Wu Xiubo Had 7-Year Affair with Mistress

Above: After Wu Xiubo cheated on her, Ruby Chen revealed their sordid affair that lasted for 7 years while he was married.
Mainland actor Wu Xiubo (吳秀波), known for his roles in Finding Mr. Right <北京遇上西雅图> and The Advisors Alliance <大軍師司馬懿之軍師聯盟>, has been married since 2002 with two sons. Reports surfaced today that Xiubo has cheated many times in his marriage, and even had a seven-year long affair with his mistress.
Mainland Chinese actress Ruby Chen (陳昱霖) posted on her WeChat friend circle lamenting about her seven-year affair with Xiubo. Besides revealing her own secret relationship with the 50-year-old actor, Ruby also exposed that Xiubo is involved with several other women at the same time, including actress Zhang Zhixi (張芷溪) with whom he worked on in The Advisors Alliance.
Ruby claimed that Zhixi has been bothering and harassing her during this time period, ultimately causing her depression. Upon hearing the accusations, Zhixi fought back on her Weibo blog, posting an annoyed message stating, “So much nonsense during the Mid-Autumn Festival. I give my blessings to the parties involved; don’t drag me into this. I know I’m innocent.”
Ruby Chen’s Love Turned to Hate
Ruby revealed that she was supposed to have been part of the cast for The Advisors Alliance, but was advised by Xiubo about the poor filming conditions. So instead of filming, Ruby stayed with Xiubo in Hengdian for 333 days, cooking, cleaning, and looking after him after work. While she cared for him, Ruby claimed that he was cheating on her with his The Advisors Alliance co-star.
Xiubo’s many betrayals caused Ruby to hate him. She wrote, “Last year in May, when we went to Milan, do you remember [hitting] me? Since I ‘searched’ you, you went crazy and [hit] me. I realize at the time that you were guilty [of cheating on me]. I see through your selfishness and cold blood. I can’t but let go. In my next life, I refuse to forgive you. I’ll always hate you.”
Wu Xiubo Admits He Was Promiscuous
When the media tried to reach out to Xiubo and his management company, the actor’s representatives hung up the phone upon hearing the media’s questions, refusing to give any information regarding Ruby Chen’s claims.
However, digging up an interview Xiubo had in 2014, he had admitted his promiscuous nature at the time. Dating since he was 16 years old, Xiubo’s romantic life grew increasingly complicated by the time he was in his early adulthood.
Xiubo said he cannot say no to women who approached him, and that he “won’t take initiative, won’t refuse, and won’t be responsible.”
Singing at a bar in his early twenties, Xiubo admitted he had forgotten how many girlfriends he had, and could not differentiate which relationships were true love. He did not remember the pain or sadness from each relationship, because he felt these were only passing feelings which would eventually be forgotten over time.
Still Loves Family
Although succinct when speaking about his family, Xiubo said, “I don’t talk about my family. Simply because I’m an actor and not a writer writing an autobiography. If you must ask me, I will respond with a few words: Do I love my wife and children? Yes, I love them.”
Sources: On.cc
This article is written by Su for JayneStars.com.
The mistress knew he was married with children. She’s no innocent victim. It’s the wife who should be pissed at them.
@msxie0714 Yeah, I’m not sure how his wife can stand a cheating man for so long.
The wife can be upset at him all she wants, but the one she should be most angry with is herself. I’m sure he openly cheats. She condones it. She’s probably not even asking him to stop anymore because it never will. She’s just staying relevant in his life by being the legal wife and mother to his children. She’s there so no one else can take her throne or her children’s assets.
All of the women in this guy’s life are no victims. They chose to walk this path with him for whatever reason or false hope delusion.
@lynn90 very well said. I’m sure his wife knows what is going on, unless she is delusional too. A lot of these women get involved with these men to further their careers, or to get material assets or money, although they know that these men are married. Maybe the wife has been brainwashed to believe that as long as Wu Xiubo provides for her and the children, be tolerant of whatever he does.
I know his wife lives overseas with his kids, not sure if it is an open marriage or some arrangement where she gets the dough and he gets freedom in return.
Anyway, I have no pity for this Ruby who knew what she was getting into as he portrays himself as a family man. She took seven years to wake up from the delusion and she still acts like she is the victim and the wife. She has no rights in the relationship because she was one of the parties in the wrong to begin with. Just be thankful that she got away when she is still young.
@elizabeth To some extent, she is a victim. He was 43 when they started the affair, and she was only 18 – practically still a child.
might have to do w/ ego too. an 18 yo may think it’s cool to be linked to a celebrity even he’s ages older than her.
@cherisge even at 18, she was old enough to know right from wrong. I have no sympathy for her. As for Wu Xiubo, he is a dirty pervert who has no respect for himself, his wife or his children. He has a sex problem. He needs to seek some professional help. I’m sure the other women involved with him know that he is married. They are disgusting too. This Ruby Chen probably thought the uncle was going to leave the wife for her eventually, only to find out she was one of his womrn on the side and got vengeful. I assume by doing this, the wife will leave him. More than likely, the wife already knows and is just there because the children are still fairly young. As @lynn90 said, none of these women who throw themselves at Wu Xiubo are victims.
you totally spoke my mind on the issue. it’s no excuse that tender age is an excuse here.
Loools, passive SOBs who won’t take responsibility for what they do. Last time I checked, affairs take two to tango, buddy.
But I can see the appeal. if it’s offered up on a silver platter to them, why would they say no?
No sympathy for her.
I’m so amazed at the cruel comments and ignorance spread here. Why are most of the comments on the wife or mistress? We place all the burden on the women when in fact it was the man who made the vows, chose to cheat not once but multiple times.
A huge jerk who took advantage of someone significantly younger than he was.
In China, they are extremely conservative. Do you think a potential actress would lash out if not for the fact how royal of a jerk he was being?
The mistress was not the one married and has a family. Let us not forget it was Mr Wu who chose to enter into multiple relationships. While I don’t think that these mistresses made great decisions, they are not the ones with a family obligation or made a promise to be faithful. We should not let men off simply because they are men and divert our attention to the women who are hurting from his actions. What an A-hole
@sarahh I don’t see anything wrong with the comments here. Please be careful about using the word ignorance here. After all, we do not want to live in glass houses, no? Comments here addressed Wu Xiubo’s cheating, including myself, and we were not favorable towards him. Do you think these women do not know he is married? Of course they do. Did he put a gun to their head and forced them to have an affair?. These women knew he was married, and consentually had or have affairs with him. What they ate doing is wrong. None of them are victims. The man is a horn dog scumbag and the women ate disgusting. I don’t know about taking advantage of Ruby Chen. She was old enough to know right from wrong. She was old enough to know that sexing up a married man was wrong. She did not have to agree to be his plaything mistress. Have you ever considered when she got involved with him, maybe she had an ulterior motive? They both probably had ulterior motives. Maybe he wanted to grab her by her young pu… cat, and she wanted to grap the top of the acting ladder, without even climbing. All two of them are sickening.
Dear @sarahh
You are absolutely correct. People always say it takes two to tango, and then blame the women involved. Nobody thinks it’s the man’s job to regulate his own behavior at all. He’s not taking responsibility for the affairs, not taking responsibility for his wife, and not taking responsibility for his children.
Why aren’t we also criticizing this man who’s failing to act like a grown ass adult, like a human being? Some of us are even rationalizing his behavior and jumping to conclusions about what the women were thinking. We obviously know what the man has done in the past: he can’t say no. Trash.
@iampheng you contradict yourself. If we know what the dirtbag has done in the past, obviously the women knew too. They should have respect for themselves, and the sanctity of marriage and told him to piss off. I did not excuse his behaviour, if you are taking shots at me, you need to read my comments carefully. Both Wu Xiubo and these women ate guilty. Don’t start something out of lack of being able to comprehend, it does not become you.
We know it because we read it in the article. I wasn’t taking shots at you (but clearly you were at me), but if you wanna own it, then go ahead. Also, you don’t know me, so please don’t try to assume anything about me.
I can clarify that if I want to start something, I would have just responded directly to you. My comment was made in support of @sarahh. Thanks for responding directly to me.
@iampheng thank you. Good to see someone on here that doesn’t use Google translate to voice their outdated arguments
@sarahh I understand your take on this issue and respect it, but I don’t think anyone is required to agree with it. Isn’t it a bit childish to say that about people? If your point is valid enough, why would you find the need to take the discussion here so personal? Haha. I hope you’re younger than me, since you mentioned age.
I don’t think anyone is gender biased or placing blame on the women around this man. We’re simply saying, no one is a victim here, not the wife, not the mistress, not the girlfriends, not the one night stand flings, and definitely, not the cheater himself. I don’t pity anyone. They’re a bunch of adults making adult decisions. If you’re bold enough to sleep with a married man for seven years without any guilt, then you better be brazen enough to face the consequences. I don’t condone violence, so I don’t believe in wives attacking mistresses no matter how upset they are, but if society was to have an opinion or judgment on you, don’t whine and act like a victim because you aren’t. So what if you’re 18? Yes, you’re young, but not every 18 year old in the same situation decides to be a mistress just because they’re poor, want a brand name purse, or want to be an actress. Obviously, there are no shortcuts in life. Eventually, you have to give something up and is it worth it?
When people read stories like these, some automatically blame the guy, some blame the mistress, and a lot pity the wife, but personally, everyone has a choice. Why would I pity the wife when she has the option to leave a broken marriage? Why would I pity the mistress when she was shameless enough to be with a married man? Why would I pity the fun flings when the women themselves don’t find a problem with being just a one night rendevous?
I don’t think anyone is letting the man off the hook. If anyone, it’s the women around him that let him get away with everything. These women are hurting? Sure they are, but primarily due to their own decisions. They allow this worthless man to rob them of their happiness, to fill their hearts with resentment, and to cheat their lives of peace. He is the married one, so it’s his responsibility? But isn’t the mistress a human of society? Doesn’t she have her own dignity, respect, and self worth? Isn’t it because of her own bruised ego and pride that has made her expose him? So she threw all of that away for him in the beginning because she thought her youth and beauty can change him, that she was going to be the one to tame him, but when his cheating disease didn’t go away, she’s now fed up and exposing him? Before she engaged in this vicious cycle of immorality, wasn’t she raised by parents and a family like the rest of us? There are millions of unmarried Chinese men who will never have an opportunity to marry this lifetime YET women choose to be a guy’s third or fourth mistress?
Unless there is a law that fires cheaters from their jobs or careers or a penalty, no one can do anything to them. Society doesn’t condone their actions, but they’re still cheating. Why? Because women allow them to. We’re not rationalizing any of his actions. It’s the women around him that are. It’s the women around him that have failed to take responsibility for their own lives and family. Everyone should regulate their own behaviors, not just the cheaters. It’s just ironic how you guys tell us to pity the hurting parties, but in reality, they’re allowing this to happen to them. I don’t think I can pity much with that.
Cheaters will always be cheaters, no one can fix that or change them, so it will be your fault if you allow yourself to be that mistress or girlfriend to a married man. It’s like a tiger. You see it and become fascinated with it, but you can never change its nature, so you either flee or get eaten alive. People call those who flee, smart and those who don’t run and slowly get eaten alive, dumb. Do they blame the tiger? No. Because it’s in the tiger’s nature to eat humans. It’s the same with cheaters, cheating and sleeping around has become their nature, they can never refuse flesh that is in front of them. These women are hurting because of a selfish man who they are unwilling to let go of. You can’t change him, but you can change your situation. You can avoid him. You can choose to be happy without him. That is why our comments are mainly on the women around him. It’s useless to talk about a cheater. He will never change, but it’s the women in his life that will constantly change. It’s these women who will continue to make him relevant.
@lynn90 I’m really hoping that 90 doesn’t stand for 1990 here
@sarahh It does. Why? Am I not entitled to my own opinion? Should I be more feminist? Am I not modern thinking enough? Haha. Not everyone born in 1990 will share the same views, likewise here, not everyone is going to agree with me, you, or both. It’s just sort of funny how you rule that out. You go straight to my age, which isn’t a valid point at all. What does 1990 have to do with anything here?
@lynn90 Wasn’t going to waste my breath but just a reminder, you should distinguish facts from assumptions.
Thanks for using a breath to respond. All of the comments and people who have participated in the discussion have some degree of assumption based on the given information or “facts.”
@lynn90 I personally think most people automatically blame the mistress. And in my opinion the cheater is always the one at fault (regardless of gender) as they are the one in a committed relationship usually. Other than that, I agree.
Although, I don’t support these women and their decisions, I hope they can turn a new leaf when they leave him and truly be happy with a single and faithful man. Sometimes, we fall in love with unworthy men. I have a friend who dated a married man for 9 years. She finally left him after all of the lies and broken promises. She’s a pretty, smart, fun, and lovable person who just happened to really love this jerk. She willingly left a really good career to move near him, abandoned all of her family and friends, and lived as his shadow. She blindly loved this guy as if it was a spell. She was the one who provided for him. He had three kids with his wife. She was a good person besides being with a married man, so I don’t condone her actions, but I can’t dislike her just like how I don’t have much of a like or dislike for these women either. I’m just saying, we’re all adults, we must reap what we sow in the end. However, she’s now happily married to her husband and has two cute babies. Sometimes, we are willing to be a fool once in our lives.
@lynn90 very, very powerful comments. I’m blown away. One word of advice, we have a member here who is ruthless, psychotic and has a warped and
challenged sense of logic and reality. I will you what everyone has been telling each other for years….IGNORE.
@lynn90 So if your friend’s husband cheats on her with another women for nine years, which, in terms of karma, would be the perfect punishment, would you also assume she’s an idiot who knew what her husband was up to and just turned a blind eye to it because she needs him for his money and her status in life?
Some consider it karma, some don’t. There are good women who have never cheated or hurt anyone and still get cheated on. The wife, in this case, may be a good person. She doesn’t deserve to be cheated on, but in life, just because you deserve good or bad, doesn’t mean you’ll get it that way. Life is unfair at times too. Cheating is based on free will, something no one can predict. An extremely faithful man or woman can be an absolute monogamist at the beginning of a marriage and may end up cheating 10 years into the relationship. People change over the course of time. It may sound cliche but in life, never say never, never trust anyone, not even yourself because your taste buds change, your perspective changes, and what you do today may be the opposite of what you once believed. There is no rule that the most promiscuous person will end up with a bunch of cheaters. It’s exactly the opposite. They end up ruining pretty good people.
If my friend was to turn a blind eye to her husband’s cheating, it’ll be because she loves him and can’t let him go. That could be the case with the wife and mistress as well. We’re all assuming here. I’m assuming. The wife may have married him for love in the beginning. The only reason why I mentioned the wife staying for monetary purposes is because she has children, she may not be working, and she lives in a completely different country. He was filming for an entire year with another woman or women should I say. Is that a marriage anymore when the husband and wife live in different parts of the world? I’m not talking about being married to a legal piece of paper. Love? Where is the love when you barely see this person? You’re living your own life and he is his, without each other. Of course, there are all sorts of marriages but normally, a husband and wife live and grow old together. My friend makes more than her husband. He’s a teacher and she’s a financial advisor to a corporation, so if she chooses to stay, definitely, wouldn’t be for money. Like I said again, I don’t condone cheating or mistresses, but I don’t attack them either. I may have an opinion of them but I’m not going to impose it on them or anyone. I think as a human, we just naturally have opinions based on what we know today, but do they make a difference, probably not. Haha. I just think everyone in this case is an adult, so far, well, minus the minors, so they should take responsibility for their own actions and not just say, it was the guy’s fault because he’s the married one with a family.
@lynn90 @kmfayb You two are making a lot of assumptions about the wife…unless you know her personally, I’m not sure why you are putting the blame on her. Yes, there are stupid women who stay with their husbands even though they know they are cheating scumbags, but I don’t think it’s fair to apply that to every women, including this guy’s wife, until we know for sure that’s the case.
The only people who should be blamed here is the cheating scumbag and the low-class sluts who purposefully gets involved with a married man. This Ruby person is trash and I have no sympathy for her, or his other mistresses, or any women who willfully sleeps with married men and have affairs with them. BUT he is the number one trash since he is the one married and who is supposed to remain faithful. He’s gross and selfish; a total pig.
Which part are we assuming? So you’re saying we’re assuming that the wife knows about his affairs and remains silent? Well, if she didn’t before, she does now. Let’s see if that changes anything. Haha. Secondly, we’re all adults. Anyone who has been in an intimate relationship knows that men aren’t saints. Two people who are married, who live far away from each other, it never once crossed her mind that if she’s not there keeping him company, perhaps someone else is keeping her side of the bed warm? Let’s not play this silly game. Men can’t stay abstinence, especially, this guy. We don’t need the wife to come out and hold a press conference to tell us that she knew all along. Come on, now. If this Ruby girl who you just called trash figured out that he cheated on her twice, officially, you think the wife doesn’t know? Haha. Assumptions, right? Besides assuming that the wife knows about his affairs and deliberately turns a blind eye for whatever reason, I don’t think I’m assuming anything else. Aren’t you guys a bit too biased too? Calling out the mistresses but not the wife who condones his behavior? I’m not on anyone’s side. I don’t pity anyone. Again, everyone is an adult, they each have their own part and responsibility in this mess.
@dalebaines are you looking for a fight, or are you not capable to understand what you read? I am more partial to the wife. I said maybe his wife has been brainwashed to keep quiet and accept what he is doing, as long as he supports her and the kids financially. How is that putting the blame on the wife, seriously? are you for real?!. God have mercy! Unfortunately, in the chinese culture, women are taught to ignore their husbands’ beatings, cheatings, insults and whatever else, as long as he treats them and the children well, from a financial standpoint. I was hinting that could be the case why the wife is still there. You show me where I blamed his wife, or stop trying to start something. You are ripie for a fight. I am not. Show me, or draw your claws back in, thank you.
@kmfayb ??? This is what Lynn90 first said above: “The wife can be upset at him all she wants, but the one she should be most angry with is herself. I’m sure he openly cheats. She condones it. She’s probably not even asking him to stop anymore because it never will. She’s just staying relevant in his life by being the legal wife and mother to his children. She’s there so no one else can take her throne or her children’s assets.
All of the women in this guy’s life are no victims. They chose to walk this path with him for whatever reason or false hope delusion.”
And this is what you responded with, “@lynn90 very well said. I’m sure his wife knows what is going on, unless she is delusional too. A lot of these women get involved with these men to further their careers, or to get material assets or money, although they know that these men are married. Maybe the wife has been brainwashed to believe that as long as Wu Xiubo provides for her and the children, be tolerant of whatever he does.”
You don’t think you were making assumptions about the wife based on your words and your agreement with Lynn90? I’m not looking for the fight but I just thought it was unnecessarily harsh on the wife when she’s the one being cheated on. That’s all. based on your angry tone it looks like you’re the one trying to start a fight, so with all due respect, I’m just going to end our conversation here since I don’t like to engage in that kind of toxicity. Have a good life.
@dalebaines thank you, I do have a good life. My angry tone, no, I am not angry at you, just puzzled as to what you want from us. I said the wife could be delusional due to she has been brainwashed as to keep quiet about her husbands disgusting immorality by her parents, her mother in law, and many others. That is how it goes down in china and many Asian countries. That is wrong and that is what I was trying to say. You are so contradictory. You accuse us of jumping to assumptions, then you turn around and say I am angry, and made assumptions about @lynn90 as well, lol,lol. Please, do take five before you hurt yourself. Dahling, trust me, if I was angry, you would know , trust me, you would know.
What @lynn90 was trying to say is his wife must know about his cheating and she chose to continue being a victim by staying. That could be, and @lynn90 has a fair and sensible comment in saying that. She also mentioned that the wife maybe finding it impossible to leave because she loves her husband inspite of his cheating ways. We are looking at the situatioon from all angles. Love can make us put up with so many things. But there comes a time when the delusion and the blinders have to come off. If Mrs. Wu did not know about, or chose to ignore her husband’s serial cheating. She has to pay attentuon now that her scumbag husband might be sexing up underage girls. Despite how much she might love Wu Xiubo, at this time, his wife has to do some serious soul searching, and make some serious decisions. That is a point that @lynn stressed on, and rightfully so. Please, try to not jump on us without a valid argument. Have a super good life, as I am sure you’re having.
@dalebaines @sarahh I’d like to share an article I read back in 2016 (which was brought back out this week in light of Bill Cosby’s sentencing) that I think reflects perfectly what both of you are trying to convey in terms of the wives of cheaters being “judged,” “blamed” or held to account for their husbands’ actions. I think this also addresses the points that @lynn90 and @kmfayb brought up about women staying in marriages (or not) knowing (or not knowing) their husbands are serial cheaters. This article is very close to what my thoughts are on this whole issue – it’s not really about having sympathy or not for the wife, but rather, why do we need to hold them to account for their husbands’ actions in the first place?
@llwy12 Very insightful and well-written article, and it does convey what I was trying to say much better than I ever could; thank you for sharing.
Don’t get me wrong. The guy is a plague. Avoid him. I would like to see this guy suffer as much backlash, if not more, as Li Xiao Lu when her affair surfaced.
@lynn90 he is a very good actor, and possibly like Hollywood, he will be fine >_> the men can cheat all they like, but if the women cheat, all hell rain on them
I just feel bad for the children now. each time they google their dad, a list of his girlfriends will pop up.
To be honest, I really used to like Wu Xiu Bo in the movie with Yang Wei. He is a talented actor and singer. But this scandal has really turned me away.
Now I am never going to feel the same way when rewatching “The Advisor’s Alliance” now knowing that he was sleeping with his co-stars during the filming.
I was in the midst of watching Advisor’s Alliance when his womanizing scandal broke out. I’ll continue watching AA, although my respect for him has dropped to 0. Many of his diehard fans are standing by their man and making excuses for WXB. He isn’t getting demonized for sex perversion/infidelity in stark contrast to Fan Bingbing who’s been called the most horrid names for rumored affairs with powerful men.
@msxie0714 Unfortunately, society has double standards for men and women. Hopefully, this will change someday in the future.
I think AA is a fabulous production and people who like historical dramas should go and watch it. But this scandal is going to forever taint it.