Angelababy’s Talk About Periods Makes BBC Headline

Angelababy headlined a trending BBC article and some people in China aren’t happy about it.

In a recent episode of the Chinese variety game show Keep Running <奔跑吧>, in which Angelababy is a regular cast member, the model-turned-actress got netizen hate when viewers noticed that the 29-year-old was only doused with water once while the rest of her cast members were repeatedly soaked in freezing water.

Netizens barked at Angelababy for getting special treatment and being “unfit” for an energetic variety show like Keep Running.

In a clarification post on Weibo, Angelababy admitted that she was on the first day of her period while filming that segment, and that it was uncomfortable for her to get in the water. Angelababy’s post sparked debate on menstrual cycles and the ethics involving it, which was the topic of BBC’s headline. BBC credited Angelababy for getting people in China to talk about menstrual cycles, reportedly “breaking a taboo.”

As reported in the BBC article, menstruation and tampons are considered to be topics that people in China find uncomfortable to discuss, but China’s news agency Sina argued that BBC’s assumption on menstruation being “taboo” in China is untrue, exclaiming that different culture talks about the same topics in different ways.


This article is written by Addy for

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  1. She’s hardly breaking taboos. She had to be pushed to confront the issue in public. I give a lot more credit to Olympian Fu Yuanhui who publicly announced she couldn’t compete at the optimal level, because her period was here.

  2. I am not a fan of Angelababy, but she should not be attacked for speaking about her period. Chinese really need to come out of their geriatric existence. Had it not been for menstruation, or period, they would not be here. It is a part of being female, being a woman, and it will happen to all women, at least those who were born authentic, real women. Those who complained need to shut up and drag their sorry backsides into the 21st century.

  3. why is talking about the menstrual cycle a taboo in china? people should realize that it is just a natural part of female reproductive cycle. nothing unglory about it. just b/c it does’t look pleasant doesn’t make it a bad thing. some female don’t feel well during their menstrual cycle but some are okay. i know that in japan, it used to be that female weren’t allowed to be sushi chefs b/c of the same reason and in certain African cultures, women are banded from getting close to their husbands during their menstrual cycles. it is thought to bring bad luck…. why is it that women only seem to bring men bad luck in these cultures? Don’t the very people who made this bs up realize that they had moms too and perhaps wives and daughters that will suffer b/c of these stupid superstitions?

    1. @m0m0 good to see that you saw the logic in the situation. Very well said comment, by the way. Thank God for the ten percent.

  4. I never heard Song Ji-hyo complained about her menstrual or anything in Running Man! Angelababy lacks the acting skill and now she doesn’t even show the professionalism needed in a variety show! She should just accept the criticism and not tell the whole world that she is having her period during the filming to gain some sympathy point (which backfired now).

    1. @niq8803 never thought the day would come when I would defend angelababy but, here I am. What is wrong with her saying she was on her period?. Yes, dhe probably should’ve stayed at home, but it might be penalty for her depending on how her contract is set up. Maybe it was o knock ay with the producers for her to give a little effort rather than nothing at all. You know, @m0m0 made some valid points in her comments. I still can’t believe that chinese are still stuck in the dark ages, living in some delusional fantasy world. Women have their period, and it is not something they should be ashamed of. It is what makes them unique and it is part of the reproductive system. Although the cramps, nausea, bloating, headaches, and mood swings can be quite uncomfortable, women are wonderful, and having their monthly flow is a very important part of womanhood. I would rather listen to women talk about their period than listen to something about Jackie Chan or the Kardashians, or Grace talking about Kevin.

      I knew this subject matter was going to bring out the backward masses, and the backlash volume was going to be high for Angelababy. No wonder the Asian celebs who are gay live a lie. No wonder the ones with mental problems don’t want anyone to know. It’s such a shame

      1. @bubbletea
        You’re making assumptions that all Chinese are shy about talking about menstruation. That’s what BBC (which confuses identification of Chinese celebrities) wants you to beleive.

      2. @msxie0714 with all due respect, the vast majority, both men and women, are uncomfortable talking about periods, and certain other topics. I don’t need BBC to tell me that. Even doctors and nurses find it hard to speak to patients about sex, STDs, sex with same gender partners, HIV/Aids and periods. Yes, there is the 10 percent who are open to freely talk about the subjects I mentioned, but for the general population, it is still taboo. Hallelujah if you are in the ten percent range.
        Also, please tell me where I said ALL chinese are shy about talking about menstruation. Point out what you are accusing me of assuming, or please don’t accuse me of assumptions, thank you.

      3. @bubbletea
        ‘the fact that I am writing this comment speaks volumes of the ignorant, backward chinese mentality.’

        from your quote here, you don’t sound different from white racists who made such comments a hundred years ago

      4. @msxie0714 the truth is the truth. It is not always pretty, but the truth is what it is. I pray that chinese would shed their backward mentality.

      5. @bubbletea
        Trump-style white supremist comments like this will endure. Blacks, Muslims, Africans, Latinos have been described as animals and savages by white racists who speak their ‘truth.’

      6. @msxie0714 Trump style white supremacist comments. Is that how you are comparing my comments. What the hell is wrong with you???!!!!!. If you think so, lol, call the police, report me to the FBI, the Mounties, Secret Services, lol, and while you are at it, don’t forget Scotland Yard, lol. Have Jayne ban me too. What is wrong with you???!!!. Yes, I speak the truth about the Asian mentality and their five hundred years old way of thinking, amongst other things. Too bad you don’t like it, or anything I have to say. Wow, did not know my comments were misogynistic, perverted, racist, lying, narcissistic like Trump’s, or filled with promoting death, hatred, violence, racism and bigotry like the Whit Supremacists’. Wow! way to go, hahahahahaha, lol.

      7. @bubbletea

        awwww………did I hurt your feelings? I’ll try to be more sensitive toward your sweeping generalizations and stereotypes from now.

      8. @msxie0714 hurt my feelings???, you really are delusional. Stop inhaling whatever it is you are ingesting. You are not worthy , not good enough to hurt my feelings. I am laughing at you too loudly for my feelings to hurt. My sides might be hurting from laughing at your laughing stock comments, especially one in particular. Your comments are too ignorant to hurt my feelings. Go back to the dinasaur era from whence you came and try again. I thought that you had forgotten about me almost 24 hrs now. Back to your cave Mrs wilma Flinstone.
        Jimmyszeto set you straight with your ignorant comment and you are taking it out on me. I already have our exchange on file, in case it gets deleted and will put your foolish butt comments on facebook, twitter, the works, hahaha.

      9. @bubbletea since you have so much time on your hands with facebook, twitter, etc…. don’t overlook posting all this on asian social media!

      10. @msxie0714 hey, that is not such a bad idea. Surprised you can say something that makes sense. Then again, does it make sense…… ?
        Wonder if the netizens in Asia, for obvious reasons, will see the a(ss)inine I mean belligerent, ignorant, irrelevant, asinine stupidity in your Trump white supremacists comment, hahaha. I don’t know if to continue laughing at you, or feel pity for you for that. It speaks volumes about your interlect.

      11. @bubbletea

        Guess you just can’t help being full of yourself and delusional about your ‘superior’ intellect. Oh well, even Rosanne Barr thought she was being clever with her racist remark.

      12. @msxie0714 wow!! I am shocked your ignorance has not consumed you, lol. You callimg me delusional is a big compliment to me. You’re obviously the mother of delusion and delusional. How could me saying that chinese are stuck with a backward mentality (which is the honest God’s truth), be compared to racist remarks, or be Trump style white supremacist comments. You are indeed the mothership of delusional. Next stupid, delusional comment from you soon?. Boy I can’t wait, lol.
        For God’s sake, if not your own, please learn the meaning of racist or racism before you spew feces from your fingertips. You have already made an as$ of yoursef with your comments, especially the Trump white supremacist one. By the way, others are beginning to comment on that political comment, and your accusation of racism towords me. Go figure huh.

        For your information. I am intelligent, more so than you, which says a lot about your intelligence, lol. Like I said, next comment.

      13. @bubbletea unfortunately, a lot of people like that these days.. they don’t like something.. it’s racist…. they get offended.. it’s racist..

        You do tend to get into people face during argument, but racist you are not.

      14. @happybi yes, I get into people’s faces when they bring crap to me, accuse me of lies, while not presenting an intelligent argument, and continue to rant and rave negligently. I have no patience for that. I have sensible disagreements with some members here. They are the people who have a thing called intelligence.

        You are so right. I might be many things but racist is not one of them. I have had to ban patients because they did not want to see my colleagues who are black, brown, or even white. I have zero tolerence for such. I got into heated verbal fights with idiots for bad mouthing chinese, whites, blacks, aboriginals, brown people, you name it. I can’t put up with such nonsense. There are two others here who have argued with me and their arguments make no sense either. Such is life.

      15. @msxie0714 Your ignorant replies know no bound. Wow,lol, how is my comment in comparison to Roseanne’s comment,lol. All I said was chinese are thinking with a backward, dinasaur mentality for ranting and raving over a woman speaking publicly about menstruation. How in God’s green earth is that comparable to Roseanne’s comment below
        ROSANNE’S COMMENT……The Muslim Brotherhood and planet of the apes had a baby=vj” meaning the baby is a former White House Aide toPresident Obama. Anyone who seen any racial comparison in what I said and what Roseanne said is just as intellectually challenged as you are.

      16. @msxie0714 you are so ignorant that it is laugh out loud funny. I said Chinese are ignorant and backward and are stuck in a foregone world with a delusional mentality. I never called them animals or savages. Even modern day people can be ignorant and backward to many things. You for example. You don’t seem to know the meaning of racist, racism or the meaning poo r understanding of racist remarks. That doesn’t make you a savage or an animal, just a grown , ignorant woman who is backward to certain things.

      17. @bubbletea

        A lot of this mentality is down to the the educational level of people in China. It is slowly improving but the population is so big and the financial gap is so extreme along with the educational levels that it will take decades if not another century for them to get to our stage.What you have said is the truth for the most part but we need to be more understanding that it is not something that can be transformed overnight….

      18. @jimmyszeto
        I was not even accusing @msxie0714 of being backward or ignorant. I was speaking in general. Nonetheless, the Trump style white supremacists comment speak volumes. Still can’t wrap my finger around that one, and I have seen some off the wall comments on social media, lol.

      19. @bubbletea
        Yeh, I don’t get the political statement accusations either but I’m not American and do not follow politics which I’m glad. Political debates can get out of control very easily…

      20. @msxie0714

        I get that you do not like to be related or accused as a backward narrowminded chinese thinker’ and you are probably not since you are opinionated and using modern technology to type to us now. Maybe in the wealthier cities there are a decent percentage of modernized thinking people but nearly all from the poorer areas are still very backward. Racism and homophobic comments are seen as normal proceedings. It will be tough to argue against the BBC assumptions here…

      21. @msxie0714 @bubbletea
        I think it is quite split really that there are a high percentage who are still stuck in the past and the slight mention of anything taboo or even anything that gos against their superstitions then there would be a huge backlash. However, the younger generation in the more developed cities are beginning to become more westernised in their approach. They speak with more freedom and are less binded by traditions and culture..

      22. @jimmyszeto You are right, it will be a long and arduous process to bring about change as the Chinese population is so large. Appreciate your comment. Funny thing though, Taiwanese and Hong Kongers induced in a lot of outdated practices and mentality, which is unfortunately. It is so sad when someone can be viciously and ignorantly attacked, like I was, for pointing out the truth.

      23. @bubbletea
        Well..some people feel offended when called out that China has a backward mentality because they are chinese and do not want to associate themselves with it. It is difficult to dissociate with it if ones nationality is chinese so it is better to accept the truth than be delusional. Although we are not directly living in China, we all still have relatives who are fine examples of ancient mentality. We still get scolded by parents/grandparents for saying things that are superstitious, we have parents who will avoid talking about sensitive topics such as taboo subjects, we still get relative who try and sound patriotic by saying I love China, China will crush USA England in a war etr but when you ask them why they love China and question why they have moved to England to live off the benefits then you will get a blank reply.There is still rampant racism which is as common as any daily topic of conversation. In fact an uncle who recently who visited us on a holiday permit started randomly stating to my brother ‘don’t marry black, they look terrible and are no good etr …without even realising the extent of offence it can cause. China still very much has backward mentality and then ones who do not want to believe it are chinese citizens who feel that they are something special…

      24. @jimmyszeto so true what you said. The. Funny thing is, my parents are so cool in their thinking that they taught me a lot about acceptance and not closing doors on people because of the color of their skin. I have friends from all the continentd and i’m proud of that. Some of my close friends are black and I trust them with my life. I have white, chinese and East Asian friends who I also trust tremendously. I appreciate all the different nations and cultures that make this world so multicultural. However, my people are stuck in a timezone with outdated, ignorant backward ways of thinking and living. It is the truth, and unfortunately a lot of them don’t want to see that truth. They are comfortable with it, or they are living in denial, and last out with outlandish, belligerent comments when the truth is mentioned. Still can’t get over the Trump, white supremacists comment, lol. It is going to take a lot of time as these views are being taught to the kids, making it difficult for the cycle to be broken. It is not just the Mainland, it is very rampant in Malaysia, Hong Kong, Taiwan etc. I remember one Hong Kong A-lister had rumors printed that he was gay. He denied the rumors, which he absolutely has every right to to, that is his freedom. What was disgusting and utterly ignorant and racist to say was when he added, his own words…
        “What are they going to say nex. That I am dating a black woman?” Those were his exact words. Even modern HK celebs are stuck with the mentality. For the record, nothing wrong with dating a black person.

      25. @msxie0714
        Once again I would like to use percentages to determine whether in general that Chinese avoid talking about these topics. A large percentage do actually steer clear of these topics so it would not be a untruthful comment to make that ‘Chinese do not talk about periods’. I don’t think Angelababy should get any credit for it by using her status to gain advantages in the industry. Another random mediocre famous contestant would not have gained these benefits. I think her status can be compared to Liza Wang in Hong Kong…

      26. @jimmyszeto What is funny is I said what you said , but was attacked by three people . I also mentioned the different, possible reasons for ABB being dunked less than other contestants. You know I am no fan of that woman. Everything I said got chewed up like how a T-rex dinosaur that was brought back to life would chew on a person, go figure huh? You and @llwy12 see the logic of my posts without attacking like T Rex, or being delusional, ignorant or belligerent. There is a reason for that

      27. @bubbletea I’m sorry but Angelababy has enough money that breaking contract would not even be an issue unless she’s a tight ass! Also telling the station you are unwell because of your period is a legitimate thing, why do you expect saying you are unwell and therefore missing a filming because of it is a bad thing? All in all, it sounds more like an excuse.

      28. @littlefish it is not about AB making excuses. Maybe she was, if she was, shame on her, as we all know she and her husband are “me, me me” entitled Barbie and Ken brats. What the BBC ans probably other international news outlet staff find strange and stupid is how Chinese netizens got so mad at Angelababy for speaking about her period, after she said that was the reason why she was not dunked in the water numerous times, which they (the netizens), were also pissed about.

      29. @bubbletea you said “what’s wrong with her saying she was on her period” and then you said she might not want to be penalised by her contract, and I’m just saying the first part – sound like a lousy excuse, and the second part – just as lousy as she can break contract due to she has enough money to cover the penalty and any decent organisation will let you go off the hook if you have bad period! So all in all, people can be angry at her because that’s one lousy excuse, and she’s only using that to justify not being douse with water like other. The legitimacy of her excuse is highly questionable

      30. @littlefish obviously you don’t get the gist of what is going on. It is not about what I said. It is about netizens complaing about AB not getting watered. Then the focus switched to netizens behaving like Jurassic cave people when she gave her reason for not being dunked. Maybe AB is lying, as we all know she is a bold face liar. Maybe the producers knew about her period and decided to cut her some slack. Maybe she fooled them too, as she is a crafty, pampered lying diva, and I won’t put anything past her. Fact remains, that BBC and others are shocked that chinese are still so backward and delusional in this modern world, when a woman is chewed up for daring to publicly say she is on her period.The BBC people are shocked about how stupidly naive and backward chinese are, and frankly… am I. Honestly, haha, the fact that I am writing this comment speaks volumes of the ignorant, backward chinese mentality.

      31. @bubbletea my gist is your statement, you tried to give Angelababy credit for using the period excuse on the one hand, and on the other saying it’s the netizens’ fault for being Jurassic cavemen who don’t want to talk about taboo subject, while praising yourself to be the 10 percent for making this comment. It’s like you are trying to passive aggressively saying anyone argue against you are the dummy. While I’m saying maybe some netizens don’t buy the crap that Angelababy is selling and your excuse for her in one of your earlier statement is weak. I’m not talking about whether netizens were wrong or right or what they are so angry about, I’m talking about your earlier statement for her excuse is weak and have many holes. And idk about you, but I have a lot of Asian nursing friends who are more than comfortable talking about all kind of these topic, and many doctors I met don’t have problems talking about this. Maybe you were only referring to Chinese doctors and health professions in China… and the person you originally replied to just commented how he/she didn’t buy that excuse either. Yet you 1 – went on to give excuse to angelababy (instead of seeing as he’s talking about something different than what you are saying) 2 – passively saying everyone is a dummy and in the 90%. There are two issues here: you tried to argue that netizens are at fault for being so angry at Angelababy for talking about taboo subject, but are they all angry just because she talk about taboo subject or are they not buying her crap and therefore being angry? Meanwhile, we are trying to argue her excuse is crap, and we don’t buy it. That does not mean we are the 90% as you nicely put it that we are shy to talk about these things

      32. @littlefish first of all, did I not say that AB could be making excuses as she lies effortlessly? Yes, it is stupid and jurassic for the netizens to throw a fuss at AB or anyone for speaking about their period. However, there is nothing backward or ignorant about them ranting about her seemingly preferential treatment on the show. Yes, the person who I agreed with said they did not believe Angelababy and I don’t him/her. I agreed to that persons comment about netizens being so stupid and childish about Angelababy speaking about her period. Thank you for seeing that I am in the ten persent, lol. Seriously though, you don’t get my comment, or @m0m0‘s comments, as that is who you are referring to. It is so obvious I am speaking about chinese doctors in China, how could you miss that????? Prime example of not getting it.

        I never thought that anyone who does not agree with me is a dummy. I am calling out all netizens in general as cavemen thinking people who bit(h and bark about AB OR ANYONE publicly addressing menstruation.

        Maybe someone else can read this article, read my comments, read yours and then give both of us some honest feedback.

      33. @littlefish Wait, so being on your period yet still filming, albeit with some understanding of her situation, is somehow more ‘unprofessional’ than breaking her contract? Where is the logic in that?

      34. @peanutbutterjelly Well, to me, missing 1 episode due to being unwell (if she’s that unwell) is not that bad, many missed out on one episode of their program due to various reasons. If this is a game and you get special treatment, it’s rather unfair, and if you see you could not perform 100%, better off take a leave on the day. Advocate for woman is one thing, using woman’s reason for your slack is another. This is my point of view if you can’t perform 100%, and know you burden people and I’m sure they can get the replacement for me, I would play fair and withdraw for the one week. It is just as professional as people who has period and brace through the work. To me, her unfprofessional is she could take the day/week off from the program, rather than let the preference to happen. And I’m sure the contract doesn’t go “because you have your period and take a day off your filming, you break the contract”, that sort of contract is then dont look at woman’s right and that need to be discuss. And if it’s to film a normal drama, that’s fine, but this is a game, once you are in it, play fair. In your case, all woman Olympic athletes who have period during the competition time should get preferential treatments, too? You may argue running man is just a silly game, not Olympic level, but fair is fair in my book, no game is too big or small, and that’s why I said what I said.

        @bubbletea 1 – I don’t see you as the 10%, you see yourself as the 10%, you shown in your wordings. 2 – you were disagreeing rather than agreeing, but you keep changing your argument, so whatever.

      35. @littlefish please, you are going to hurt yourself trying to be an adult. You just lack the ability to comprehend anything. Your comments make no sense. I never said I am the ten percent, you did. All I did was playfully and sarcastically thank you. So please, stay quiet and keep playing with your Hello kitty or whatever

      36. @bubbletea lol, you were the first one to mention the 10%, but again, whatever. Adult or not anyone here can tell as I’m not the person who started to insult other and assume other to be a kid, that sort of response really say you are an adult 😉

      37. @littlefish you are not for real. You are the one who got snitty and sarcastic and said I saw myself as the ten percent. You know, you are indeed a kid. Starting a fight and then lying by saying “Not Me, it was Bubbletea” . That is what you are. Then you want to pull out of a debate with @peanutbutterjelly because that commenter is crushing you. Like I said, go play ith you Hello Kitty, or yourself.

      38. @bubbletea lol pulling out because I don’t see the point of seesawing, it’s the internet, one expresss their opinions, not everyone can see or understand my POV, I see a few has the same as my POV, that’s enough, I don’t need to win every argument. Just like calling a day off for being unwell is just as professional as brace it through with your handicap, withdrawing is not a bad thing, it is about being adult, he made his POV, I made mine, realising he will never see mine or even if he does, he is AB’s fan, so stopping there is as civil as it gets. Again, you have demonstrated you are a real adult, good on you, kid. And you were the one that being passive aggressive first, I merely pointed that out. And this is my last post on you because you are just a waste of time that like to insult people 🙂

        Last and not least, this isn’t a huge deal, more talking about it will give more press to this seriously small issue, so not talking = time to move on, there is better thing to talk about!

      39. @littlefish The more you go on, the more you show your lack of common sense, comprehension and maturity. You chose to close the discussion because you and @peanutbutterjelly would not each other’s point of view, according to you. Don’t you think I fail to see your POV, as you fail to see mine?. I am just a waste of time that likes to insult people? Coming from a waste of breath like you, I take that as a compliment. Thank you. Now go play with your toys, or yourself, kid.

      40. @bubbletea honestly, I don’t know either of you and I can see/agree with the points in both your arguments (with one saying that AB is making excuses and the other saying that there needs to be more open-mindedness), but bubbletea I think it was kind of rude to say “You just lack the ability to comprehend anything” after littlefish wrote a pretty thorough explanation of her argument–defeats the purpose of having comments for open discussion here. Just felt like I had to say something since peanutbutterjelly also stepped in.

      41. @purplepanda774 I said that because my original comment was misunderstood and attacked. I tried to break it down and still was attacked and accused of contradiction, not making sense and a whole lot of things, LOL, LOL. My comments finally got a sensible, mature, decent answer from a coherent person. I am well within my right to say my accuser did not comprehend my comments. It is the same thing as saying “you did not understand my comment/s”. What is rude about that????!!!. INCREDULOUS, WOW!

        I have a theory about something but it is best discussed with Jayne. I will say this though. I am bubbletea ONLY.

      42. @bubbletea thankfully I can also say I am purplepanda774 ONLY, so please, with all due respect, ask Jayne about the IP addresses, etc., to confirm your suspicions…

        It is exactly this sort of “rudeness” to which I am referring: the idea that you cannot fathom that another user would find a disagreement with you and that you would rather suspect a user would possibly create another account or some other ludicrous theory.

        You are perfectly within your rights to say whatever you want, including “stay quiet and keep playing with your Hello kitty or whatever,” just as I am with pointing out any apparent rudeness. It’s just interesting to see the differences between how you and @littlefish respond when another person steps in. I had thought that the goal of JayneStars was to promote “active discourse” on news/celebrities rather than bashing each other on comments. I only pointed out any potential rudeness to try to maintain this motto and feel just as “misunderstood and attacked” as you do, since I did lead into my first comment by saying that I respected and even agreed with a lot of your opinion.

        Can we agree to disagree, but focus on the celebs–not one another? I’m not trying to be a comments police or anything, but I’ve always cared more about this site than a lot of others and I’ve always seen it as a place of support and respect between users, which is what makes opinions much more valuable and the news much more entertaining. Feel free to correct me if I have this wrong. 🙂

      43. @bubbletea
        I am enjoying reading heated discussions over sensitive topics for once without being the main participant. However, I think it is time to stop with the multi-accounting accusations because it is bringing this site into disrepute. I did not enjoy being accused earlier just like the current members. You may think you are being clever with these suspicions but if you read the difference in English used by the members, it is quite clear that they cant all be just be ‘one user’. I’m sure you are clever enough to realise this….

      44. @purplepanda774 thanks for the comment 🙂 after a while, argument needs to come to a stop if both can’t agree to one another. But insults do make the stop “sour” and abrupt

      45. @purplepanda774 I forgot, why is it that you only saw my so called “rudeness” and insults and not yours? I was called a waste off breath and other catty remarks were made. Yet you saw only what you wanted to see. And no, I did not make any mistake in this post. Some things do go together, as they should. I know what I am talking about. I am not crazy, just very observant.

      46. @bubbletea
        I just searched through the posts and the first mention of “waste of breath” came from you, directed towards littlefish. You said “Coming from a waste of breath like you, I take that as a compliment,” and I only found the phrase “waste of time” used by littlefish AFTER you told littlefish to go play with “Hello Kitty.” So no, I am not selectively reading these comments because they are literally printed on the screen.

        That being said, if you scroll through my history on JayneStars, you will notice that I disagreed with littlefish on one of my first posts here (yes, I went back to check… this is what you’re making me do). So if you suspect that we are in cahoots or are the same person, then wow. Not very observant, and certainly rude to suggest that I do not exist as my own mind and body.

        Like I said, I love this site, and the comments give me just as much an opinion on society as do the articles. I am not seeing only what I want to see (that would be a very dull place for active discourse, indeed), merely pointing out some hypocrisy.

      47. @purplepanda774 obviously you read wrong. Littlefishy was the first one who called me a waste of time, and I RESPONDED a few hours later with the waste of breath comment. With all due respect, please get the comments right before you start accusingpeople. It does not look good for you. Obviously we will respond differently, we are two different people. I make no apologies for being a straight shooter. I speak my mind clearly. I am not about to change.

      48. @bubbletea

        Oh my goodness, anyone who can control-F search a page can see that you told littlefish to go play with her Hello Kitty before she called you a waste of time!

        And yes, every single person here can have their own way of responding and commenting, but when you start leveling unnecessary insults at a person and then accuse that person of doing the same, that is unjust, unfair, and hypocritical.

        You can speak your mind as clear as you want, but if being a straight shooter means saying “Coming from a waste of breath like you… Now go play with your toys [Hello Kitty], or yourself, kid.” to another human being, than please let me voice my opinion and respect it like you want me to respect yours 🙂 Insulting someone like that cannot be justified by self-proclaiming to be a “straight shooter.” The world would function quite differently if it did.

        Ultimately, I think I need to take the same route as littlefish and pull out of this never-ceasing thread. I respect the fact that you believe so strongly in your opinion, and I truly, truly respect your opinion as well. This is just a different matter: a matter of ethics.

        Perhaps it was futile to try and support being fair and not insulting others in an online setting in the first place, haha! I just thought JayneStars might be different.

      49. @purplepanda774 oh dear, this shouldn’t have gotten this far. To be fair, sometimes the comment’s orders do get mixed up a bit. Regarding bubble tea’s comment on being the only one, I thought she meant someone might have pretend to be her and post with the same username (as sometimes her comment is not grammatically correct, and harder to understand, and sometimes it’s perfect and crystal clear), I didn’t think she implied I’m creating multiple accounts to argue with her. Anyway, I don’t need that sort of tactic and to view people in such negative way say something about yourself. Anyway, sorry, Purplepanda774, I too do like Jaynestars and have been a reader for at least 8yrs. If you want, get Jayne to check out our IP 🙂

      50. Dee@littlefish I have a degree in english from an Ivy League college. There is nothing wrong with my comments gramatically. You on the other hand, lacks a proper command of written english. Do you even understand the meaning of grammar??!!. If you did, you would not have said what you said. I volunteer some of my time helping chinese ESL students with their english language homework. I also write a medical column for an english newspaper. You are now coming across as someone who is confused. You have also contradicted yourself so many times in your comments on this thread that it is pitiful. The more you go on, the more stupid you look.

  5. Amusing that stuff should get headlined in U.K.

    I never watch this show. Do they dip the contestants into cold water? Maybe the viewers thought why should she get preference treatment being unaware it is first day of her period. They should avoid female contestants in view of period problems. LOL.

    1. @mangotango
      some women feel unwell during their days but i am not sure if that’s the case for her. there is something called the tampon for those that feel okay…. female athletes use them during swimming competitions….

      if she was really unwell, it’s cool but i hate to see female being portrayed as weak just b/c they have periods.

      1. @m0m0 precisely. I’m sick of man laughed at us when we have bad mood because we have our period, instead of thinking there something bad happens, or someone being a jerk or after a while, it’s bottle up and we blow the fuse because they need to see it. I understand some men see that as a joke, but woman using this excuse when there is other alternative just gives woman a bad name!

  6. I honestly feel like people are convoluting the issue here. At the core, the issue really isn’t about menstruation or whether it’s a taboo or not to talk about it in public – the issue is Angelababy’s lack of professionalism, which is what it sounds like people have problems with. Doesn’t really matter what her excuse is – if she didn’t feel well or knew that she wouldn’t be able to participate fully in the program due to her condition, why didn’t she just pull out or wait a couple more weeks to return? Why insist on participating and then expect to get preferential treatment? Why even put yourself in that situation knowing that it will generate controversy? Of course, Angelababy being who she is, I’m not surprised if this was yet another way to get media exposure. Honestly, she could have prevented this whole thing by just not participating in the filming at all and give whatever excuse she wanted to the production team without it being made public (i.e. similar to calling in sick to work – you call the relevant people to tell them you’re not coming in, but of course you’re not going to broadcast it to the whole world)…..but of course, since she wants the attention, doing it the way she did is better for her….

    Bottom line – it’s more about the way Angelababy handled the situation than anything else. Perhaps if we have a similar example as a comparison, might be easier to understand. 3 years ago, when Eric Tsang and his daughter Bowie Tsang participated in the game show Amazing Race China, Bowie got dunked repeatedly in contaminated water during one of the segments. She ended up with a pelvic infection that required surgery and put her out of commission for 2 months. It was later discovered that the infection occurred because she was in the middle of her menstrual cycle at the time, which made her body and her pelvic area in particular more vulnerable and allowed the bacteria from the contaminated sewage water to enter (it’s similar to if you had a cut on your hand that was bleeding and instead of putting a bandage on it, you soak it in dirty water instead). Bowie returned to filming the show after that and continued to put in 110% effort as if nothing had happened….to be honest, if you were to watch the show in its entirety without paying attention to entertainment news, you wouldn’t even know that something major like that had happened. I’m sure Bowie was smart enough to know that allowing herself to be dunked in contaminated water during a time when she was most vulnerable wasn’t ideal – she could have pulled out, made an excuse, say she didn’t want to do it because she’s menstruating, half-a** it or whatnot…yet she didn’t do any of that stuff. She participated and played the game the way it was supposed to be played without expecting or asking for preferential treatment (which she most definitely would have gotten if she had asked) – and even after the infection thing occurred, she kept it low profile with most people not finding out about it until after she left the hospital. So comparing this to ABB’s thing – well, I can see why people would be mad at her for putting in half-a** effort in the first place, then giving an excuse afterwards to justify it….

    1. @llwy12 “Bowie was smart enough to know that allowing herself to be dunked in contaminated water during a time when she was most vulnerable wasn’t ideal”

      She obviously wasn’t otherwise she wouldn’t have gotten the pelvic infection and needed the surgery, which sounds very scary to be honest.

      Putting your own health at risk like that for a job is not professionalism in my book but stupidity. I don’t think she should be praised for it because I don’t condone this kind of culture or mentality. I have a friend living in Japan who overworked himself (long hours, OT) so much he needed to get hospitalised more than once. One can say it’s his own choice (and it was) but it’s also the Japanese working mentality that shames you for taking one day of sick leave that cultivated this unhealthy behaviour.

      And I’m afraid that how you worded it the Bowie situation:

      “she could have pulled out, made an excuse, say she didn’t want to do it because she’s menstruating, half-a** it or whatnot…yet she didn’t do any of that stuff. She participated and played the game the way it was supposed to be played without expecting or asking for preferential treatment”

      made it sound like if she did any of those things (pulling out, asking for ‘preferential treatment’ as you call it…) it is unprofessional or unacceptable behaviour even though we have direct proof of the horrifying consequences she needed to deal with for not ‘pulling out’ or asking for understanding of her situation.

      If anything, the Bowie-example just proved that AB had the right compromise for doing her job yet still looking out for her well-being. I don’t watch the show but to me people getting mad at her for not being in freezing water enough (unless that’s the whole point of the show? Is it? I honestly don’t know) seems like a very petty overreaction.

      1. @peanutbutterjelly I don’t think that what llwy12 was saying. You think it’s one or another. Calling sick and get a day off is not being unprofessional, no one said it is. But you constantly think we say it is, or at least you think taking a day off is bad, we don’t. Not gonna bother arguing all day if you don’t see the sides of the argument. You argue A and we argue B, not going anywhere.

        @llwy12, you spoke the matter how I see it! And wow, poor girl! To be fair though, I don’t think many know getting dunked in water during period is bad, and obviously getting dunked in contaminated water is bad period (with or without period lol). But the fact that she kept it so low profile, and endure all that because she went to work during her period and get NO special treatment speak volumes!

      2. @littlefish I literally said that the wording ‘made it sound like’ it is unprofessional. And the statement definitely does read that way, or at the very least made Bowie sound admirable for her suffering and ‘pulling through’. Which I personally think is the wrong way to go about this.

        ‘Yeah she wound up with an infected pelvic and having to go under surgery but wow NO special treatment! Bravo!’

        Sorry I can’t get behind this terrible mentality where someone would put so-called professionalism above their health like that. It’s stupid. If she were my daughter I’d scold her.

      3. @peanutbutterjelly I think you got the wrong impression there, no one promoting destroying their own health to be professional. If Bowie knows the water is contaminated, she would pull out. Pulling yourself out instead of getting special treatment is just as professional as going through the event with your handicap without special treatment. And AB didn’t do either. What happen to Bowie was unfortunate, but the way she handled it was a lot better than AB.

      4. @peanutbutterjelly @littlefish I can see where the way I worded it might have caused confusion. The point I was trying to get at is that it’s better to pull out if you’re feeling ill and not participate at all rather than participate half-heartedly and expect people to give you preferential treatment. I bring up the Bowie example mostly to show why it makes sense the way Angelababy dealt with her situation made people angry (just to clarify, in Bowie’s situation, she never said that she felt unwell or sick at the time she was participating in those games – the whole menstruating thing wasn’t even brought up until later when people found out she had been in the hospital and were trying to understand what happened). No one is saying that people should deliberately put their health at risk for a job – that is indeed silly and stupid….what I AM saying is that someone expecting to get preferential treatment just because they decided to still go into work while they were ill (which is essentially what ABB did) IS unprofessional. If someone is ill enough to feel like they should be given a pass at work, then why even go into work in the first place? Maybe this is a better example: I’m in a management position at my company and always tell my staff that if they are not feeling well, they should take a sick day to rest and get better rather than force themselves to come to work and only be half as productive as they normally would be if they weren’t ill – the “unprofessional” part is when the staff insists on still coming in to work while sick and then expects me to give them a lighter load because they don’t feel well (which of course is unfair to other staff)….in that scenario, I tell them to go home because I’m not going to give them preferential treatment at the expense of other staff just because they chose to still come in to work. On the other side of the coin, there are those staff who still come in to work even though they are not feeling well and do the same amount of work as they usually would without any thought of being treated differently (in fact, it doesn’t even occur to them that they should be treated differently because to them, they are doing what they normally do). Looking at it from this perspective, I think we can sum up ABB’s situation this way: she had the option of “calling out sick” and that’s what she technically should have done if she didn’t feel well…however she choose to still go in to work, which is fine, but she would’ve been expected to still perform at 100%….instead she performs at 50% and when called out on it, the excuse is she was “not feeling well” and that affected her performance….well duh – that’s why she should’ve “called out sick” in the first place!

      5. @llwy12 You are one of the members here who’s comments I respect. I want to say a few things, and I expect to get a mature, decent, sensible reply from you, even if you disagree. I am no fan of Angelababy, or her husband, as anyone can see from my posts. Just because I am not a fan of someone does not mean I am not willing to weigh all rhe pros and cons of an article about said person.

        We all know AB lies through her teeth like a pro. She is also a spoiled, whiney, entitled diva who will take preferential treatment when she gets it without consideration for others. Maybe she was having her period, maybe not. I do agree with you that she should have stayed at home if she was not feeling well. It is not cool to come in and give a half baked performance. It is indeed a lack of professionalism. Angelababy has been known to pull such stunts before.

        I do not blame the fans/netizens for voicing their anger if they felt she was received favoritism treatment. The netizens voicing their anger is, or was never my problem. My problem is how they behaved when she said in a public interview that she was on her period. That kind of caveman, Jurassic behavior is very backward, ignorant and uncalled for.

        I was even wondering if maybe, after the Bowie Tsang incident, where she, Bowie, ended up in the hospital, if the producers still asked AB to participate, with her being dunked less. If this was the case, it would have been discussed amongst the participants , which would result in them dunking AB less than others in the water. Just putting out a possible situation. We need to understand that all of us might not like Angelababy but she still will have her fans. Producers, directors etc like it when the idols show up than not have them there at all.

        If this is the case, they need to back AB up. If she is being her usual annoying, manipulative entitled lying self, then she needs to be called out for her disregard of other participants and her unprofessional.

      6. @bubbletea I think depending on the person and their experiences, their perspective on this situation will probably be different. I personally could care less about Angelababy or the Running Man show because I don’t watch that show nor do I watch any of ABB’s works (saw 1 movie she was in a long time ago and was not impressed) – and I certainly don’t follow her news (or news related to her husband) outside of the major headlines in general entertainment news, so I can’t comment on whether she has a track record of lying or being a diva or pulling these same stunts in the past. With that said, I decided to comment on this article because I’m particularly sensitive to issues of fairness, professionalism, preferential treatment, etc. because I deal with that stuff day in and day out as part of my job — something like ABB’s incident as described in the article wouldn’t sit well with me whereas others may see it as netizens overreacting or that it’s no big deal. For me, it’s about the incident and the way it was handled, not necessarily the artist — it could be another female on the show, not ABB, and I would still have the same reaction (though of course I’ve followed the entertainment industry long enough to know that others may not feel the same way and there will undoubtedly be some element of “hate” from some netizens merely because the celebrity at the center of the issue is Angelababy).

        I definitely agree with what everyone else has been saying about BBC getting it all wrong by focusing on the period thing and turning this into a “oh China is so barbaric because they won’t let people talk about menstruation” issue. For me, it was never about the specific excuse ABB made but rather the fact that she was given preferential treatment and/or expected to be given such treatment just because she wasn’t feeling well. And yes, I agree that if the production team and/or her cast mates knew about her condition and so went easy on her (or she didn’t want to go in but the production team insisted that she do so), then they should be backing her up publicly. By the same token, netizens/audiences have the right to be angry when they feel an injustice is being done, so I don’t blame them either, though I do agree that there was no need to focus on the menstruation thing and blow the issue up to the extent it did…

        I think we can probably all debate this thing until we’re all blue in the face and still not be in agreement, lol, but I don’t necessarily feel that we all HAVE to agree. Like I said earlier, our opinions may all be different due to our own individual circumstances and experiences — for me, as long as the argument makes sense and is backed up with proper reasoning (not a generic “so-and-so sucks because they just do” type of argument), then I’m usually fine with agreeing to disagree.

      7. @llwy12 Very, very well said. I appreciate and respect your reply. We do not have to always agree about the subject/s of an article, and can have a great argument with each other, as long as both parties are making sensible, relevant comments. Not like how I was attacked so ignorantly with accusations of my comments that made no sense whatsoever. The comment that I made, and that you replied to was replied to in a logical, sensible and matured manner. I
        basically made the same comment earlier and I’m still scratching my head with the childish gibberish that went on as replies to my comment/s. Enjoy and respect whatever you say, no matter if we are not in agreement. For the record, I am not a fan of Angelababy or her husband either, lol. Her acting stinks. I do know if his acting or his singing stinks more.

      8. @bubbletea actually, what you said to llwy12 was very well said, and I like that, Because it was precise, it shows you agree to other’s opposing view, and you convey your idea well, without throwing shades. If you have given that response to the person niq8803 or to me without assuming other attack you, it would never got that far. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t really disagree with your point about how netizens should not attack her for talking about her period, I was just saying how one of your excuse for her has many flaws, and then you went on how I don’t get you.

        Anyway, If you don’t see that no one wants a war, then it’s not our problem 🙂 and I agree with llwy12, it’s a matter of different pov, keep going until each other face is blue is just bleh.

      9. @littlefish
        I have only just skimmed through everyone’s comments but but my opinion is that AB deserves the criticism for her half hearted effort on the show. No matter what reason it is she is allowed herself to get the preferential treat which she probably enjoyed and it is what she is common with. There should be 2 options really and that is to pull out or to tough it out but she chose the 3rd option and that was to give viewers a crap product….

      10. @littlefish thank you mommy, for checking and scolding me when I have been a bad child with my grammatically horrible comments, and praising me when my grammar was impeccable

  7. Participating with some reservations – being called unprofessional.

    Not participating – being called unprofessional.

    This woman just can’t ever get a break can she? Yes it’s her job but man, some people are so harsh?

    I’m sure there are lots of people who have gone to work unwell before. I certainly have. A lot of women go to work when they are on their period or are pregnant, a lot of people continue working while not being physically fit all the time. Not sick enough to stay at home but also not well enough to not be limited with your workload.

    She’s not even inconveniencing anyone geez cut her some slack.

    I have a feeling people would be a lot more understanding if it was someone who is more beloved than AB here…

    1. @peanutbutterjelly I understand your analogy, but it’s not really applicable. If I were at a job and I’m feeling unwell, I still have to do everything assigned to me and do it well. That’s the meaning of professionalism. Of course, if my health issues cause me to be unable to do a duty, asking someone to go light on me for assignments is definitely not professional. I’d just go home and not take the assignment instead. If her colleagues knew that she was on her period and pitied her, that’s another story. But it sounded like she asked for it herself.

      Olympian Fu Yuanhui still gave it her best shot competing against others in spite of her physical exhaustion, as an example.

      Bowie is another example, though her case sounded weird, as menstruation does not cause internal wounds or anything, so I’m not sure what that had to with her pelvic inflammation. Maybe she was using a pad and the bacteria in the water contaminated that.

      With that said, I’m not saying to ask celebrities give up their health for the sake of playing a game. That’s harsh and ridiculous. We’re not even stringent with Hollywood celebs, so I don’t expect that from my Asian counterparts. I don’t really have an issue with AB in this situation, but I can see why netizens are unhappy with her. Can you say it’s professional? Not really. But is it okay to make this request for the sake of her health? Absolutely.

      My main problem is that BBC made this stupid article about how she’s breaking taboos or something. Firstly she ain’t the first one. Secondly, it’s really not that sensational. They totally overdramatized this. Period is period. I think most Chinese people don’t particularly care, unless they’re uber traditional or superstitious.

      1. @coralie here here! People are making it like calling a day sick unprofessional, when you look at the job and what it requires, treating it with respect even if you have to take yourself off the list, is what professional is!

        And yes, I agree BBC is blowing the news up more than it needs to be.

        How do you know she is not convenient anyone? To accommodate her, they cut her some slack, is that not inconvenient other?

        And again, missing 1 episode and you know it is a one off is not bad. Your analogy, pregnancy, there were news AB only did a short amount of time of filming for General and I, and the rest of the filming was using body double, I’m not holding that against her upon reading the article, which used her as an example of today actress being lazy. I understand the article tried to sell a point, but dislike the article for using her, I don’t jump the bandwagon of hating AB because I remembered some other news mention she was pregnant while filming General and I (haven’t seen that either).

        My point is you assumed all who voiced against her conduct is due to being anti fan instead of seeing our POV.

      2. @coralie I hear where you’re coming from but in this case I would think that her not filming (even though she absolutely has the right to due to the circumstances) would cause more of an inconvenience, no? I can also already imagine the headlines: ‘Diva Angelababy refuses to work and uses lady business as excuse’ (or something like that). If someone doesn’t show up to work, the work still needs to be done and usually by someone else. I don’t watch the show but if it’s a variety I’d imagine they’d need someone else to fill her place or rearrange some stuff at least.

        I agree about the BBC bit by the way but that wasn’t the focus of my comments.

        “How do you know she is not convenient anyone? To accommodate her, they cut her some slack, is that not inconvenient other?”

        If you were in high school and your classmate got her period so she didn’t have to participate in P.E. does that inconvenience you in any way? You’d still have to participate yourself whether your classmate shows up or not.

        As far as I can tell from the article, she just didn’t get soaked as much in cold water as the other cast members. The cast members are getting soaked anyway whether she’s being accomodated or not. It’s not like she’s going out of her way to request to be put in a hot tub or anything so, again, how is she inconveniencing anyone from what we can read in the article?

        Okay, the viewers (who didn’t know the circumstances) that first got pissed at her I can get behind. But after this article and still going after her for something like this just screams petty to me.

      3. @peanutbutterjelly your example is great, however, if I get pay to do PE just as my friend but they get to do less yet pay the same when they can just take a day off, Uhm???? Again, fairness issue, to me that’s still an inconvenience (in a different sense). Anyway, moving on, no point on keep arguing 🙂

      4. @littlefish – I think we all agree to an extent that it’s not professional of AB to ask for special treatment.

        @peanutbutterjelly – it’s about the spirit of her professionalism. it doesn’t impact anyone, but it’s not fair to anyone else. that’s the main point of contention.

    2. @peanutbutterjelly I’m in agreement with you.

      Perhaps she felt fine initially, but her symptoms began to surface after she showed up to work, who knows. Honestly, if I were her costars, I would simply shrug it off. Is it unfair? Absolutely, but hey, that’s life. It happens… it’s not that serious unless it were to become habitual. But as far as we know, it seems like an isolated incident, which makes it rather harsh and petty (as you said) to label her unprofessional based on this ONE “bad call”.

  8. Are Chinese in China so old fashioned that they cannot talk about period? I do not know
    I do not live there. But it is not my impression esp. among the younger generation. I remember in a Korean adapted movie, the director changed the character of the ‘wife’ because he thought women in China is far from.submissive as portrayed in the Korean version.

    I think it is tv station fault. They should have explained that Angel was not feeling well but yet she insisted in partipating so we would avoid pushing her into cold water. That would have won her admiration instead of brick bats. When there is preferential treatment publicly, it is bound to raise eyebrows.

    1. @mangotango you would be surprised. The mentality is skewered that it makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time. I was wondering if the producers knew and told AB to still participate, but they will go easy on her. Of course , if this was the case, the viewers at home would not have known this and would jump all over her. No one can blame them as Angelababy is known as a spoiled, entitled diva, and a liar too. However when she talked about her period in public, the masses went into a frenzy as
      publicly discussing things like period is taboo in China

      About a year ago, a man divorced his wife because she was in the mood for love and she made the first move for some loving. Well, the caveman she married thought that women should not do that and divorced her

      More recently, after raising a bear as a pet for two years, the bear was given over to Animal Control Services because the lady of the house is afraid of bears. For two years she thought it was a dog. Go figures, lol.

  9. Shouldn’t have been that big of problem. Probably because of her excuse. If you follow the show from the beginning (Season 1), ABB always gets preferential treatment.

  10. “As reported in the BBC article, menstruation and tampons are considered to be topics that people in China find uncomfortable to discuss”

    I think BBC got it wrong, or their info is outdated. I’ve seen more than one Mainland China series that mentioned/showed mensuration and its related sanitary product. Chinese people are more open than BBC assumed.

    1. @kidd majority of the western world has a weird view of China. they probably think we’re all mystical and kung-fu fighting lol.

    2. @kidd
      i wonder who actually paid attention to this news other than the number of comments about this on jaynestars….

  11. personally.. i think she should have stayed home if she’s can’t perform her job. Getting or expecting special treatment because it’s her time of month is just ridiculous.

    as for all the suppose “racist” comments…..getting all politically correct and labeling everything as being “racist” is what is currently wrong with this country.

  12. I think we should all accommodate AngelaBaby for those 2-7 days a month because she believes that she is a God’s Gift, every man’s dream and the symbol of beauty. We should have go to inconveniences and make extra effort to adapt to her rehabilitation on a monthly basis….

      1. @happybi
        Angelababy is just a typical Hong Kong girl spoiled beyond recognition. Not attractive enough to be Fan Bing Bing or Sun li’s peronal assistant….

  13. It’s probably in her contract and her ability to dictate her terms is a testament of her popularity. So she gets a free pass. So what? It’s her agent’s negotiating skills.

    Anyway she has her valid reasons. She was honest. She could have said “I have fever” or something like that. Good she mentioned period.Because women do have that and it is very inconvenient for many though for some it is nothing. For many, it hurts, it stains, it is embarrassing.

    Let her be.

    1. @funnlim
      I didn’t ever see Venus Williams postpone her matches or request to play shorter matches because it is the wrong time of the month for her….

      1. @jimmyszeto Of course not but they are both in different scenario. One is a competetive game, losing a game means losing a point in the world ranking. The other is frankly just a game show. If it is in her contract, it is her right.

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