[Obituary] Former Actress Leung Kit Wah Passes Away

Former 1980s actress, Leung Kit Wah (梁潔華), passed away yesterday at the age of 59 after a seven-year battle with leukemia. Suffering from multiple organ failure, she was hospitalized in the intensive care unit since last week and her condition worsened rapidly. She was accompanied by her husband Felix Wong (黃日華) and daughter Adrian Wong (黃芷晴) by her bedside in her final moments.
Deeply grieving Kit Wah’s departure, Felix is still wrestling with his emotions and unable to accept that she has suddenly left this world. Despite this, he refused his assistant’s offer to make the funeral arrangements and insisted to personally take care of all the details. An attentive husband, Felix once admitted that taking care of Kit Wah during her illness is exhausting, but he would not let himself collapse when she needed him the most. The 58-year-old actor said, “I have to give the best life to the person I chose to love. I have to love, protect, and adore her!”
Married for 32 years, Felix and Kit Wah met on the set of 1980 TVB drama Yesterday’s Glitter <京華春夢>. After getting married in 1988, Kit Wah retired from acting and forged a successful career in the insurance industry, becoming one of the top sales managers at her company.
Diagnosed with leukemia in 2013, Kit Wah received five rounds of chemotherapy which caused her weight to drop from 120 to 97 pounds. Hoping she can receive medical treatment in privacy, the family kept her illness a secret for two years before eventually confirming Kit Wah had leukemia. In 2018, she received a bone marrow transplant and while her condition took a temporary promising turn, she again fell into a relapse and had to seek frequent hospital treatment over the last two years.
Hoping her mother is in a better place free from pain now, Adrian dedicated a loving post to her on social media, “I will carry on with the same determination you had, and try to control my sadness to continue living a good life. I will take care of [Dad] whom you have loved for 40 years! I love you very much…my bravest queen. I hope we get to see each other again soon–when you come back, you can be my strong and healthy daughter!” Thanking everyone for their concern, Adrian asked others to give the family space to mourn quietly.
Felix’s friends, Andy Lau (劉德華) and Hugo Ng (吳岱融), sent their condolences to the family. Actor Ricky Fan (范振鋒) said, “I know Felix is heartbroken. I hope he and his daughter take care!” While Felix did not disclose the details of Kit Wah’s declining condition, friends knew that he had been busily taking care of his wife daily in her final days.
Sources: On.cc [1,2,3], Sing Tao
This article is written by Jayne for JayneStars.com.
RIP to Felix and his family!
RIP. At least she is in peace now not having to deal with the sickness.
That’s terrible. My condolences to the family.
Sorry to hear this news… RIP and condolences to Felix Wong and family
This is sad. I have watched Yesterday’s Glitter before I don’t remember seeing Felix in that drama and I’m not sure which lady is his wife in that drama either.
I watched Yesterday’s Glitter a long time ago so do not remember them being in it too. Maybe they played minor characters.
@hetieshou that’s right I find it strange. I don’t really know who Felix wife is so I don’t even know which one is her in that drama I thought it could be one of Damien sisters or one of the maid? I’m confused. All I remember in that drama is Damien Lau, Liza Wang and Mary Hon. I think Kent Tong is in that drama too if I’m correct?
I always knew who Felix’s wife was and remember seeing her even as minor characters and cameos but I do not remember seeing her in Yesterday’s Glitter. I think she was just a background character. I only remember Damien, Liza and Mary as they were the leads. Yes,I vaguely remember Kent was in there as a supporting role if I remember correctly but correct me if I am wrong.I bet his role was bigger than Felix’s wife so I was able to remember him.
@cutie777 @hetieshou I think the info is wrong, as I believe Felix and Leung Kit Wah met before that, if I remember correctly. I don’t recall them being in Yesterday’s Glitter either, but it’s possible their roles were minor, maybe even background characters, as that’s what they did back then with all the Acting class students – they all had bit parts in currently filming series…it was part of their “training”. I know for sure Michael Miu was in that series (he played one of Damian Lau’s classmates) and Felix was in the same year Acting class as him, so most likely he was there too.
Think Leung Kit Wah was in the TVB class a year before Felix and he pursued her and were together before he became famous.
@jimmyszeto Yup, that’s the way I remembered it too…that’s why I said I believe the info in the article (that they met on the set of Yesterday’s Glitter) is wrong. Kit Wah was from 1979 class and Felix was from 1980 class.
@llwy12 i dont remember seeing them in Yesterday’s Glitter but Felix and Kit Wah mentioned in a 2016 Cable TV interview that YG was one of their collaborations (when asked how they met)
I do not remember when they met but I think it was a very long time ago towards the beginning of their acting career. I bet Felix and his wife were both minor or background characters so I do not remember them being in Yesterday’s Glitter. I do not remember Micheal as he was a minor character too. Do you remember if Kent was in there? I vaguely remember him being in there as a minor or supporting character but I can be wrong.
I read about this last night and it saddened me to no end. Felix must be so devastated given how devoted he was to his wife. Condolences and prayers to the family!
Gosh, so many 80s artists I grew up with keep leaving us one after the other…it makes me so sad just to think about it!
Me too! I grew up in the 80s and get so nostalgic and have been re watching 80s series lately and it saddens me how so many artists have left us one after another. I just get so sad and nostalgic and truly miss the good old days so much.
Hope his wife rests in peace and that Felix and his daughter will stay strong. His wife was truly lucky have such a good man like Felix as a husband. Maybe one day Felix will find happiness again like Chan Wing Chun did even after the passing of his wife.
@hetieshou Yup…I totally get it! I miss those days too and have also been re-watching old series, but despite the nostalgia, it’s gotten to the point where it’s getting harder and harder to watch those classics without feeling sad and depressed afterwards.
With Felix – as a fan who grew up watching both him and his wife on TV and witnessed most of the big milestones in their careers and lives (marriage, birth of their daughter, etc.), I’m already taking this news pretty hard, so I can imagine this is a hundred-fold more difficult for Felix and Adrian. I hope they both stay strong for each other’s sake….
“I miss those days too and have also been re-watching old series, but despite the nostalgia, it’s gotten to the point where it’s getting harder and harder to watch those classics without feeling sad and depressed afterwards.”
This sentence hit me hard as well as I feel very much the same way. Sigh.
I know that feeling as the old classics also made me think of my late mom and brother along with all of the good memories with my family too. Therefore, they mean a lot to me but yes I get sad and depressed too. However, I try to think on the bright side as it helped bring me back to the memories from the good old days that will stay in my heart forever.
I know the feeling as I feel the same way. I hope they all stay strong for each other. The mother of one of my favorites from China Hu Ge lost his mom awhile ago too. He had to be strong for his dad and himself. It is not just with Felix but all of my 80s stars as they helped me through my toughest times. I was just re watching Heir to the throne is and love the series but feel sad how many of the cast members have left us like Yammie, Susanna, Ha Ping amd some others too.
By the way, is it true that actress Yung Wai Man passed away? My late friend told me that she passed away in the early 2000s due to a car accident. However, I was searching up news about that and did not find any info about it so was wondering if you knew or heard about it.
@hetieshou Good point, though definitely easier said than done! But yes, we can only hope that they stay strong!
I’m not sure where your friend got that info from about Yung Wai Man because I checked a few sources and found absolutely nothing (and have not heard anything either). I know she retired from acting decades ago, but most former artists still have dedicated fans and/or friends from the industry, plus if something major like that were to happen to someone previously in the entertainment industry, even if they weren’t tremendously popular or well-known, I’m sure there would be something about it somewhere (unless they lived their lives like a recluse who cut themselves off from the rest of the world completely, which is extremely rare). Also, I remember when veteran actor Newton Lai died back in 2013, Yung Wai Man’s name was brought up often in reports and various retrospectives about his career (since she and Newton collaborated alot back in the 80s and were a memorable match onscreen, so the rumor for decades was that they were a couple off-screen as well, which turned out to be not true…they did remain friends though) — if she had passed before he did (which, according to your friend, would’ve been the case if it was early 2000s), pretty sure that would’ve been mentioned….
Yes sadly many things are easier said than done but I try to look at rewatching old series as my source of happiness as that was what helped my late mom and me through the tough times in our lives. I have lost my parents so I know that pain firsthand and we must try to stay strong.
Thanks so much for the info and confirmation. All this time I thought that Yung Wai Man has passed away. My late mom used to ask me about her latest news as she did not see or hear about her in a very long time. I told her that she has passed away. I feel so bad and guilty now. My late friend told me that he heard about it from someone at the really old winglin forums from many years ago. He said that they said she passed away due to a car accident in the early 2000s. I found it strange that I did not hear anything about it. But then again, I just found out that Stella Wong Man Ming passed away in 2015 to lymphoma. I found that info on the Chinese Wikipedia site so I looked it up and found info about it. But I found nothing about Yung Wai Man. I am glad that she and Newton remained friends so that is great to know. I wished that she came to his funeral then I would have known that she is still alive. But maybe she immigrated to Canada or elsewhere and no longer lives in HK. I know that she has retired a long time ago along with May Ng Sai Mei. I truly wondered what happened to her?i know Carrie Choi married an actor and retired a long time ago too. I often rewatch the Blood Stained Intrigue and love the cast but am so sad that some of them have left us. But their memories will stay in our hearts forever.
A huge disappointment that a decent 1980s Wuxia series such ‘Blood Stained Intrigue’ is so ignored to the point where it is completely forgotten apart from a few devoted fans. It is a rare wuxia TVB series with all bit-part Actor/actresses and no members of the ‘five tigers’. The cast deserves to be remembered as once upon a time actor/actresses with potential. Many have since left the industry and largely forgotten. ‘Twilight of the Nation’ is another one of the series where we can see some smaller former actor/actresses in action…
I totally agree and I love the Blood Stained Intrigue and it’s one of my most favorite series of all time. I lost count of how many times that I have seen it. I guess it is forgotten because the cast is not that known or popular which is a big shame. I heard that that series was to test the newcomers as potential actors and actresses. I thought they all did a good job as new actors and actresses. Yes, many have left and some have passed away but I never forgot them as I loved them all in that series.They were all in The Twilight of a Nation too. I am rewatching that right now as it is based on real history and was a grand production. Aaron Kwok was in there as a supporting but moire major role than his other roles during that time.
Yeh. The last fight scene was epic in ‘the Blood Stained Intrigue’. Jimmy Au should have been made into a star with that and then Grand Canal’ superpower production and it shouldn’t have taken for him till only recently to make a name for himself. Yeh. Love ‘Twilight of a Nation’ and reading about history. If it wasn’t for Western interference then it could have been a Taiping empire right now…
* Yeh. The last fight scene was epic in ‘the Blood Stained Intrigue’. Jimmy Au should have been made into a star with that and then Grand Canal’ superpower production and it shouldn’t have taken for him till only recently to make a name for himself. Yeh. Love ‘Twilight of a Nation’ and reading about history. If it wasn’t for Western interference then it could have been a Taiping empire right now…
Yes love that fight scene. Sadly, the entertainment circle is based on luck, connections and timing too. Jimmy is talented but sadly only got to lead 2 times. I am currently rewatching Twilight of a Nation and miss the good old days so much. I will rewatch The Blood Stained Intrigue next. I truly wonder how things would have been if the Taiping rebellion actually won?
@hetieshou So sorry to hear about your mom! But I’m glad that re-watching old series brings back happy memories for you…definitely admire your positivity!
Don’t feel bad….most people don’t go through the trouble of vetting news they hear, especially entertainment news, which is usually dismissed as mindless gossip anyway (most of my friends don’t consider entertainment news as “real news” unfortunately). I’m actually considered the “weird” one for going through the trouble of vetting news (especially entertainment news) as much as I possibly can…but oh well, to each their own, I guess!
Stella Wong’s case was a little bit different since she still had ties to the industry due to her brother (actor Wong Wai Tak, who was still active in the industry at the time), so her death definitely would not have gone unnoticed. I remember Wong Wai Tak was even interviewed by reporters the day right after she died, after he had spent most of the night at the hospital with his brother-in-law (Stella’s husband), former actor Alan Au, at Stella’s bedside.
Oh, May Ng Sai Mei was on Spencer Leung’s interview show a few years back (I think it was in 2014 or 2015). I remember the biggest shocker that came out of that interview was that she and 80s golden producer Dennis Chiu had divorced after more than 20 years of marriage (11 of which were unhappy) and she was looking at possibly making a comeback to the industry, since Dennis was an absentee father and she was essentially raising their 2 daughters on her own. I say “shocker” because of the scandal in the early 90s when Dennis’s affair with May was revealed (they had apparently been together since the late 80s), which drove his wife, actress Chong Man Ching, to leave behind everything and become a Buddhist nun….after that whole scandal, which essentially ended both of their careers (they both went to work for ATV afterwards, but with public sentiment against them, it was kind of moot point), for their relationship to turn out the way it did (they never revealed the reason why they divorced but from May’s various interviews afterwards, it was inferred that Dennis had multiple mistresses and essentially abandoned her and the kids)…goes to show that karma does exist….
Thanks and yes one of the main reasons that I love to watch the older series again is that they contain so many great and happy memories that I had with my beloved late mom. I try to be positive rather than negative all the time. I feel like I go back in time too which is another wonderful feeling so things do not need to be sad or negative.
I love entertainment so their news matters to me. However, even with entertainment, it is important not to say that someone died when they did not. But I am very happy that I finally asked you or else I would still think that Yung Wai Man has died. By the way, do you know of any news of the 3 girls that played Micheal Miu’s close confidantes in The New Adventures of Chor Lau Heung? I am guessing they all retired too. I wonder if they are insurance agents too. Many former actors and actresses seem to become insurance agents or do business after retiring from the circle.
Oh yes, I know Stella’s brother is an actor too but I did not know for long time that Alan Au was her husband. They were in the Blood Stained Intrigue together. Great to know they married in real life.
Wow, thanks for sharing about May Ng Sai Mei. I did not hear about her for a very long time so wondered what happened to her. I know that she acted for ATV after leaving TVB as I saw her in an ATV series in the early 90s. I did not know that May Ng was having an affair and divorced. She even caused his wife to become a nun? That is so sad and maybe karma did bite her back. At least his wife did not die like what Michele Reis did to that one wife, but I have not seen karma bite at Michele yet. Maybe her time has not come yet? What is May Ng doing now then?I guess she found something else to do or else how can she raise her 2 daughters.
@llwy12 do you remember if Kent Tong were in that drama too?
@cutie777 In Yesterday’s Glitter? Yes, Kent Tong was in that series. Unlike Michael, Kent actually had a somewhat bigger role in that his character had a name and a story line (albeit a very minor and forgettable one)….but at least it wasn’t one of those “blink and you’ll miss him” roles that Michael got, lol.
@llwy12 thanks. I thought I recognized him but I just wasn’t too sure then I thought it could be Hugo Ng in there because when they both are still young they both look alike maybe it’s just me.
I thought Kent and Hugo sort of look alike when young too. I vaguely remember Kent being in there but as a minor character. I think I need to rewatch the series sometime..
@hetieshou oh good I’m not the only one who thinks they look alike.
Condolences to the Wongs. I was shocked seeing the article, I thought she was doing well and was in remission. RIP Mrs. Felix Wong!
I really commend Felix for taking care of his wife in her fragile and ill state. You don’t hear too many men who are willing to go the distance with their ailing wives and devote all their resources to taking care of them. His wife chose a great man. She must be resting in peace. And I hope he continues to persevere and recover to take care of his family.
@coralie Feel the same way as you. She was lucky to have a good husband like Felix. Their marriage lasted longer than those healthy couples so it’s sad that she couldn’t grow old and watch her future grandbabies come into the world.
They seem to be a close family so she can rest in peace knowing her husband and daughter will stay strong and take care of each other when she’s gone.
Condolences to Felix Wong and his daughter.
Leung Kit Wah, rest in peace.
My deepest condolences and sympathies to Felix and Adrian. Hope they stay strong as Kit Wah would want them happy. She is now in a better place away from all of the pains and sufferings of this world.
Very sad news indeed. My condolences. Only 59, she was still relatively young. RIP.
They seem to be private people. I hope the reporters, fans, and such will leave them alone and let them mourn in peace.
@jjwong Too late for that unfortunately, as reporters got a hold of both Felix and Adrian as they arrived at the funeral home yesterday to make arrangements. Both agreed to a brief interview (how could they not given the reporters surrounded them). They were both good sports about it though, answered pretty much every question they were asked, etc. It made me even sadder watching that interview…
@llwy12 That’s unfortunate 🙁 This is one subject I feel it shouldn’t be “chased after” regardless if you’re a fan, a reporter, or just a busy-body, ya know? I get it, everyone’s doing a job. Supply and demand. Still, I find it distasteful when people, celebs or not, get hounded on a death of a love one. Again, it’s one thing if the family wants to share their emotion. It’s a whole another opposite when they’re cornered and made to share.
Yes it is and I remember how they cornered Gordon Lam when his godmother Ha Ping passed away. Those reporters have no conscience or something.
@jjwong Completely agree! And especially so soon too (it sounded like reporters were staked out near Felix’s home because there were pictures of him driving all the way from his home in Tai Po to the funeral home in Hung Hom…one of the media outlets even reported that there were 2 other friends in the car with him and Adrian). Yes, the reporters are just trying to do their jobs, but still….like you said, if the family wants to share, that’s a different story, but if they don’t and yet are still imposed upon, that’s always wrong in my book.
it’s not only disrespectful but inhumane to do that to someone who just lost their loved ones. what do they expect the family to say other than they are sad. stupid reporters!