has a good cast but I’m sure the story will still be crap. So sad.
The hairstyle was designed specifically for the series. Actors can go into every series with the exact same hairstyle otherwise the audience would get confused. Let someone look at Moses performance instead and its a good one as the calm and calculated low spoken triad leader. It’s pretty obvious that his character is taken from The Infernal Affairs Franchise, mirroring Francis Ng’s Ngai Wing-hau’s role which was brilliant and fit should have won the Best HK Actor that year. The Ngai family power is also copied from Infernsl Affairs so I expect the family to be wiped out in the end just like Infernal Affair. Maybe Moses will be outsmarted by Hui Siu Hung just like Francis was outsmarted by Eric Tsang. The most obviously copied character in the first 10 episodes is Chapman To’s ‘Sor Keung’ character which is ripped off by Brian Tse. I think it’s fine to take these characters from Infernal Affairs because they were very effective in the movie. I just hope that TVB does not lazily copy the Ngai family storyline. Even the Surname is the same lol